The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0044 Everything is ready

Under the tugging of the Demon Crocodile Hunter, Grimm shuttled quickly 3 meters underground like a fish in water.

The spiritual power passed through the dense earth element mist, constantly transmitting everything he sensed along the way back to Grimm's mind. The twisted roots of ancient trees, the broken sandstone and rocks, the creeping underground insects and reptiles, the moles and cockroaches curled up in their nests, the rotten branches of dead trees, the unknown broken fragments...

Just a short journey, Grimm actually glimpsed another alternative world that was completely different from his past cognition. In this secret world, Grimm was like a cold emperor who looked down on the world, without thoughts and self. If he really wanted to, the Demon Crocodile Hunter could turn the place upside down with just a thought.

Although he also wanted to experience this alternative perspective of traveling underground, he couldn't stand it after only half a minute.

This time it was not because of mental exhaustion, but because he was almost out of breath.

As a wizard apprentice who has mastered extraordinary power, Grimm's body is far stronger than ordinary people in terms of resistance and tolerance. Ordinary people would probably faint after holding their breath for one minute, but he felt suffocated after holding on for half a quarter of an hour.

At his signal, the earth element outside the body of the magic crocodile hunter vibrated, separated the thick soil layer above his head, and slowly drilled out of the earth.

The sudden appearance of the magic crocodile hunter surprised the surrounding monsters. Amid the countless sharp baby cries and screams, negative curses fell on them like raindrops.

"Damn it, I got into the baby monster's nest!" Grimm cursed in a low voice, driving the magic crocodile hunter to rush out of the encirclement of the baby monster.

Although the baby monster's "word curse" ability is weird and difficult to defend, it is just a group of low-level monsters after all. When facing the semi-elemental magic crocodile hunter, their negative curse success rate is not high. Instead, the native hunter on the back of the magic crocodile threw several spears and shot and killed two baby monsters. The rest of the guys also scattered and hid in the bushes and dared not act rashly.

Perhaps until this moment, Grimm vaguely understood the mentality of Alice and the other two when they broke into the magic swamp. Once they have the strength and capital of senior apprentices, ordinary low-level monsters will not pose a threat to them. Facing a group of ants and maggots that can be killed at will, it is no wonder that they know that this is a forbidden area, but they still behave so unscrupulously.

To be honest, if Anderson the wizard had not taken action, the wizard apprentices and swamp monsters here alone would not be able to do anything to the three of them.

As for Alice's experience, it was completely an accident.

It was because Alice's ability was too strong and her strength was too terrifying that the evil insect Entik had to fight her to the death. Coupled with Grimm, who was not very strong but had a sharp and accurate vision, Alice suffered a series of setbacks and almost lost her life in the mud swamp.

These abominable baby monsters were a group of terrible and difficult monsters for Grimm in the past. Once trapped in their encirclement, even with the protection of the witchcraft amulet, his end would be very miserable. But now, with the assistance of the magic crocodile hunter, Grimm can kill them like slaughtering dogs, and no longer feel the previous fear and panic.

So inadvertently, Grimm's mentality began to change bit by bit.

Bullying the weak, the strong preying on the weak, and being arrogant... These words sound harsh, but if you really want to be the strong side, it's still pretty cool to implement them.

Driving the magic crocodile hunter out of the whispering garden, until you come to the gravel path, Grimm jumped off the magic puppet, dispersed the earth element, and put away the two summoning crystal cores again. This place is very close to the entrance of the swamp tower, and Grimm should return to his original low-key and weak appearance.

Pulling the hood back to cover his face, Grimm quietly slipped back to the tower.

This experiment was very successful and greatly boosted Grimm's confidence. However, it also exposed some problems, the most serious of which was how to sneak underground for a long time.

The magic crocodile hunter may not need to breathe, but Grimm does! Deep underground, protected by the earth element dispersed by the magic crocodile hunter, Grimm also has the ability to travel underground. But there is no air underground, and if this breathing problem is not solved, he will always find it difficult to sneak underground for a long time.

Therefore, after returning to the swamp tower, in the next few days, Grimm ran back and forth between various apprentices all day long, looking for ways to solve the two problems of seeing in the dark and breathing underground. Occasionally, he would sneak out of the tower and look for monsters suitable for making magic puppets in the magic swamp.

Unfortunately, even on the last day, he still didn't find a suitable monster.

