The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1464 The King’s Warning

The elemental realm of fire.

The edge of the Sea of ​​Ashes.

This is a world of fire that is completely different from the material plane. Except for the fire element, there are no magic particles with other elemental attributes at all.

The mountains, rivers, earth, and sky here are all made up of special forms of fire elements. Even if it is just a tiny handful of soil on the surface, it is filled with amazingly rich fire elements.

Most of the fire elemental creatures are ignorant and ignorant. They were born in the flames and wandered around in the fire elemental plane in a daze until the moment their consciousness died...

Only those fire elements that accidentally merge with external flames and become stronger step by step can give birth to true wisdom. Therefore, in the fire elemental plane, fire elemental creatures with extraordinary wisdom and the ability to independently control their lives are still very rare compared to the huge base.

The elemental realm is different from the material plane in that it is almost completely open.

The four elemental realms are like a public elemental realm. Any spellcaster in the material plane can obtain responses from the elemental plane through sacrifice, resonance, exchange, etc.

Just like the Flame Gate that Greem usually uses, he can open a door directly to the fire elemental world by sacrificing part of his mental power and flame energy, and recruit some elemental warriors from here to fight on his behalf.

And this is the core content of most fire summoning witchcraft!

Today, it is still an ordinary and peaceful day in the fire elemental plane.

But somewhere on the edge of the Sea of ​​Ashes, a dense portal suddenly opened, and Greem strolled out.

Unlike outside the territory, Greem felt inexplicably refreshed as soon as he stepped here.

In the air, the rich and lively fire element poured into his body like a tide, causing his long-suppressed human body to burst into flames like a pillar of fire that reached the sky.

And Greem's body also expanded and expanded in the raging fire, and it stopped growing until it was a hundred meters in size.

In addition to the changes in his body, the rules of fire in Greem's body were also materialized by the strong fire element here. Two flame haloes of different colors vibrated around Greem's body, swirling back and forth, and each time they intersected, they would shed little bits of magical light.

The rule system hidden behind the scenes of the fire element world was also triggered by Greem's flame rules, and some inexplicable things were introduced into Greem's body through the law chain. At the same time, some rules unique to Greem were also transmitted into the huge plane rule system...

The two are coupled and exchanged with each other, which triggers some changes in the flame rules!

Ordinary creatures cannot sense this kind of rule-level change, but they cannot hide it from the Flame King Gromus who is separated by a wall.

A majestic will of fire came across the sky and collided with Greem's spiritual consciousness.

Greem snorted, and the flames around him dimmed, and then suddenly burst into light under his urging, and withstood the opponent's 'barbaric collision'.

"It turns out it's you! I said an inexplicable soul emerged from there... Hey, you're already level 5!" Coming across the sky was none other than the Flame King Grom who had dealt with Grim. Sri Lanka's spiritual consciousness. Its movements were so rough and arrogant, not because it had any objection or hostility towards Greem, but because it was an instinct of the flame creature.

In other words, the flame creatures don’t even know the meaning of the word ‘gentle’!

With the intensity of Gromus' will attack just now, if Greem's mental power hadn't been greatly improved after advancing to level 5, he might have suffered the consequences of his body exploding and his mind collapsing at that moment.

"Hello, Flame Lord Gromus!" Although Greem is now on the same level as the other party, the other party has been promoted thousands of years earlier than him. This long-term seniority also requires a certain amount of respect.

"Although you human wizards are short-lived, I am really impressed by your enthusiasm for improving your level... However, human beings, since you have become level 5, you must abide by the rules here in the fire elemental plane. !" Gromus's sonorous voice echoed in Grim's mind.

"I was about to ask Your Majesty the King, what should I pay attention to when I move here?" Greem lowered his body and asked softly.

"There is nothing special that needs attention. After all, they are all powerful men who have transcended the extraordinary realm. As long as you do not invade the territory of other flame kings, you can do whatever you want here!" Gromus warned: "However, remember Stay and don’t go within a hundred miles of the residence of other flame kings, otherwise, it will provoke a war between kings!”

Greem took a breath of air, and then realized why Gromus's flame will pursued him as soon as his mental fluctuations dispersed.

"Seeing that you are an old acquaintance and have just entered the fire elemental plane and do not understand the rules here, I will not pursue you for this offense!" Gromus immediately passed on a huge distribution of forces. Picture, hehe said: "This is the distribution of the Flame King's power within a million miles around the Sea of ​​Ashes. You can find a territory that is not under the jurisdiction of the Flame King to settle down."

