The Wizarding Age

Free Chapter 0285 Arena

The circular stands, the huge oval battle space, the indestructible energy shield, and the enthusiastic audience...

The Guliat Arena, in terms of architectural structure and appearance design, is no different from the ancient arena in Grimm's impression.

Therefore, when Grimm followed the wizards of the Byron family and slowly walked into the arena, the arena was dead silent. All the wizards and apprentices sat quietly in their seats and looked at them with ambiguous eyes.

After seeing Grimm, some familiar wizards in the stands couldn't help but gather together and talk in a low voice. However, only seeing their lips move slightly, no sound came out, obviously they were communicating through the telepathy.

"Don't be nervous! All the tricks, our Byron family will take it for you, you just need to work hard to defeat the opponent." Wizard Nanali gritted her teeth and sent a message to Grimm: "Remember, you must win!"

Although it was known that this would bring extra pressure to Grimm, at this moment, the Byron family had no other way out. Therefore, after Nanali fiercely "cheered" Grimm, she sat down silently and said nothing more.

Angus smiled awkwardly, and also gave Grimm an ambiguous look, and did not say much.

The arena battle space is a full mile in diameter, and the ground has been hardened to a considerable extent, which is more than enough to withstand the battle between two puppets inside. There are about 200 seats in the audience seats outside the arena, and they are all full. Among them, there are about 40 to 50 wizards, and the rest are elite apprentices sent by various families.

Just as Grimm looked around calmly, the arena suddenly became a little agitated.

"Here it comes! It's coming..."

"Look, that guy is coming again..."

"This time we can see the puppet knight killing everyone..."


For a while, the arena was noisy and full of discussions.

Grimm retracted his gaze and turned his head to look, just in time to see a tall and mighty metal war puppet following a group of wizards step by step and walked into the arena. Before the team approached, the heavy footsteps of the metal dolls and the unique friction sounds of the mechanism were already coming.

There were 7 wizards, both male and female.

They all wore a family emblem with a roaring bear head on their chests. They were wizards from the Greto family.

The one walking in front was a bald strong man wearing thick copper armor. As a level 2 wizard and the patriarch of the Greto family, as soon as he entered the arena, his eyes were entangled with the wizard Nanali, revealing deep hatred.

Such a scene made Grimm deeply doubt that in addition to the gambling fight between the war dolls, there should be other conflicts between the two families. However, at this moment, both sides had no room to retreat, so Grimm abandoned any inappropriate thoughts and turned his attention to his opponent, the puppeteer and his puppet knight.

Grimm swept his eyes across the 7 wizards on the opposite side, and soon found the puppeteer among them.

Of course, this is not because the puppeteer is different from other wizards, but the information given to him by the Byron family contains a holographic image of this puppeteer.

This is a wretched old man with a short stature, wrinkled face, and a sheep's beard. Detecting his aura, it seems that he is not much stronger than himself. Preliminary estimation shows that his mental power is not more than 10 points, otherwise Grimm would not be able to detect the strength of his aura.

After this period of precipitation, Grimm has a preliminary understanding of the first-level wizard.

As long as the wizard's heart core is successfully condensed and the power of the plane law can be initially realized, it can be considered as a formal wizard. Under normal circumstances, the mental power of a new wizard is only 1 point, and the most basic condition for becoming a second-level wizard is to reach 21 points of mental power.

So the peak state of a first-level wizard is just to push the mental power to 20 points!

A peak-level wizard has 20 points of mental power, while a new wizard has 1 point of mental power. Although the true combat power of both sides cannot be simply judged by the level of mental power, the difference in strength between the two sides can be seen from this.

For a level 1 wizard, 10 points of mental power is usually used as a threshold. If you cross this threshold, you can be called an elite wizard, and if you don't cross this threshold, you will always be a novice rookie.

For example, Anderson, the wizard who died in Grimm's hands, has been promoted for more than 300 years, but he has never crossed the 10-point mental power threshold. This kind of guy who has no potential for improvement can only be called a veteran wizard until he dies, and he is not qualified to put the word "elite" on himself.

It has to be said that nearly 60% of the level 1 wizards in the wizard continent will find it difficult to cross this threshold in their lifetime!

And the puppeteer Runo of the Greto family in front of him has obviously burned most of his life, but his mental power still remains at the level of a formal wizard. From this, it can also be seen that he has no possibility of impacting a level 2 wizard at all.

It can be said that this is also an embarrassing reality that the esoteric wizards cannot avoid.