After all, the Magic Swamp is just an extremely ordinary resource point for wizard families. Most of the monsters planted and raised here are ordinary monsters suitable for breeding and harvesting, so it is almost a fantasy to want to harvest a large number of monster crystal cores here. Even Simba and the giant crocodile king harvested by Grimm are rare advanced monsters in the Magic Swamp in the past hundred years, otherwise he would not even be able to get this little harvest.

However, although he did not get new crystal cores, he also took the opportunity to collect a batch of monster materials and witch medicine materials. With these things, Grimm also took some more practical small ornaments from the apprentices.

Among them, the one that made Grimm most satisfied was an exquisite noble headband.

Wearing the noble headband on his head, the clear diamond at the front of the headband was pressing on the center of Grimm's forehead, and it brought Grimm not only a gentle and elegant temperament, but also a slight improvement in mental power +1.

For advanced apprentices, this headband has lost its stimulating and strengthening effect on mental power, but for Grimm, whose mental power is only 8 points, it can bring him a significant improvement.

The problem of seeing in the dark has also been solved.

The solution is a kind of dwarf engineering goggles!

According to the explanation of the intermediate apprentice who traded to Grimm, this should be a crystallization of civilization from another plane. Wearing this goggles formed by the combination of black leather case and transparent crystal, Grimm can see everything around him clearly in a dim light environment.

After Grimm took it back, he also asked the chip to scan and analyze it. This strange thing should be a product of a mechanical civilization. The existence of elemental fluctuations cannot be sensed on it, just like a mortal item. And the reason why it can see in dim light is all due to those underground crystals that have been polished with special techniques.

As for the composition of the crystals, the chip has also analyzed it. It is not a product of the wizard world, but should also be a special product of the plane where this mechanical civilization is located.

As a large plane, the wizard world has also captured and enslaved countless small and medium-sized planes, and this dwarf engineering goggles may come from a enslaved secondary plane.

In the general perception of the wizard world, only formal wizards have the qualifications to travel through planes and conquer other worlds, and those below the formal wizards, even those talented quasi-wizards, are not qualified to participate in the conquest of other planes. So Grimm could only imagine what this mechanical civilization world might look like while carefully putting the dwarf engineering goggles into his bag.

As for the problem of underground breathing, Grimm also solved it through biological means.

There are also guys who are good at biological transformation among the apprentices in the tower. He used snake vine grass and rootless purple leaf flowers, and combined with strange things such as insect oil and toad feces to make a breathing organ similar to a grass leaf insect. When Grimm needs to go to a closed environment, as long as he puts this breathing organ into his mouth in time, he will temporarily gain the ability to breathe with his skin.

When he doesn't need breathing assistance, he just needs to spit it out, and the supernatural power will disappear. Since this is just an auxiliary organ, not an organ replacement, there is no problem of blood contamination.

After solving these problems, Grimm finally put his worries aside and never stepped out of the door of his residence easily. He either meditated or studied the newly collected witchcraft books all day long.

On the fifth day of accepting the mandatory task, Grimm finally waited for the chip prompt that the Flame Arrow optimization was completed.

"Ding, the Flame Arrow mental power model has been optimized... May I ask if the optimization content should be displayed?"

"Show!" Grimm replied impatiently.

With the appearance of a long stream of data, Grimm projected the appearance of the Flame Arrow, a long-range witchcraft, after large-scale optimization.

If the Flame Arrow was just a magic arrow before, it has now become a flame spear. The gentle and stagnant high-temperature flame condensed into a spear shape. With Grimm's thought, it can be quickly shot out, bringing physical and flame double damage to the enemy.

Flame Spear, a mid-level offensive magic of the fire system, can condense flames into the form of a spear to attack the enemy. Physical damage: 11 points. Fire damage: 21 points. Attack distance: 5-300 meters. Cooling time: 8 seconds. Consumption of magic power: 24 points.

With 9.37 points of mental power after Grimm wore the noble headband, he only had 94 points of magic power. For a mid-level offensive magic like Flame Spear, at most 4 will be exhausted. So it is more appropriate to use such a method as a killer at a critical moment.

After all, with the attack power of Flame Spear, it is no problem to break the spell defense of the mid-level apprentice with one blow. Even if you encounter a senior apprentice with defensive magic, Flame Spear is also an offensive magic that cannot be underestimated.

To be honest, it is only now that Grimm has truly possessed a body skill that can be used. With it, Grimm's next mission is a little guaranteed.

Finally, amidst the anxious waiting and torment of many high tower apprentices, the day of departure arrived.

This book was first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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