The Wizarding Age

Limited Free Chapter 0284 The Unpredictable Witch

"Ding, an unknown force field is detected... The subject's mental perception is weakening. 『天乐精品www.⒉"

"Ding, a high-energy magic creature is sensed approaching, the breath is dangerous... Please move away quickly."

"Ding, external mental pressure is sensed, causing a threatening effect on the subject... Please instruct whether to fight back?"

"Ding, now..."


The old witch's death threat echoed in his ears, and the chip in Grimm's mind kept beeping. One after another, the danger alarms almost drove him crazy.

However, the more critical the moment, the more focused and sharp Grimm's mental power was.

Grimm was surprised to find that through the elemental vision fed back by the hostile perception, the whole mushroom house was red, and all the red dots representing the enemy were almost connected, but the only thing projected on his retina by the old witch's short and hunched figure was... a big yellow dot!

Red represents hostility, and the darker the color, the stronger the hostility. Green represents friendliness, and yellow represents neutrality, indicating that the target has no prejudice against him.

How is this possible!

The old witch was so determined to force herself, and she looked like she was going to kill herself in the next moment, how could she remain neutral?

Just when Grimm was in doubt and didn't know how to make a decision, the yellow dot representing the old witch turned from yellow to red, showing signs of turning to red.

It seemed that Grimm's indecision angered her, and the old witch gradually showed hostility!

No, no, the old witch's purpose did not seem to be simple. When she found out that Alice and herself had signed a slave contract, she did not seem to have much killing intention and remained neutral. But when she was forced to hesitate a little, she became murderous instead...

Grimm's mind was spinning wildly, and some traditions and secrets about the desperate witch faction quickly surged through his mind.

Grimm tentatively shouted: "If I give up this contract, will the adults let me go?"

Although the old witch had strange abilities and could force the witchcraft contract to manifest, she could not change the content of the contract at all.

After all, witchcraft contracts are basic rules protected by the laws of the plane. Unless the two parties who signed the contract willingly give up the contract, it is possible to cancel a contract that has already taken effect. Otherwise, even a great wizard cannot transcend the laws of the plane to cancel or change the content of the contract.

As soon as Grimm showed his intention to give up the contract, in his hostile perception, the old witch had completely become a big celebrity.

"Very good!" The old witch's sharp voice suddenly softened: "You can give up this contract now. As long as this contract disappears, I will stay, and you can take the soul-losing water away!"

If there is no hostile perception of the chip, perhaps Grimm would really be deceived by the other party's superficial illusion at this moment. Although the old witch said it well, and even squeezed out an ugly smile on her face, Grimm felt a chill in his heart and instantly understood the other party's true position.

Since he had understood the other party's intention, Grimm immediately took action without hesitation.

"ue1rar!" With a loud shout, Grimm grabbed the air with his left hand, and the voodoo scroll appeared silently in his hand. The thick witchcraft book opened with a snap, and the tough kraft paper began to flip quickly, and soon stopped on a certain page.

Red light burst out from the witchcraft book, and the runes, marks, lines, and images on the pages began to light up one by one, and quickly outlined a virtual image of a rolling flaming fireball above the page. With the rapid injection and filling of the red light in the sky, the virtual image of the fireball turned from virtual to real, and soon turned into a terrifying fireball with a diameter of one meter.

And with Grimm's mental power guiding, the exploding fireball immediately locked onto the old witch with a sneer, and blasted over with a whoosh.

The distance between the two sides was less than 5 meters, and the speed of the fireball was so fast that it flew in front of the ugly witch almost as soon as it was stimulated.

At the same time, Grimm waved his right hand and pushed Alice to the door of the mushroom house, whispering in a stealthy and quick voice: "You go first, I'll be there soon. Hurry..."

Alice was obviously confused by the scene in front of her, and turned around and ran out of the door in a daze.

This series of actions seemed extremely complicated, but in fact, it was only a short moment in the eyes of everyone in the field.

Wizards have always been good at mental power, and their thinking activity and operation speed are far beyond ordinary people. Coupled with the meticulous mental perception, so for others, it is just a moment of daze, but they have already changed seven or eight ideas and put these ideas into practice one by one.

Grimm observed the reaction of the old witch through the chip perception.

