The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0038 Swamp Crocodile King

The next day, Grimm was lucky enough to see two "green dwarfs" full of stench in the tower.

These were obviously two unlucky people who were attacked by the mud monster, and even more unlucky, they triggered the shrinking curse, so they became what they are now. However, before Grimm could carefully inquire about the reason, the two "green dwarfs" discovered Grimm's arrival and stood in the distance, glaring at him with gritted teeth.

Facing their angry glares, Grimm was completely confused about the situation and could only submit the item transaction information to Danny as soon as possible, and then turned around and left.

Danny is also the most popular among the wizard apprentices. He has set up an underground market by selling demand information. Grimm came this time to send out the sales information of the swamp giant lizard eggs and magic iron ore. If there are interested apprentices, they will naturally come to him to exchange goods. And he also took the opportunity to buy a few more practical small items from Danny at a high level.

Today's swamp tower is undoubtedly much more lively and noisy than before. Most wizard apprentices no longer stay in their own residences, but choose to go out and exchange the latest information with familiar "friends". The compulsory tasks promoted by Anderson wizard master are like a heavy bomb, which has turned the lives of the apprentices in the tower upside down.

All apprentices were forced to interrupt their research projects and pay close attention to the progress of the situation.

After all, there are only a few apprentices who can choose their tasks at the first time yesterday, and more apprentices are still waiting and hesitating. It can be seen that the release of this task was launched by the Sanditallin Wizard Association, which also means that when they do the task, they will form a temporary team with wizard apprentices in the entire Sanditallin area and become teammates fighting side by side.

This situation has never happened before, so it brings freshness to the apprentices in the tower, but also brings infinite fear and anxiety.

Grimm walked slowly through the apprentices who were talking and walked slowly in the public hall on the second floor. When the wizard apprentices who gathered in twos and threes saw him, they could not help but shut up and keep silent, with a hint of rejection in their eyes. Even the few "lone wolf" apprentices who could usually talk to him kept away from him, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Grimm was like a lone wolf rejected by the wolf pack, walking slowly in the grass, but could not find a partner willing to accept him. He pulled up his hood, covering his face, and turned to leave the hall.

Only three strong men could make everyone stay away from him, and that Allen was not qualified at all.

Grimm had no intention of exploring why the three strong men showed hostility to him. Anyway, it was probably related to Mary in Red. The only thing he cared about now was how to strengthen his strength in the short term so that he could survive the terrible exploration mission.

While no one was paying attention, Grimm slipped out of the wizard tower again.

When he appeared near the mud swamp again, Grimm finally felt the desolation here.

No matter how smelly and desolate this place was, you could always find groups of ghosts hiding at the edge of the swamp waiting for prey in your spiritual perception. However, standing at the edge of the pool today, Grimm scanned countless times and did not find a few red dots representing ghosts.

There are four or five large stinking pools within the field of vision. According to past habits, there will be a group of ghosts living in each pool. There are as many as 20 to 30, as few as seven or eight, which always looks prosperous.

Unfortunately, after a great battle, the largest group of ghosts in the core quagmire suffered heavy damage, and the ghost groups in these marginal areas were almost exterminated, which looked miserable.

But it's better this way, so that I don't have to spend more time and effort.

Grimm came out specifically to kill demons today, so he urgently needs a large battlefield. Even if those ghosts were not killed by Alice, they would not be able to escape his slaughter today.

After another round of inspection, he trampled all the surrounding terrain, letting the chip record all the terrain information into the brain, and then Grimm took out the mud puppet again.

After more than ten hours of recovery, the four energy nodes on the summoning crystal core were full of earth element energy, and it was the best time to summon the mud puppet.

Grimm threw the summoning crystal core to the edge of the quagmire. As soon as the crystal core came into contact with the soil and water vapor, large groups of earth-yellow smoke and dust immediately rose. These are not real gaseous smoke, but too dense earth element particles.

The earth element is gathering rapidly, and driven by an inexplicable consciousness, the wet soil begins to rise and twist, and soon condenses into a humanoid mud puppet of similar height to Grimm in front of him.

It's a pity that this is not a stone puppet or an iron puppet, otherwise the defense must be ten times higher, and it may be able to compete head-on with the crocodile king in the plot. You get what you pay for! The clay puppet is cheap and good, but its defense is only similar to that of a human warrior wearing a full set of leather armor. It is really difficult to resist the sharp fangs with amazing bite force and the powerful long tail swing of the swamp crocodile.