"There, any area you conquer can be used as your direct territory. However, don't massacre those flame natives who have independent consciousness for no reason. Otherwise, once the plane consciousness classifies you as an unwelcome individual, you will be You can no longer make any friends in the fire elemental plane!”

Grim nodded silently.

He knew that this was the other party repaying the favor of the Light Flame Divine Stone last time.

Although the two sides had a fair trade that time, the other party got the Light Flame Divine Stone, and Grimm got the knowledge of condensing the rule flame. But overall, the Flame King Groms still took a little "tiny" advantage.

If Grimm was still that insignificant little human wizard, the Flame King Groms would not care too much about it. But now that Grimm has become a 5th-level strongman comparable to it, it has to treat him fairly and try its best to win over this powerful wizard with huge development potential.

"Thank you, Lord Groms, I will get in touch with you as soon as I settle down!" Grimm got what he wanted, and naturally couldn't wait to say goodbye to the other party.

"Well, I wish you a smooth journey! I hope I can still sense your existence when I wake up next time..." After a muffled response, Groms's huge flame will instantly dissipated and returned to the depths of the Sea of ​​Ashes.

Elemental creatures are all lazy guys.

Because their life dimensions are different from those of plane creatures, even the most common fire element can easily live for a thousand or eight hundred years. And the life span of a fire king like Groms is more than 100,000 years.

Therefore, their concept of time is extremely long and loose!

Their favorite way to make friends is to slowly observe and taste each other's character and personality in units of thousands of years. To be honest, ordinary plane creatures are not qualified to be friends with them at all.

Because your vigorous life is just a small "moment" for them to take a nap or travel in the eyes of elemental creatures. When they turn around, you are already old and dead, so what qualifications do you have to communicate with them and talk about life!

Now Grimm has also become a 5th level, but his life span is only 1/10 of that of the other party. Therefore, Grimm was completely overjoyed that Groms could have such a "friendly" attitude.

After several consecutive flame jumps, he left the Sea of ​​Ashes and found a quieter place. Grimm then quickly communicated with the chip.

I used to think that I needed to interrogate several fire lords to get the topography and power distribution information inside the fire elemental plane, but now I can get it easily. Then the next step is to formulate an effective action plan.

"Chip, call out the topographic map you just got..."

In an instant, a super-large map model was projected into his mind.

The entire map was drawn with the Sea of ​​Ashes as the center.

The Ash Sponge extends for tens of thousands of miles, occupying the most central position on the map. The color is marked in red, and the crown representing the king of Groms is floating on it. The surrounding 200,000 to 300,000 miles is marked in yellow. This is the territory ruled by Groms's direct subordinates.

The entire Groms territory covers an area of ​​nearly 500,000 square kilometers, and the area ruled by it is equivalent to nearly 1/3 of the area in the middle of the continent where Grimm is located.

It may not sound like much, but you have to know that in the Fire Elemental Plane, there are hundreds of fire kings like Groms... and this is the most real and direct portrayal of the power of the Fire Elemental Plane.

Two of the four corners of the map have been painted dark red, which are the territories of the Fire Kings Thanos and Zetas.

One of them is level 5 and the other is level 6, and they are not powerful kings that can be easily provoked.

In this way, there are only large green territories in the southwest and northeast directions, which are all areas ruled by some scattered high, medium and low-level fire lords. If Grimm wants to settle down as soon as possible, he may have to make some plans on those level 4 fire lords.

Southwest and northeast...

Grimm's eyes slowly cruised in these two directions, and what came into his eyes were also completely unfamiliar place names and lord names.

Firebird Peak - Lord Zamok (Level 4)...

Burning Harbor - Flame Spirit (Level 3)...

Boulder Mountain - Molten Giant (Level 3)...

Land of Light - Phoenix (Level 3)...



It must be said that the hugeness of the Fire Elemental Plane has also created a huge community of flame creatures.

Various flame creatures, tribes, and tribes occupy pieces of land, where they reproduce, live, and grow from generation to generation.

Those that can be marked on the map are all large and medium-sized forces of Level 3 and 4, while those numerous small and micro forces are all ignored.

Even if Grimm is in a panic, he will not go after those small and micro forces.

After all, the Fire Elemental Plane is also a world with strict levels of rank. The greater the power, the better the flame land. Only those Jedi and dead places unique to the Fire Elemental World are the most suitable places for super-level creatures like Grimm to recuperate!

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