The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0141: The Battle Turns Around

Deep in the sea of ​​fire.

A cluster of steaming flames suddenly twisted and deformed, revealing Grimm's surprised and shocked face.

It must be said that for the elemental summoning magic puppets, sealing and expulsion are indeed their biggest enemies. Of course, these two types of witchcraft cannot damage the body of the magic puppet, but they can temporarily expel them from the battlefield.

With Alice's spatial attainments, even if the lightning giant struggles with all his strength, he will have to stay in that completely closed alien space for more than a quarter of an hour. During this period, Grimm will temporarily lose this brave general, and will have to face the aggressive Alice himself.

Slight ripples in the air.

Alice showed up in front of the huge sea of ​​fire that was a hundred meters wide, with a sweet and lovely smile on her face.

"Big brother, where are you? Are you playing hide-and-seek with the lovely Alice? Then you better hide well! Alice is coming to find you..."

The voice was sweet and charming, but the cold light in her eyes was chilling.

Grimm's face quickly solidified from another cluster of flames, and he smiled coldly at Alice: "You have really grown up and learned the sealing technique. Now I am in the fire scene, come in and catch me if you have the guts!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his face disappeared and degenerated into a sky-high flame with rolling heat waves. And he just took advantage of the home field and used the flame transmission to hide on the other side of the fire scene, and two wide space blades crossed the place where he had appeared before.

The flames were broken and the heat waves were exciting.

If he hadn't run fast, he would have been injured by Alice's terrifying space cutting.

And this is also the defensive tactic that Grimm tailored for himself.

After he successfully built a flame body, both elemental resistance and physical defense were greatly improved, but it still couldn't change his "short legs" problem. Among all the physical data, agility has now become his biggest shortcoming, and slow running has become his most fatal flaw.

In order to plug his own loopholes, Grimm used the high-temperature force field and the flame body to create a huge fire field. Then, relying on the abundant fire elements gathered in the fire field, Grimm finally achieved unimpeded rapid movement, and every now and then he could use the element nodes of the high-temperature force field to achieve a short-distance flame transmission in his dream.

This also means that if the enemy cannot break his flame home field, they can only swallow their anger and chase him behind him, appearing and disappearing, and endure his endless flame attacks.

Facing Grimm's provocation, Alice's smile on her face became even sweeter. She casually pulled out a winding and twisted space crack and threw it into the fire field, then twisted her body to avoid the terrifying hand grabbed by the flame transformation, and flashed to another place.

Alice was not in a hurry. She changed places after firing a shot. Each time, she pulled out a space crack more than half a meter long and threw it somewhere in the fire scene. As time went by, gradually, in addition to the lingering flames and heat waves, the fire scene was also densely covered with countless inconspicuous but slowly moving space cracks.

These space cracks constantly devoured the nearby flames, and any object that hit them would only silently leave. The sharpness is comparable to that of top-level magic weapons. Grimm hit them several times when he shuttled through the sea of ​​fire. If it weren't for the flame shield, I'm afraid that his flame body alone would not be able to withstand the cutting of such a sharp space blade.

And every time Grimm touched a space crack somewhere, the next second his position would be overturned by overwhelming space debris. That damn Alice was able to miniaturize many space cracks and throw them out like marbles.

Faced with such a barrage of attacks, Grimm could only use short-range flame transmission to avoid it.

However, as more and more space cracks appeared inside the fire scene, the number of nodes he could safely teleport to became less and less. Grimm was like a lone wolf that was slowly cornered by many hunters, and his tyranny and rage grew with time.

He had also thrown the Demon Crocodile Hunter out to distract Alice. Unfortunately, this earth-type magic puppet that had accompanied him through the first good times was riddled with holes by Alice's space fragments like a string of bullets as soon as it appeared, and was almost scrapped in advance.

It must be said that as Grimm's own strength increased, the enemies he faced became more and more powerful. A magic puppet like the Demon Crocodile Hunter, who only had high-level strength, could only become a cannon fodder and could no longer be the protagonist of the battlefield.

Under the poison of Alice's many space cracks, the sea of ​​fire created by Grimm became smaller and smaller, and many areas inside were also drained of elemental flames. Grimm was forced to reveal his body!

At this critical moment, Grim waved the scepter of the flame lord in his hand, and a tall fire giant appeared in the sea of ​​fire, blocking Alice's rain-like space magic for him.