However, the swamp crocodile is not without weaknesses. Otherwise, with the crocodile king's powerful strength comparable to that of a senior apprentice, Grim would have to be crazy to find trouble with it.


It was early morning, and the mud swamp was still quiet.

Less than half a mile away from the stinking pool where the witches lived was the vast swamp where the swamp crocodiles lived. Here, twos and threes of terrifying giant crocodiles were lying in the grass on the shore, still sleeping soundly.

However, just as they were enjoying their relaxed and comfortable life, with a loud splash, a crooked figure was carried into the swamp where they lived.

Look at the messy and mossy hair, the black and dirty claws, the skinny but still strong body... It turned out to be their neighbor, the ghost woman.

As the native creatures of the magic swamp, all powerful monsters have their own fixed territories and territories, and they are clearly divided and do not interfere with each other. But today, this smelly and filthy ghost woman dared to invade the territory of their swamp giant crocodiles, which made the giant crocodiles who woke up from their dreams furious.

Without saying a word, seven or eight giant crocodiles jumped out of the grass and sank into the swamp and disappeared. Only water lines on the water surface quickly extended to the place where the ghost woman fell into the water.

For some reason, the witch who fell into the water had her hands and feet broken. She had a strong body but could not save herself. Soon, a terrifying mouth broke out of the water and bit her upper body fiercely, and she sank to the bottom of the water again. More giant crocodiles appeared nearby, splashing water, rolling mud waves, and the thugs who saw the blood tore the struggling witch's body more frantically.

A giant crocodile that was much larger than the ordinary swamp giant crocodile appeared on the shore.

It did not grab the outsider who rushed into their territory like other giant crocodiles, but half-propped up its body like a real king, slowly scanning the movement around the swamp.

Those witches also have their own leaders, and it is impossible for them to suddenly break into their territory for no reason. Could it be that Simba wants to provoke a war between monsters again?

As a special evolutionary monster leader, this swamp giant crocodile king obviously has preliminary wisdom and can think rationally about some simple problems.

However, just as it was puzzled, another ghost woman came into the depths of the swamp with a whistling wind and a strange arc. The giant crocodiles, who had just torn an intruder into pieces and felt unsatisfied, heard the sound and immediately pounced on this new prey in groups.

Only the swamp giant crocodile king who was sitting on the shore and did not move could see clearly that this new ghost woman was thrown in, and the person who threw it was hiding behind a ghost tree not far from the swamp.

The swamp giant crocodile king immediately moved his short and sturdy limbs and swayed towards the ghost tree. In order not to alarm the "enemy", it also bypassed the swamp and hid in the waist-deep dense weeds, tiptoeing towards the target.

It was obviously a huge monster, but it insisted on pretending to be a wilderness assassin. Grimm hid on another ghost tree in the distance and couldn't help shaking his head.

Monsters are monsters. Although they can evolve some wisdom, this low-level wisdom is childish and ridiculous compared to the profound wisdom of humans that has been honed through thousands of trials and tribulations.

The huge body of the Swamp Crocodile King is more than 2 meters high even when it is completely crawling on the ground. Even if the wild grass is lush and dense, it can only barely cover its limbs and belly. And its huge body covered with tough scales and the towering back thorns are completely unobstructed, and it is clearly visible from a distance. In this case, it still has a posture of "you can't see me, you can't see me", and its IQ is really high and makes people cry!

What's more annoying is that its heavy body weighs 20 to 30 tons, and the ground is shaking slightly when it walks. But it still puts on a tiptoeing "sneak attack" posture, as if it doesn't know how earth-shattering it is.

After successfully bypassing a series of obstacles, the Swamp Crocodile King finally found a suspicious figure behind the ghost tree.

This is a hateful human in an apprentice robe, and beside him are two or three incapacitated witches, who are being thrown into the distant swamp by him. Under his teasing, the originally peaceful and tranquil swamp area has become a bustling vegetable market, and the swamp is full of terrifying figures of giant crocodiles biting and snatching food.

The Swamp Giant Crocodile King stared at the hateful apprentice angrily. In order not to give the other party a chance to escape, it continued to approach the other party patiently.

100 meters...

70 meters...

50 meters...

20 meters...

Today is really a good day full of luck.

It was almost crawling behind the hateful apprentice, and "he" didn't notice the abnormality behind him.

While praising himself comfortably, the Swamp Giant Crocodile King crawled down and began to make final preparations for the next moment of earth-shattering blow.

Go to hell, human! Today I can taste the taste of a wizard apprentice!


With a fierce and fierce wind, the giant swamp crocodile king pounced on the opponent.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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