The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0260 Experimental Collaborator

Fedenan City, Wizard Tower. Tianlai novels ww『w. 『⒉

Greem saw the five apprentices assigned to him in his residence.

Two quasi-witches and three senior apprentices, all young.

Basically, anyone who can reach the level of quasi-witch or advanced apprentice before the age of fifty has the potential to become a wizard. And these are what the wizard family is willing to spend a lot of money to cultivate! As for those apprentices who had managed to raise their mental power to a high level through hard work, knowing that they had no hope of becoming wizards, they had already given up on this path early and went to the mortal world to enjoy the worship of local nobles.

Among the quasi-witches and advanced apprentices assigned to Greem, there was each a woman, who was quite delicate and beautiful. However, with Greem's elemental vision, he could easily see the faint fluorescence left after the witchcraft transformation on their faces.

It was obvious that these five wizard apprentices had already heard about Greem's terrifying reputation as a fire demon. They all stood in front of him, not even daring to take a breath. However, it can be seen from the flashing light in their eyes that they are still very satisfied with being able to become the fire demon's disciples, and their excitement and excitement cannot be concealed.

For some unknown reason, even Alice, who has always had her own way of doing things, came to this meeting.

She stood beside Greem with her hands on her hips. Her malicious eyes kept turning on the two female apprentices, and her dripping eyes kept moving, as if they were plotting something insidiously.

"This is our first meeting. Please briefly report your name and research direction!" Greem said slowly.

Upon hearing the mentor's request, the five apprentices looked at each other, and it was the thin male quasi-witch who stood up first.

"Kedar, talent affinity: dark element, just became a quasi-witch last year. I mainly study biological mutation, and have dabbled in animal transformation..."

"Meryl, talent affinity: earth element, became a quasi-witch this year. I plan to take the elemental wizard route, and currently do not have any supporting part-time jobs..."

"Amn, talent affinity: fire element, senior apprentice, part-time job in magic material processing..."

"Tori, talent affinity: illusion, senior apprentice, part-time pharmacist..."

"Lina, talent affinity: water element, senior apprentice, currently does not have a part-time job..."

Greem listened calmly, a blue light flickering deep in his deep pupils.

With the help of elemental vision, he has already captured the physical quality and mental strength level of these apprentices meticulously. The purpose of asking them to self-report their homes is purely to facilitate the creation of files for them and to complete their personal information.

Taking advantage of the chip's terrifying information collection ability, the five apprentices had just finished introducing themselves, and Greem had already received further hints from the chip in his mind. These five apprentices xxx have the potential to continue to progress. xxx's potential has been exhausted. They can only reach this point with the help of pharmaceuticals. xxx has excellent qualifications to develop in a certain direction...

Although he had classified these people into three, six or nine grades in his mind, Greem's young and handsome face still did not show any signs of it.

"Now that you are all under my name, from today on, you are also considered to be my apprentices under Greem. As long as anyone performs well, I will take it as a real disciple at my discretion." Greem looked around here and saw the light of excitement in the eyes of many people: "In addition, this is Alice, who is both my personal maid and your senior sister. If you have anything difficult to solve in the future, You can ask her for help!”

After hearing Grim's words, Alice immediately puffed up her chest and belly, acting like I was the eldest sister.

Several apprentices looked at each other and bowed to Alice at the same time. The expressions of the two young quasi-witches were relatively reluctant.

In the Wizarding Continent, there is a huge difference between apprentices and disciples.

The status of an apprentice can only show that you have studied with a certain master. If necessary, you can obtain the blessing of the master by virtue of your status as an apprentice. But the identity of a disciple is completely different. It is more similar to a witchcraft contract. The two parties will have a closer and clearer knowledge inheritance relationship.

At some point, if a wizard dies unexpectedly, his disciples have the right to inherit all his private property.

So in many cases, wizards are not willing to cause more trouble for themselves. Therefore, they often have a large number of apprentices, but there are very few or even no real disciples.

"According to the tradition of the Sarupo family, you become an apprentice in my name, and you have the right to obtain free knowledge from me. Every 7 days, you have the opportunity to ask questions for free, and senior apprentices can ask a question , quasi-witches can mention two. In addition, the subjects I have dabbled in include elemental puppet making, allology, anatomy, neurology and the basics of pharmacy... If any of you are willing to be my experimental collaborator, then it is relevant. He can share the research results of all subjects, and he can also use my laboratory for free!" Greem said expressionlessly.