There was a strong force field disturbance outside the other party, making it impossible for the chip to spy on the slightest information in her body. But when the other party's mental thoughts fully oppressed Grimm's mental perception, the chip could quickly analyze the other party's basic intentions through every subtle change of the spirit and elements in the surrounding environment.

Such a meticulous ability may not be very useful in a formal battle.

Given the terrifying ability of the opponent's Level 2 witch, I'm afraid that any Level 2 witchcraft is not something Grimm can withstand. Even if he analyzes the opponent's intentions in advance, what does it matter? The attacks that cannot be blocked are still unblocked, and the attacks that you want to avoid are still unavoidable.

The gap in strength is there!

Battle skills and experience can only be used against opponents of the same level. As for cross-level battles? That is a suicidal act of seeking death and self-destruction!

So Grimm used the chip to monitor and observe the changes in the old witch's hostility. It was not for fighting with the other party at all, but to verify whether his guess was correct!

As expected, when Grimm "bravely" attacked her, the hostility of the old witch Lianna inexplicably subsided a lot. And when Grimm tried his best to "protect" Alice from leaving, the hostility of the old witch completely subsided, and even her position changed from neutrality to light green friendliness.

Bingo, the bet was right!

Grimm was refreshed and immediately turned around and ran without hesitation.

The stage has been set up, and it depends on how the old witch ends!

A moment later, Grimm and Alice were tied back by the terrifying black python.

What Grimm didn't expect was that the terrifying black python was actually a level 2 monster, and it was also the pet of the old witch Lianna. Therefore, when it swung its long tail, the black, scaly snake tail stretched to more than ten meters long, easily wrapping up Grimm and Alice, who had lost their ability to cast spells.

And the explosive fireball that Grimm used the voodoo scroll to stimulate was sucked into the belly by the black python's big mouth, and then the fireball exploded, and a faint black smoke spewed out of the black python's nostrils.

Swallowing and digesting an explosive fireball, and the black python was not injured at all, which made Grimm change color with horror. The strong confidence that he had built up after the battle with the level 2 shining knight in the other plane was instantly smashed to pieces, and it was broken beyond repair.

Damn, how can the level 2 in the other plane be so different from the level 2 in the wizard world!

"You are pretty good! Hehehe..." The old witch's face showed a rare scary smile: "For this little girl, you dared to take the initiative to attack a level 2 wizard. No wonder this little girl is so willing to become your slave! Not bad, not bad, really not bad..."

Grimm and Alice both showed confused expressions on their faces, as if they were confused by the scene in front of them.

It's just that one was pretending, and the other was really confused!

Seeing the two people, one big and one small, staring at her with confused eyes, the old witch Lianna jumped off the high wooden stool with difficulty and turned to the front of the wooden table. She leaned on the long staff with one hand and held the corner of the black robe dragging on the ground with the other hand. She squinted her eyes and looked at the two again, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"I know you are full of doubts. But I don't have that much time to explain anything to you. Hey, boy, your little maid needs to stay with me for ten days. After ten days, you can come and take her away! Before that, I need to teach her how to be a real witch! And you... can leave."

As the witch Lianna paused with the long staff in her hand, Grimm felt a flash of light in front of his eyes.

The next second, he was alone at the entrance of the dark swamp.

And a black pottery jar was held in his arms!

Grimm raised his head and looked at the dark swamp where the fog was getting heavier and it was difficult to distinguish the scenery inside. His eyes revealed a complex and incomprehensible mood.

After a while, he finally shook his head and left here.


Seven days later.

Guliat Arena.

As a special arena for the ultimate wizards, Guliat is famous in the entire outer ring area. Many ultimate wizards who encounter disputes also like to come here to resolve their conflicts in a competitive way.

Today, the Byron family from the Sandy Tallindagon area will have a puppet battle with the Greto family from the northern part of the Silver Alliance to decide each other's residence rights.

If the Greto family wins, it means that the Byron family has lost its last foothold in the Sky City, and will never have the opportunity to participate in the internal resource purchase rights of the Silver Alliance again. If the Byron family wins, as the challenger, the Greto family will have to pay a large amount of resources.

It is said that the huge amount of resources is enough to empty the resource treasure house of a small family!

Therefore, this puppet battle has also attracted the attention of many shop owners and garrison wizards.

They either want to see with their own eyes how the Byron family has declined, or simply want to collect some basic data on the battle puppets. Before the battle began, the seats for spectators in the arena had been sold out, and it became difficult to get a ticket. chapter;

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