The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0259: Alien Runes

Feidnan City, Wizard Tower. Tian『『Lai novel ww』w. 』⒉

Grimm sat quietly at the desk, spread out a piece of parchment, and slowly wrote out an unusually strange rune according to the memory in his mind.

Those alien runes have been sorted and screened by the chip. In addition to the 122 basic runes common to the two planes, there are 23 variant runes and 28 new runes. The so-called variant runes refer to the fact that these alien runes can vaguely find similar content in the rune system of the wizard world, but there are only slight changes due to the different power systems of the two planes.

However, in addition to the variant runes, the remaining 28 new runes are not available in the rune system of the wizard world. Therefore, in order to transform them into content that wizards can use, Grimm can only explore and create them one by one.

After 3 days of sleepless deduction, the chip finally analyzed a brand new rune and tried to transform it into a rune form recognized by the wizard world.

Like the rune he was writing on the parchment now, it represented "resurrection" in the knight plane, and engraving it in the rune array could bring people double the recovery power. But in the wizard world, as the rune was completed, a faint purple fluorescence began to gather on the parchment.

Then, a strange monster hand stretched out from the paper and slowly explored the surroundings.

And in the palm of the monster's hand, a strange pupil was opened.

The size of the pupil was about the same as that of a human eye, but the style of the white and purple pupil was indeed a bit scary. And what was even more scary was that it was still blinking, as if it was observing the situation here.

Grimm sat still, but the fire energy in his body was slowly gathering, and he asked in a deep voice: "Are you a monster or a life from another world? Can you understand what I say?"

The prompt of the chip in his mind also sounded.

"An abnormal force field fluctuation is detected, invading the subject's mental senses. It is initially judged to be an illusion effect. Please ask the subject to indicate whether to cut it off?"

The monster's hand finally stopped twisting aimlessly and pointed its palm at Grimm. The strange pupil suddenly closed, and when it opened again with a sizzling sound, it had turned blood red, and a tide of red smoke sprayed at Grimm's head and face.

Grimm, who could no longer bear it, shouted wildly, and a violent lava fireball exploded in front of him.

The lava shield that rose in time blocked the lava fragments and red magma that splashed everywhere, and the strange monster's hand also disappeared, and even the desk protected by witchcraft was completely destroyed, and the scene was in a mess.

Grimm sighed helplessly, released the witchcraft protection of the first-line residence, and mentally connected with the tower spirit of the wizard tower.

"Help me restore the room!"

"The scan found serious witchcraft damage. It is estimated that 35 magic crystals will be needed for repair. The cost has been included in your utility bill..."

After the mechanized tower spirit's voice disappeared, the residence that was eroded by the violent flames and hot magma immediately began to show visible changes.

The eroded pitted floor was restored again with a slight bulge, and the steaming hot magma seemed to be wiped by an invisible eraser and slowly disappeared in the scene.

After a while, the residence was restored to its original state!

After sealing the witchcraft defense of the residence, Grimm sat down at the desk again and communicated with the chip silently.

"Chip, did you record the process just now? What abnormalities were found?"

"Ding, the main body was attacked by an illusion, and the attack came from an unknown mysterious rune!"

"Illusion attack?"

Grimm couldn't help but start to ponder.

How did the expected recovery rune become a mutant rune of the illusion system? The gap between the two is too big! Is the chip deduction wrong? Or are those alien runes weird and incomprehensible?

Thinking carefully, the experience just now was too real. Until now, as soon as I close my eyes, the strange hand without bones and the abnormally flexible eyes can be reproduced in my mind. Such a scene is just an illusion?

In the last scene just now, the strange hand eyeball attacked me. If I don't resist, will I not suffer any damage?

Although there was a trace of doubt, Grimm immediately shook his head and denied this dangerous idea.

No, I must not make such a dangerous attempt! In this world, illusion is also a powerful force, and as long as it is a force, it has a certain degree of danger! So next time, even if I am sure it is an illusion, I must attack and defend.

After thinking about it, Grimm felt that he had been a wizard for too short a time, and the reserves of resources in all aspects were too insufficient. For example, the means of defending illusions and mental witchcraft are almost zero, relying entirely on the skyrocketing mental power after the promotion to resist, which is completely inconsistent with the nature of wizards who are good at using knowledge and resources.

As for the special items such as screaming branches obtained during the apprenticeship period, they are completely unusable when they reach the wizard level. If Grimm wants to get some magic items or witchcraft equipment that can be used by wizards, he can only pin his hopes on the Sky City.