For the first time since the war began, Alice stepped into the area covered by the fire.

Although Alice is arrogant and arrogant, she is not stupid! Before the fire was broken, she would not easily step into this home ground that did not belong to her.

But now as the flames retreated, the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire was reduced by more than half, and there were blank areas everywhere where the flames were missing. Therefore, facing the enemy who was beaten without the power to fight back, out of the consideration of wanting to humiliate the other party face to face, Alice finally stepped into the outer fire carefully.

Underfoot was a scorched black soil, and all the grass clippings and dregs were turned into ashes under the terrifying high-temperature flames, stirring in the air with the rolling heat waves. The air was filled with high-temperature traps and void flames, and there was no normal breathing air inside the fire scene. If Alice were an ordinary person, she would have been turned into a mummy by the high temperature, burned into coke by the flames, and choked to death by the filthy air.

Alice was like a cute little girl walking happily in the royal garden. She lifted her skirt lightly, tiptoed, and walked in the air half a meter above the ground. There seemed to be a completely transparent road under her feet, allowing her to avoid being contaminated by the thick vegetation ashes on the ground.

In this way, Alice swayed all the way, like a cheerful elf, step by step closer to Grim who was forced into the center of the fire field.

Greem was finally injured!

When he was moving inside the fire scene, he accidentally bumped into a meandering space crack. The ravaged flame shield collided with the space rift, and finally exploded into flame debris that filled the sky. Greem was unable to dodge, and his left arm was grazed by the space rift.

Silently, the flesh and blood on the arm disappeared, and even the golden arm bone inside had a huge gap. The edges were intertwined with canines, as if it had been bitten by a ferocious beast.

Bright red blood spurted out from the wound and flowed rapidly down Greem's arm. However, there were flickering flames attached to the blood, and from a distance, it looked like a small, winding and stretching fire snake. After becoming a body of flame, even the blood in Greem's body became different.

Mary, who was hiding and peeping from afar, couldn't help but lick her delicate red lips, feeling extremely heartbroken at the loss of these high-concentration flame blood. As for Greem's current dangerous situation, she turned a blind eye.

After being together for such a long time, she already knew this "cunning" little man too well. Fighting to the death to take advantage, preferring to die rather than suffer losses, this is the true portrayal of his life creed. Since he is willing to adopt such a masochistic posture, he must have a powerful means to defeat the enemy.

Just like Alice likes to admire the desperate struggle of her enemies face to face, Grim also likes to give his enemies the illusion that he is at the peak of his life. And what follows is the terrifying process of him using his methods to drive his enemies directly from the pinnacle of life into the bottomless abyss!

One step, two steps...

Three steps and four steps...

As Alice slowly approached, the two finally came face to face at close range again.

50 meters! For the two powerful quasi-witches, this is an extremely close distance within reach and audible breathing!

"Why, you don't want to struggle anymore? Without those elemental puppets, how can you possibly compare with me, the great Alice, in terms of your strength! Struggle! Wail! Let me tear this annoying face of yours to pieces... …Hahaha……"

With an extremely arrogant and high-pitched laugh, Alice tugged on the silver chain in her hand. Behind her, the solid efreet wrapped in thousands of rune chains collapsed instantly, and its entire body exploded into flames that scattered all over the sky.

And all of this added to her threat with infinite bullying and abuse.

Greem, who had all escape routes blocked by countless silver rune chains protruding from the void, still looked at the little Loli who was enjoying the pleasure of revenge with a smile on his face, and pointed behind her with his finger.

"Look behind you...look behind you...look behind you quickly!"

Alice looked up to the sky and let out a happy scream.

"Why, you have no other means? You actually want to use such boring means to steal..."

Before she could finish her words, a howling wind struck from behind, covering the sky and the earth with a fierce momentum, instantly covering the area where she was.

The temperature in the air was rising at a terrifying speed, reaching three to four thousand degrees in almost the blink of an eye. Countless pure white flames appeared in the void, burning through the space in an instant, making the space structure that Alice had always controlled with ease become unstable.

Alice looked back in shock.

A terrifying flame giant standing tall on the ground was leaning down and stretched out a big hand of flames covering the sky and the earth to grab her!


Screaming hoarsely, Alice knocked away the space in front of her and hid in the familiar endless void.

The big hand of flame roared past where she stood, and five deep grooves appeared on the ground for no apparent reason, and the inside was completely scorched. chapter;

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