After hearing his words, several apprentices couldn't help showing expressions of hesitation and hesitation.

Although here, they are the most precious treasures of the Salupo family, but not everyone dares to try to cooperate with the wizards in experiments.

Most wizards' experiments involve forbidden subjects, and the risks involved are self-evident.

Although the participating apprentices can share the results of wizard-level experimental research, the physical and mental damage of this experiment is unknown. Generally speaking, apprentices who are confident in their future will not choose this path. Only those who have exhausted their potential or are short of money will choose to take a gamble to win the attention and favor of the mentor.

"Dear mentor, I wonder what aspects of the experiment you mentioned are involved?" The quasi-witch named Kodar couldn't help but bow and ask.

"It's about illusion!"

The eyes of the apprentices couldn't help but fall on the senior apprentice Tole. He was the only one among them who was friendly to illusion, and was obviously more suitable to be the so-called "experimental collaborator"!

Feeling the burning but invisible pressure from the crowd, Tole stepped forward and bowed, saying, "Teacher, I am willing to participate in your illusion experiment!"

"Oh..." Grimm smiled gently, "Are you willing to be my experimental partner?"

"Yes!" Tole squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, "It is my honor to participate in your experiment!"

"Very good, then let's sign a witchcraft contract!"

Grimm nodded with satisfaction, and with a casual grab, a witchcraft contract scroll composed of pure flames condensed from the void, slowly floating in front of Tole.

Tole wiped his eyes, came to the front of the scroll and read all the terms in it carefully and meticulously. He felt that the content inside was no different from what Teacher Grimm had just said, so he carefully left his witchcraft mark on it.

With a sizzling sound, the witchcraft contract scroll turned into a ball of flame and disappeared in the air.

"If there is nothing else, you can go down. Toriel, get ready and come directly here at 7 o'clock tonight!" Grimm was in a good mood after getting an experimental subject as expected, and his face was more smiling than usual.

Several apprentices bowed and saluted at the same time, and slowly retreated.

Alice rolled her eyes and followed them out secretly.

It was not until an hour later that Alice came back with a proud look, like a little fox who had stolen a hen.

"How is it?" Grimm put down the book in his hand and asked lazily, "How many did you defeat?"

"Five! All five were defeated by me." Alice said with disdain and pride, "With their little strength, even if they are combined, they are not enough for me to fight with!"

Grimm frowned when he heard it, "You didn't hurt that Tole?"

"Of course not!" Since getting a piece of void stone from Grimm, Alice has been in a good mood these days: "I know he has a mission tonight, so I just trapped him in the space cage. He surrendered because he couldn't beat him!"

"What about those others?" Grimm asked curiously.

"I beat them all into pig heads and went back to apply medicine!" Alice clenched her fists and looked like a violent queen.

Grimm tilted his head and thought about it. He could fully imagine the helplessness of everyone facing the indestructible space barrier. To be honest, if it weren't for the crushing of the powerful magic puppet, Grimm's desire to suppress Alice with his fire talent alone would be a pure dream!

With her extraordinary spatial talent, Alice possesses attack power, defense power, and mobility that ordinary people can hardly imagine. With these three points, ordinary quasi-witches can't fight Alice, and can't run away.

Those who fight Alice will be in a state of wanting to cry but not being able to cry, and no one will answer their calls!


As soon as night fell, senior apprentice Tole came to Grimm's residence.

The experiment that Grimm arranged for him was also very simple.

A knowledge crystal used to store mental power, which hides ten extremely special witchcraft runes. What Tole needs to do is to write them out one by one, and record the physical changes and mental perception before and after each rune is written.

For this reason, Grimm also opened a secret room for Tole to complete this seemingly simple task. Of course, in every corner of the secret room, Grimm also secretly installed a lot of monitoring crystals, which can clearly transmit Tole's every move to Grimm in the adjacent secret room.

In order to encourage the senior apprentice who was chosen as a guinea pig, Grimm promised to provide him with three books on pharmacy for free.

So, the Toler walked into the secret room without hesitation. chapter;

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