Spending too much time looking for a better magic gold formula, searching for the ideal rare metals everywhere, constantly improving and optimizing the puppet wizard array, and carefully creating their own ultimate magic puppets... Each of these items, one by one, requires the esoteric wizard to spend years and months. If these times are added up, it will soon burn up the glorious and great life of an esoteric wizard!

So in general, there are very few high-level wizards of level 3 or 4 among the esoteric wizards, and even fewer great wizards above level 5.

Even the high-level wizards and great wizards that the Silver Alliance has now rarely advance through their own efforts. Most of them are cultivated by the Silver Alliance at all costs because of their outstanding contributions, and they are produced by spending resources.

Such people are called the Chosen Ones among the esoteric wizards!

So for those with mediocre talents, if they know that they have no hope of advancement, it is better to devote themselves to the esoteric wizards. In this way, once they put forward some groundbreaking new knowledge and new routes in the esoteric route, they may be favored by the Silver Alliance Council and become the Chosen Ones.

Unfortunately, this Runo puppeteer is obviously neither a person with outstanding potential nor qualified to be the Chosen One, so his strength is neither good nor bad, and it seems that he is a few points weaker than Grimm.

However, today's competition is about puppet combat power, not puppeteer combat power, so Grimm glanced at Runo and focused his attention on the metal puppet behind him.

This is a metal war puppet with a human knight's appearance. Silver-white metal armor, a full-face metal helmet, and a huge sword and shield on its back. Although it is not as flexible as a human when walking, it is much smoother and more agile than ordinary puppets.

Seeing that the two families who applied for the duel have arrived, the silver wizard who has been waiting on the sidelines finally spoke.

"Since you are all here, let the magic wizard you selected enter! Remember, the most important rule of the magic competition is that wizards are not allowed to attack each other directly, and can only fight with their own golems, puppets, and puppets. Any party that violates the rules of the competition will be directly judged as a loser, so please use your witchcraft with caution! Okay, enter now!"

Although this silver-robed wizard is only level 1, he represents the Silver Alliance, so even the level 2 wizards of the two families dare not ignore him. Grimm and Runo stepped forward quickly and stood in front of the silver-robed wizard.

The silver-robed wizard first looked at the puppet knight, and his face showed admiration and expectation. However, when he looked at Grimm, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned: "Your name is Grimm, representing the Byron family? Where is your puppet?"

Grimm took out the summoning crystal core from his waist bag and threw it gently. With a bang, the flame burst, and a tall and mighty giant was born from the flame, standing quietly in place.

"Elemental puppet!"

"He actually used the elemental puppet to fight the puppet. The Byron family must be crazy..."

"Yes, yes, doesn't the Byron family have any common sense. Would it be a big disadvantage to use the elemental puppet to fight the puppet..."

The noisy sound waves immediately rose up and poured into the ears of the Byron family from all directions.

The cold mental fluctuations of the wizard Nanali hovered in the field for a while, and the noisy waves of discussion disappeared instantly. No matter where they are, a level 2 wizard is worthy of respect. At least before humiliating the Byron family, they should also think about whether they have the ability to bear the anger of a level 2 wizard!

Everyone saw it clearly.

The wizard who represented the Byron family was obviously an elemental wizard, and he brought an elemental puppet to the battle. Any of these two things foreshadowed the loss of the bargaining chips in the battle. And the two combined, I am afraid there will be no victory.

So what if the elemental wizard is powerful? In the mystery competition, wizards are not allowed to attack any targets other than their puppets, and the powerful combat power of the elemental wizard is equivalent to wasting. Moreover, the elemental puppet is too weak to withstand the ravages of the puppet's steel and iron bones, so the outcome of today's battle seems to have been doomed.

The silver-robed wizard couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, waving his hand to signal the two to enter the arena.

Runo led the puppet knight, and Grimm led the Flame Tyrant. Both sides entered the arena from a temporary light screen.

As the light screen slowly disappeared, the arena became a closed space again.

Looking out from the inside, you can see a gray light shield that completely covers the place. The scene outside is replaced by a hazy fog, and no objects can be seen or heard.

It seems that this is also an arrangement to avoid outside interference with the competition!

Grimm brought the Flame Tyrant to the light shield on one side and stood still. When he turned around, he was met with the sinister sneer of Runo.

"Boy, admit defeat early! Otherwise, the puppet will be torn to pieces in a while, don't feel sad!"

Grimm shook his head and laughed, and didn't bother to pay attention to the guy who was about to be defeated.

"I declare that the battle begins now!" The voice of the silver-robed wizard suddenly rang in the arena.

Grimm immediately took out a bottle of gray potion from his arms and poured it into his stomach in one breath.


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