The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0035 Experimenting with Magic Puppet

This is a 1.7-meter-tall, 200-pound (about 200-jin) humanoid mud puppet.

The earthy yellow body full of rough particles is made of loose and wet mud, with obvious trunk, limbs and head, but all the outer surfaces are quite rough, without the delicate and numerous limb joints of humans.

The lower limbs of the mud puppet are two thick mud pillars, and there are some signs of fusion where the bottom touches the mud. The two arms can bend and twist freely, and the pair of large hands like cattail leaves can hold freely. The head and face are blurred. If Grimm had not communicated with the spirit and barely outlined some of the outlines of the eyebrows and eyes, otherwise the mud puppet would definitely condense into a mud ball if it was allowed to choose by itself.

From a distance, the mud puppet looks like a bald strong man wearing yellow leather armor. If he puts on a robe, it is possible to deceive the enemy.

Grimm drove the mud puppet to come in front of him.

The Mud Demon Golem is indeed an earth-type puppet creature. Such a heavy body is silent when walking on the soft and wet muddy ground. It is lighter than the agile mountain leopard, and there is no trace of the ground it has walked on. However, the residual earth element is a bit stronger!

When Simba's heart core was captured, Simba's soul was also collected. The direct consequence of such a high-quality monster heart core is that the Mud Demon Golem in front of him has intermediate wisdom and is no longer as dull as ordinary golem puppets. Grimm only needs to give a vague command through the consciousness rune imprint, and it can execute it well.

Looking at the Mud Demon Golem standing in front of him, Grimm reached out and touched it. The surface of the skin was rough and hard, and it did not become defensive because the element of the composition was mud. Grimm took out a dagger and stabbed the waist of the Demon Golem a few times. Each time it slipped past, leaving only a series of white shallow marks on it. And these shallow marks quickly disappeared in the earthy yellow fluorescence.

Well, it has basic defense, can effectively avoid damage from small weapons and piercing weapons, and has a certain self-healing ability. In general, the basic defense of the mud puppet is comparable to that of a human warrior wearing a full set of leather armor. It is definitely not as good as the stone man and the iron man in terms of defense. The only bright spot is that it can heal itself.

Grimm circled around the mud puppet, and always felt that the 1.7-meter height was not majestic enough to deter the enemy, so he couldn't help but try to make the mud puppet bigger.

As Grimm's order was issued, the mud puppet standing quietly began to slowly grow taller and thicker, but the body of the earth that was originally as solid as a solid object became soft and misty. When it expanded to more than 4 meters high, the whole body was gray, and the originally solid body turned into an aerosol-like earth element.

What's going on?

After communicating with the chip, Grimm realized that the monster that created the mud puppet was only at the level of a senior apprentice, so the total amount of earth elements it could control was only 200 pounds. Exceeding this weight would be beyond its capabilities.

1.7 meters in height is also the best height obtained by the chip after a lot of calculations. Under this body shape, the density of the earth element can reach the most reasonable level, maximizing the defensive effect. Once the height is stretched, the defense of the mud puppet will drop sharply while the total amount of earth elements remains unchanged. In this way, although the height is increased, the body is also weak. How can the safety of the crystal core hidden in the body be guaranteed?

Grimm had no choice but to restore the mud puppet to its basic body shape.

Now we need to verify the basic skills that the mud puppet has mastered.

The weakened version of the earthquake spell is an active skill. When it is turned on, the ground around the mud puppet will vibrate slightly as it moves. Grimm experienced it and found that this vibration had a greater impact on small creatures. They couldn't even stand steadily around the mud puppet, let alone attack. It also had a significant impact on medium-sized creatures. As for large creatures, it was completely ineffective.

The second active skill tested was mud throwing.

For this reason, Grimm ordered the mud puppet to lead the three lurking ghosts out of the nearby mud. So, the mud puppet and the three ghosts staged a "dragon-tiger fight" in front of Grimm.

Seriously speaking, the semi-summoned elemental monster of the mud puppet restrained the ghosts, who had no attack and no defense, in all aspects. Even if the three ghosts pounced on its tough and dense mud body, biting and scratching, the claw marks left disappeared in an instant. And the heavy fist of the mud puppet hit the ghost, leaving a deep dent.

Under Grimm's instruction, the Mud Demon Golem grabbed a ghost woman, squeezed her body until it creaked, and then threw her out fiercely. While her body was still gliding in the air, the Mud Demon Golem grabbed with one hand, and a mud spear more than one meter long appeared in his hand.


The spear flew out, pierced through the fragile body of the ghost woman, and nailed her to a crooked ghost tree growing beside the pond. As a strange monster, the ghost woman's vitality was also unusually tenacious. Even though her body was pierced through the chest by a spear as thick as a goose egg, she still struggled hard.


The second spear flew out and shot directly through the ghost woman's head. The unlucky ghost finally drooped his hands and feet powerlessly and did not move.

