The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0523: Door to the Plane

After killing a fleeing goblin, Mary put down the bloody longbow in her hand.

In just a short while, all 31 goblin guards occupying the platform were killed, their bodies piled up in the carriage, and then buried by the full carriage of fruits.

At this point, the raiding team actually no longer needed to hide their identities.

The terrain here is well connected, and even if the old goblin Gazlowe in the Iron City knew about their arrival, it would be difficult to completely stop them in the underground tunnel.

And sniffing the strange and peculiar breath in the underground tunnel, Alice's beautiful face showed a trace of solemnity.

"I smell a hint of alien breath here!"

"Alien breath? You mean..." Grimm was slightly stunned and asked softly.

"I suspect that the intelligence obtained by the goblin royal family is not accurate. It is very likely... that plane gate has been built!" Alice replied in a low voice.

The conversation between the two was conducted with mental fluctuations, and they did not carry their own wizards. As for the goblins, since they don't have this kind of mental power, they know nothing about the two people's whispering.

"I understand!" Grimm nodded and said, "In this Iron City, we may encounter more than just Gazlowe's magic army, and there may be some armies from other dimensions. Everyone be careful!"

The wizards looked at each other, and after knowing what was going on, they silently turned into the nearby underground tunnels.

The group of people who had just gathered together were instantly divided into more than a dozen large and small teams, and went to different districts of the Iron City through the dense underground tunnels.

Grimm, Alice, Sophia, and Mary went to the deep belly of the mountain, which should also be where the old goblin was hiding. Bilis went to the lower city, where he would create a huge chaos to cover the actions in other areas. Sabrina and Endor went to the inner city to see if they could find anything there.

As for the goblins, except for Tigule who followed Grimm with ten magic machines to find the old goblin, the rest of the goblins sneaked into various places in the city to look for Princess Vanessa.


This is a huge cave deep in the mountain.

Because it is artificially excavated, the cave here is not as uneven as a natural cave, and there are no huge stone pillars, stalagmites and stone peaks in the cave.

This is clearly located deep in the mountain 1,000 meters below the mountain, but there is no feeling of darkness and dampness. The stone walls of the entire cave are chiseled out with holes of varying sizes, and white water vapor is everywhere.

In the open space in the center of the cave, a huge capsule-shaped metal tank stands tall, with violent and ferocious magic energy churning inside. Dense metal pipes are connected to the tank body, directing the filtered pure magic energy to different regions in an orderly manner.

With the continuous energy output of this huge space furnace, the entire steel city is like a huge arsenal, and it begins to work at full capacity. Every day, there are as many as 25 combat magic machines coming off the assembly line here, and there are hundreds of goblin chariots and goblin tanks.

As for other goblin muskets and magic cannons, they are only affected by the production capacity of special alloys.

As long as the outside world continuously transports the metals and rare resources needed for engineering machinery, this steel city can completely transform them into offensive magic weapons, and then completely arm the old goblin private army gathered here.

And just next to the cave hall where the space furnace is located, in a newly excavated underground hall, a semicircular arch built purely by metal machinery is stirring up the misty sky blue energy tide, and the space fluctuations are becoming more and more frequent.

At this moment, on the metal arch, strange mysterious runes are lighting up one by one. Every time one is lit up, a strange energy will gather towards the space singularity in the center of the arch. As more and more magic energy gathers, the space singularity begins to slowly open, opening a huge light gate that overturns the entire arch.

Goblin engineers gathered around the archway with dazed eyes, carefully controlling the input of magic energy while wearing thick clip-on glasses and carefully recording the mysterious runes.

On a high platform opposite the light gate, Gazlowe, who was extremely weak, wore a beautiful dress and leaned in a soft chair. He was plugged with dense tubes, leading to the cans of nutrient solution of different colors behind the chair.

"Pay attention to keep the light gate stable, and the energy output threshold is constant at 1.77 Huto..." Although there were signs of corruption inside his body, Gazlowe was still calmly directing everything on the scene.

For this dying old goblin, the goblin engineers and alchemists present all bowed their heads and obeyed his orders. In the area of ​​the Iron City, the old goblin has a huge influence that even the goblin emperor can't match.

Even if it asked a goblin on the scene to die, the other party would execute it without doubt and die happily.

In their opinion, it is an extreme honor to be able to do anything for the spiritual leader of the goblins. Even death is a matter of honor!