After all, in the entire wizard continent, if we talk about the number and level of high-level magic items, the Sky City with a large number of esoteric wizards is definitely in the top three wizard forces. Even some powerful magic items that have appeared in Sanditalin are mostly from the Sky City.

It seems that before collecting witchcraft equipment that increases mental resistance, the research on these alien runes will be suspended for a while.

Just as Grimm was silently thinking about his recent research direction, a familiar mental wave came from the witchcraft protection of his residence.

Grimm connected to Korgan's mental link without hesitation.

"Come to the 12th floor, Lord Sanaza is back!"

Grimm's heart trembled. This Lord Sanaza is a genuine 3rd-level blood wizard, and her body is a terrifying venom dragon. Before, on the plane battlefield, Grimm saw her show her power and beat the green dragons to flee in embarrassment.

The return of such a powerful wizard is a sign that the knight's plane conquest is going smoothly, so the family can have the spare power to send her back to suppress the situation.

Grimm did not dare to neglect it. He came out of the 7th-floor residence and hurried to the 12th floor to meet the head of the family.

Sanaza is a female wizard of the 3rd level, but her face is always shrouded in a strange green mist, making it difficult to see a bit. When she sat high on a thick-backed stone chair and stared at everyone coldly, all the wizards could not help but lower their heads and dared not look directly at her body.

Even if they stood a little closer, the wizards could feel the slight tingling pain from time to time in their bodies.

This was the energy radiation caused by the overly strong witchcraft power of Lord Sanaza. As long as the other party did not take the initiative to restrain his power, they, a group of first-level wizards, could only endure it silently, but no one dared to have any dissatisfaction.

If the terrifying sixth-level wizard is compared to a small nuclear reactor, then the third-level Sanaza should be regarded as a nuclear material with extremely strong radioactivity, and the first-level wizards such as Grimm are at most some nuclear waste.

Therefore, the formal wizards who are as powerful as gods in front of ordinary mortals can once again experience the long-lost emotions of fear and trepidation when they face the high-level wizards whose strength is even more difficult to measure.

At this moment, there are only three wizards staying in the wizard tower, including Grimm. Even if the three wizards stationed outside are counted, the number of wizards in the entire Sarupo family headquarters is only 6. This number is indeed a bit thin for a medium-sized wizard family.

It can also be seen from this that the death of 8 family wizards in the Knight Plane has indeed weakened the strength of the Sarupo family.

This may also be the main reason why the great wizard Sarupo is eager to send Sanaza, a third-level wizard, back to the family's foundation to garrison.

After all, the wizard world is the root of all wizard families. Only by keeping the roots large and smooth can qualified wizards be continuously output to various secondary planes, making the entire family prosperous and powerful.

Wizard Sanaza leaned lazily on the stone chair, listening silently to Wizard Korgan's description of the recent changes in the family and the dynamics of the surrounding wizard families. When she heard that Grimm had fought two enemies at the border war seven days ago and had killed a wizard from the Black Hand Association, her eyes fell on Grimm through the hazy green mist.

For no reason, Grimm felt his body tighten, and the needle-like pain became clearer.

After enduring a difficult silence, Grimm finally heard the voice of Lord Sanaza.

"Before I came back, Lord Salupo mentioned you. He said that you are the most intelligent and ambitious among the first-level wizards of this generation in the family. This is good! If a wizard loses ambition, he will also lose the spirit of courage to explore and take risks. But if there is only ambition but no brains, it will turn adventure into recklessness, and bury oneself in vain in some situation beyond one's ability."

After speaking, Sanaza turned his head to Kogan and ordered.

"Send a message to that old ghost of the Black Hand Association and tell him that I, Sanaza, am back. If he dares to have any evil ideas against the Salubo family again, I will come to their door and eat them all!"

The ferocity and brutality in his words are chilling.

And Grimm has a feeling that her constant talk of eating the other party does not seem to be a threat, but something she can't wait to do.

"In addition, the family is in urgent need of new people, and you guys can't be idle. From today on, each family wizard must accept a few wizard apprentices and be responsible for their learning and teaching. The family will give double contribution points!"

This is actually what everyone thought of a long time ago.

So everyone nodded in agreement without any objection.

"Okay, since there is no objection, forget it! If you have anything in the future, find Kogan, don't disturb my sleep, otherwise..."chapter;

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