At this time, the other two witches were still hanging on it like mad dogs biting flesh and bones. The mud demon puppet opened its two big hands to tear them off and threw them to the ground. While they were struggling to get up, the mud demon puppet raised its hands high. After a violent fluctuation of earth elements, countless ground spears rose from the ground where the witches were hiding, piercing the two of them alive into skewers.

For a moment, the three witches were all killed, and the mud demon puppet was not damaged at all.

Grimm watched the whole battle process completely, and the chip was constantly collecting actual combat data to formulate more optimized combat methods and means for this mud demon puppet.

Soon, the detailed combat data of the mud demon puppet was projected into Grimm's mind.

Mud demon puppet.

Combat type semi-summoned puppet creature.

Strength Assessment: Senior Apprentice (Inferior)

Basic Attributes: Strength 12 Agility 4 Constitution 14 Spirit 7

Talented Skills (Active):

Earthquake, range \u003c5 meters, vibration intensity has obvious effect on small creatures, medium creatures have ordinary effect, large creatures and above have no effect. Cooling Time: None.

Mud Throw (single), earth attribute piercing single spell, physical attack 12 points (affected by strength attribute), earth attribute damage 7 points (affected by spirit attribute). Attack Range: 5 to 80 meters. Cooling Time: 3 seconds.

Earth Spear (Range), earth attribute piercing range spell, physical attack 7 points, earth attribute damage 5 points. Spell Range: 10x8 meters. Cooling Time: 11 seconds.

Talented Skills (Passive):

Mud Self-Healing, a triggered earth attribute passive ability, can extract earth elements from the soil under your feet to make up for your own losses. It can repair 7% of body damage every 1 minute.

With this combat data, Grimm finally understood the clay puppet he had created.

Looking at the basic data of the clay puppet, it is only the quality of a mid-level wizard apprentice, but with the advantages of self-healing and fearlessness, it can also exert the basic combat power of a high-level apprentice.

According to Grimm's understanding, the witchcraft attack of a high-level wizard apprentice is basically between 20-30 points, which will fluctuate slightly due to the individual's mental strength. The defensive witchcraft of a high-level apprentice has a defense degree of basically between 30-40 points, and it is difficult to withstand two attacks from an opponent of the same level without collapsing.

So from this aspect, the attack power of the clay puppet is still a bit weak. If it really encounters an opponent at the level of a high-level apprentice, the clay puppet still needs Grimm's witchcraft assistance to defeat the enemy. After all, Grimm's flame arrow attack also has 13-18 points of physical damage and 6-7 points of fire damage. This needs to be coordinated with the mud magic puppet. One round of attack can still break the defense witchcraft of the senior apprentice.

Once the witchcraft protection is lost, those non-body-refining wizard apprentices are lambs that can be easily killed and are not worth mentioning at all. Therefore, as long as they don't encounter perverts like the evil insect Entik and the terrifying little loli Alice, Grimm and the mud magic puppet can still fight against the high-level apprentices.

Unfortunately, this time the task of exploring the dark crypt has exceeded the scope of the senior apprentices. At that time, it is likely that the first-class quasi-witches will arrive, so Grimm still seems to be alone with a mud magic puppet.

According to the task requirements, if they want to arrive at the task location in time, they must set off in half a month. So for Grimm, he only has 15 days to prepare. In such a short time, it is obviously too late to improve my witchcraft ability, so I must continue to tap the potential of the alchemy puppet in front of me, so that my strength can have an explosive growth in the short term.

Grimm thought for a long time on the spot, and finally cast his eyes on another swamp shrouded in thick fog in the distance.

That is the habitat of the swamp giant crocodile, and the swamp giant crocodile seems to be a kind of earth-type monster.

If the crocodile king inside is killed, there is a great possibility of obtaining a suitable earth-type crystal core. As for the water-type crystal core, Grimm thought about it for a long time, and couldn't think of any monster in the magic swamp that meets this requirement.

Well, I will fight with this group of swamp giant crocodiles these days!

Grimm said viciously to the swamp in the distance with a fierce look in his eyes.

After speaking, he waved his hand at the mud magic puppet, and the summoned puppet, which was more than one person tall, fell apart with a crash. Without the restraint of the earth element, a large amount of mud collapsed and formed a small mound.

Grimm took out the summoning crystal core from it, held it in his hand and observed it. One of the two originally lit energy nodes had dimmed. At this rate of energy loss, the mud puppet with all four nodes lit up can probably fight for three quarters of an hour with high intensity. If the intensity of the battle is lower, it will last longer.

The mud puppet's energy reserve is not sufficient, and it is not suitable to hunt the crocodile king today. Therefore, Grimm put away the summoning crystal core, ignited the twisted and broken bodies of the three ghost women with the burning hand, pulled up his hood, and quietly sank into the swamp fog.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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