Under the command of the old goblin, after the huge light gate was stable for a quarter of an hour, ripples suddenly appeared in the center of the sky-blue light gate, and a tall and mighty figure emerged from it.

This is a strange creature that is half human and half beast!

It is more than 3 meters tall, more than 2 meters wide, and 5 meters long from head to tail.

It has a thick and strong human upper body, while the lower body is like a beast, with four thick hooves and a long, flat and thick tail on its back. Its head has a slightly blunt nose, a hard forehead, and cascading wrinkles on its cheeks and ears. The hands and feet are shaped like dragon claws, with sharp and hard claws.

Its body surface is densely covered with thick dark green scales, and its muscles are full and stretched. Whether it's the arms, neck, or the remaining four short legs, they are all so thick and powerful, giving people a sense of pressure at the first glance.

This is a pure half-dragon, also known as a dragon. It is a strange creature formed by mixing human and dragon blood. Their intelligence is not very high, but they have powerful bodies and powerful magical abilities. And under the influence of the dragon's bloodline, their magic resistance is also so excellent.

If they weren't unable to fly, they could even be considered the branch with the most powerful individual combat power among the descendants of the dragon bloodline!

The half-dragon who stepped out of the plane door in front of him was obviously a guy with level 1 strength.

Although this level is not very good within the plane, it is more than enough to crush these fragile goblins.

So when the half-dragon swayed its thick waist and stepped firmly on the metal floor with its four hooves, the goblin engineers surrounding the metal arch couldn't help but step back, looking at this terrifying and vicious demon with frightened eyes. .

If the half-dragon's body and magic resistance were as strong as advertised in the book, stepping out of the plane gate would overcome the discomfort of the plane's oppression with just a slight shake of the head. Of course, this is also subtly related to the misty red light that is constantly emanating from the inside of the plane gate.

The half-dragon shook his head, and his out-of-focus eyes quickly returned to normal. Its strange amber-shaped vertical pupils shrank twice and immediately focused on Gazlowe on the high platform in the distance.

Although the old goblin Gazlowe was on a high platform, when the half-dragon came to the stage with solid steps, their eyes were almost parallel.

"Are you that little goblin?" The half-dragon's voice was as loud as a bell, so loud that several goblins on the stage couldn't help but cover their ears.

"You did a great job! Once we establish a foothold here, we will definitely reward you greatly..."

The half-dragon briefly inspected the plane gate and was obviously extremely satisfied with the work of the goblins. However, the way it praises people is very blunt and stiff, as if it is giving a bone to a lackey with contempt and disdain.

"Lord Cang Lin, why are you the only one? Didn't we agree that a thirty-man combat team would come over first?..." the old goblin Gazlowe asked in a low voice with a dull look on his face.

"Hmph... You made this plane gate too jerry-rigged. It lacks too many things and cannot support the arrival of the third-level Duke. Now that I'm here, let your people exit from here. , and you are not allowed to enter without being summoned. You are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of us half-dragons..."

Perhaps sensing the weakness of the goblins present, the tone of the half-dragon Cang Lin Lei Guang became extremely impatient. In its view, these weak guys who couldn't withstand its dragon breath were not qualified to talk to it, which was a half-dragon Marquis.

If it hadn't been for the need for these 'garbage' for subsequent energy support, it would have turned them all into charcoal all over the ground with its violent thunder and lightning power.

Hearing the half-dragon's disdainful words, the goblins present could not help but change their faces slightly.

Some goblin engineers even quietly took out their walkie-talkies, ready to call the army of magic weapons guarding outside the hall.

"Yes, yes..." Unexpectedly, the old goblin Gazlowe was not a little angry at the half-dragon's reprimand. Instead, with an apologetic smile on his face, he motioned to the people around him to lift up their soft chairs and slowly exited the plane hall.

"Prince, what do you mean..." When they were far enough away, the group of goblin engineers gathered around Gazlowe and asked in a low voice.

"Hmph, these half-dragons are all idiots walking sideways. Let's let it run wild for a while, and after the half-dragon team has teleported over, we will cut off the energy of the plane gate and kill them all. By then, , The vitality of more than thirty half-dragons is enough for us to successfully complete the immortality plan!" Gazlowe coughed violently, grinning crazily while coughing, his dark green skin and dark brown age spots trembling slightly, It's so ugly, so ferocious. chapter;

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