The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0524 Conflict breaks out

"What a despicable and despicable world, filled with a disgusting stench everywhere..."

Cang Lin's thunderous light shook its dragon-like head, and the strange vertical pupils in its four ferocious beast-like eyes were constantly expanding and contracting, emitting amber-like light. And its powerful spiritual perception is far beyond that of creatures of the same level. Even if the goblins are far enough away, every word they say can be heard by the dragon people without missing a word.

When all the goblins exited the plane hall, the dragon man put away the unruly and irritable expression on his face, and his eyes turned around, revealing the light of reason unique to intelligent creatures.

Most dragons are indeed powerful but mindless fools. But being able to be appointed by the Duke to become a scout for the dragon people's advance army also shows that this Cang Lin Lei Guang must have his own unique abilities.

With its four strong hooves, Cang Lin Lei Guang checked the entire plane hall carefully and carefully. After confirming that there were no major problems, it took out three thunder stones from its arms and threw them at Guang Guang. Door.

As the three thunder stones touched the sky-blue light gate, surging and terrifying power of thunder and lightning burst out from the originally gray-white stone. When the three lightning stones were embedded in the metal arch in the shape of a triangle, an alternative triangular space channel was born in the center of the light door.

After the space passage gradually became stable, the black hole of light rippled, and from it emerged a steady stream of twenty or thirty powerful dragons whose size was similar to that of Cang Lin Lei Guang.

Nuoda's plane hall looks very spacious, and it can accommodate nearly a thousand goblins in it without being too crowded. But now there are only thirty-five dragons squeezed in, which already gives people a feeling of being full.

When all the thirty-five dragon advance troops arrived, the dark space passage suddenly trembled violently and stirred. It seemed that a big guy was stuck in it. He couldn't get in, and he couldn't get out. As a result, the space channel began to slowly expand and expand, and made a weird noise as the space was severely stressed.

Finally, with a muffled sound, a dragon man who was far stronger and larger than Cang Lin Lei Guang struggled to break free from the constraints of space and began to appear in this world.

"Praise you, our leader, Lord Zacha..."

"Welcome, Lord Zacha..."

As soon as the powerful dragon leader stood firm, all the dragon scouts in the hall couldn't help but bend down. They put their right hands on their chests with their dragon claws covered in indigo scales and bowed in unison.

The minimum strength of the scouts who can be selected into the dragon advance army is level 1, and the last scout leader sent here is obviously a level 2 powerhouse. When it appeared wrapped in dazzling blue light, an invisible power of the plane wrapped around its body, making it, a level 2 strongman from another plane, unable to help but groan.

As alien creatures, the plane suppression that level 2 must endure is obviously much higher than that of level 1.

Fortunately, in addition to the innate abilities brought by the dragon's bloodline, the dragon-man, a strange creature, also has a powerful and tyrannical body. Even if their innate witchcraft cannot be used temporarily, their powerful bodies alone are enough to crush most enemies!

"Boy from the Canglin family, how is the situation here?" Even though he was still suffering from the terrible plane suppression, the last scout leader still showed a heart-stopping strength.

"Chief Zacha, that goblin is really not worthy of trust. It can be seen from the construction of the plane gate that the lowest quality magic materials are used, which cannot support long-term use. And..."

"And what?"

"The energy source of the plane gate seems a little weird, and it contains some superficial knowledge from the wizarding world. So I'm worried that this invasion may encounter some unexpected enemies!"

"Wizard World..."

Hearing this name, the dragon scouts present could not help but frown, and the scout leader Zacha's expression changed slightly, and a foot-long blazing lightning burst out from his amber-shaped vertical pupils.

"Where's the goblin who made the deal with us?" Upon hearing such bad news, Leader Zacha's mood was unprecedentedly bad, and he couldn't help but roared coldly.

"I've been kicked out of the plane hall. I'm worried... they will do something with the energy supply of the plane gate. As long as the energy supply is cut off, they can cut off our retreat..."

Cang Lin Lei Guang is obviously a rare wise man among the dragon people. Although he is still young, only 103 years old, he can judge things with reasonable basis.

As if eager to confirm its inference, the lights in the plane hall suddenly went out, and the energy that was continuously input into the plane gate began to fade rapidly. The huge light door in the metal arch has dimmed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and only the triangular space channel supported by the thunder stone is still emitting a hazy fluorescence.

"Haha... These cunning and despicable goblins, really think that cutting off the energy can cut off our escape route?" Leader Zacha shouted: "Lei Guang, you and five people guard the gate of the plane. You must not let it go." The plane gate is closed or destroyed. Here, these are the 300 thunder stones I brought on this trip, which are enough to support the operation of the plane gate for a month!"

After saying that, Zacha unloaded a huge animal skin bag from his back.

When the bag fell to the ground, the untied mouth of the bag opened, and hundreds of dazzling and intense blue lights burst out from inside.

"Understood, Chief!" Canglin Lei Guang waved his hand, and the five members of his team rushed to the metal arch, pulled out lightning spears from behind, and entered a state of high alert.

However, at this moment, a huge metal roar suddenly came from the entrance of the plane hall, and neatly arranged combat magic machines, goblin chariots with gun muzzles, and teams of fully armed goblin warriors poured in like a tide.

Faced with such a battle, how could the dragons not understand the goblins' intentions!

"Dragon warriors, charge!" Chief Zacha raised a three-meter-long lightning spear in his hand and roared loudly: "Blast these untrustworthy and despicable goblins into powder..."

As Zacha's order was issued, the dragon scouts shook their strong and fat bodies, their four hooves flew, and they launched a swift charge against the goblin army with lightning spears held flat.

The dragon scouts who launched the charge were only 30 people, but they gave people a passionate and heroic feeling of thousands of troops galloping!

A dragon weighs about 30 tons, and 30 dragons weigh thousands of tons.

Can you imagine the scene of a terrifying monster made of thousands of tons of solid flesh, hard bones, and amazingly strong biological scales, rushing towards you with rumbling heavy steps?

The huge roar echoed in the belly of the mountain, and all kinds of strange sounds intertwined, making people want to cover their ears.

Unlike the direct charge of the dragon scouts, the goblin army has extremely clear levels.

At the forefront are of course the invincible magic machinery troops, which are divided into 3 rows, with 5 combat magic machinery up to 3 meters in each row. As soon as the dragons entered the range, these magic machinery fired guns and cannons, and resisted the opponent's assault with terrible metal barrages.

Ordinary metal projectiles do not cause much harm to the dragons.

After all, the indigo scales that covered the dragonman's body were enough to resist any physical and magical attacks below 25 degrees. But the power of the violent projectiles was not so easy to dissipate. Being hit by a torrent of seven or eight metal projectiles on the scales on the front of the body, even the powerful dragonman warriors could not help but slow down their pace and became difficult to move.

Occasionally, you can hear the muffled groans of pain from the dragonman warriors' scales being pierced!

But the sturdy dragonman warriors were not afraid at all. While raising their left arm to cover their vulnerable faces, they shouted in a low voice and propped up a water-blue lightning barrier in front of them.

With the lightning barrier responsible for dissipating the power of the metal projectiles, the speed of the dragons began to increase again.

At the rear of the magic machinery troops, the goblin chariot quickly turned to the sides, and then calmly unfolded the metal support, and then a one-meter-diameter black hole gun muzzle was extended from the belly of the car. The all-metal magic cannon is made of special alloy materials. As the magic energy is filled, the whole cannon sound is overflowing with a dark red glow.

Boom, boom, boom...

The fireballs soaked with violent magic energy draw beautiful arcs and fall on the front line of the battlefield, where they explode into huge and dazzling seas of fire.

Such violent and intensive energy attacks, any opponent would probably have to retreat temporarily. But facing the energy fireballs that surge like a string of cannonballs, the dragon warriors are more brave and fearless.

They roared loudly in strange dragon language that outsiders could hardly understand. When they approached the front row of combat magic machines, the lightning spears in their hands suddenly burst out with dazzling white lightning chains. The violent and ferocious lightning chains kept rebounding and refracting in the combat magic machines. Every time they turned, they would cause unspeakable terrible damage to the metal machines passing by.

The ten magic machines in the first two rows of the goblin army turned into dazzling fireballs without any resistance, and the goblin mechanics hidden deep inside turned into charcoal at the first moment.

The first battle with the dragons, the goblin army obviously did not expect that the dragons had such a powerful lightning power. What's more tragic is that the combat magic machines are made of high-strength alloy materials, but they are not isolated.

Therefore, as the best conductor of lightning, the magic machines not only cannot protect the goblin mechanics inside, but will make them gather and absorb more lightning power.

So just at the first encounter, most of the goblin army magic machine troops sent by Gazlowe were annihilated! chapter;

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