The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0053: Drastic Changes Underground

Grimm's excessive calmness obviously also aroused the lizard man's suspicion of the "hostage" in his hand.

However, before he could make any move, Mary, who was originally weak and powerless, moved first.

The white and smooth body like a swimming fish only twisted two or three times to escape the control of the lizard man. With a slight flash, Mary appeared behind the other party. But the lizard man's hands and feet were numb and drooped down, as if he had lost his resistance.

Only Grimm could see clearly from the front. There were traces of blood under the dark green fine scales at the joints of the lizard man's wrists and ankles. Obviously, the tendons had been cut by Mary's finger blade.

Such an injury would definitely be a serious blow to the loss of combat ability on an ordinary person, but it could only be considered a minor injury on a lizard man with strong vitality and excellent recovery ability. His limbs could not move, but he still had a big mouth full of serrated fangs.

Unfortunately, Mary hid behind him, letting him pounce and bite several times in vain.

Just as he was frantically trying to shake off the scary woman behind him, his dark green body suddenly stiffened like a robot that had lost power. At this time, Mary pulled out the sharp finger blade that was inserted into his spine with a smile.

In close combat, Mary was able to directly cut off the opponent's cervical vertebrae through the gap in the lizardman's scales. At this moment, the lizardman had completely lost the ability to resist.

"What? You still plan to stay and see how we linger?"

Mary teased Grimm, who became a little embarrassed, while lingering on the lizardman, slowly moving her bright and juicy mouth towards his soft neck.

Beauty and the Beast!

Little green man vs. vampire!

Such a scene, Grimm clapped his hands and wanted to watch it up close.

But when he thought of the heavy taste that was about to happen, he felt that it was wisest to avoid it for the time being. Unlike the impression that vampires would gently pierce their sharp canines into the carotid artery of their lingering lovers, this red-dressed Mary obviously loves to bite with big mouthfuls.

Grimm was worried that he would lose all his appetite today after seeing the horrible scene of blood mixed with broken trachea and throat. So he could only turn around and leave in disappointment.

Just after passing the stalactites, there was a terrible sound of flesh and blood being torn apart from behind, as well as Mary's nervous nasal snoring, mixed with the weak whine of the unlucky guy before his death... Grimm shuddered and hurriedly quickened his pace.

Half an hour later, Mary arranged her gauze skirt and walked out of the "restaurant" slowly.

Looking at her radiant and charming appearance, it is probably hard for anyone to imagine what happened in the past half an hour.

"Has the sampling at the mission point been completed?" Grimm, who had been waiting for half a day, closed the witchcraft book.

"Of course there is no problem with this little thing!" Mary said complacently, and threw a rune crystal to Grimm.

Grimm cast a spell to verify it, and then put it in his waist bag with satisfaction.

At the bottom of the pool, there is a small magic array set up by the wizards of the association. Five mission points correspond to five nodes of the magic array. The wizards can regularly sample the magic array information and master the changes in the terrain and topography of the dark cave even if they stay in the wizard tower.

So Grimm's task is to reach the mission point and use the special rune crystal to extract the information stored in the magic array. In addition to the mission, they have free time to search and harvest rare resources.

When the team broke up, they left an agreement to reunite in three days, which left enough time to search for resources near the mission point. So the two of them only spent half a day to complete the task, and they could walk around at will in the extra time.

However, just as the two of them were leisurely strolling around, a thrilling battle had just begun in another cave 5 miles away from them.

Leo from the mushroom forest in the Lofenhe area was running away anxiously, and behind him, two black-robed apprentices who also had the strength of quasi-mages were struggling to catch up. As for the senior apprentice Matthew who was traveling with Leo, he was nowhere to be found and was probably in danger.

Leo was indeed a young wizard who was highly regarded by his family. He had an amazing talent in thunder magic that was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Although he was not known for his agility, his body was as light as nothing under the white wind particles surrounding him, so he ran faster than a horse. If it weren't for the winding passages here and the occasional stalagmites blocking the way, he would have escaped the enemy's pursuit.

Every time he ran through some narrow areas, he would gently pull with both hands, and condense a ball of blue arcs that kept jumping and flashing between his hands. He threw the arc behind him and continued to run without looking back. And within ten seconds, there would be a violent roar after the arc was detonated and a series of angry curses from behind.

Immediately, two scorched and embarrassed figures rushed out of the smoke and dust against the small lightning storm. Despite the witchcraft protection, the all-pervasive lightning still split the black robes on their bodies into pieces.

The black robe on the right was broken into pieces, revealing a set of black soft armor, a snake-headed staff in his hand, and a pair of scarlet vertical pupils on his face that were intimidating.

"Are you still chasing him? This guy looks very difficult to deal with!"

The black robe hood on the left was brushed down, revealing a middle-aged man with a gloomy and fierce face. He squeezed out a sentence from his teeth.

"Chase! This kid is not familiar with the terrain. We will slowly deal with him when he runs to a dead end."

"Where are Anna and Gary? Why haven't they caught up yet? Does it take so long to deal with a senior apprentice?" The man with blood-red eyes looked back and said coldly.

"They changed their route! They have tortured the senior apprentice and sent the enemy's team situation. Now, they may have gone to area 7 to find trouble with the weakest team!" From the sound, the middle-aged man was the black-robed leader of their team.

"Damn it, I knew it would be like this! It seems that we must work harder, otherwise if we let this kid run away, I'm afraid we will get nothing today!" The man with blood-red eyes gritted his teeth and stabbed his snake-headed staff heavily. His figure instantly turned into a puff of black smoke and crashed into the rock wall beside him and disappeared.

The black-robed leader also sneered coldly, a black halo flashed on his body, and his running speed suddenly doubled.

A moment later, a shocking explosion suddenly sounded in the tunnel in the distance.

The violent and ferocious shock wave spread outward along the winding corridor, destroying everything along the way. All the stalagmites, stalactites, sand and soil that blocked the road were rolled up and thrown out. Even the rock wall as hard as steel was pitted and uneven by the witchcraft energy like a sharp arrow, and the entire passage was broken into pieces by the violent explosion, and collapsed section by section.

The life-and-death battle between several quasi-witch apprentices caused devastating damage to this underground passage, and also had varying degrees of impact on the terrain within two or three miles around. Large-scale landslides, collapses and rock layer dislocations will block some of the original passages and cause difficulties in passing, but they may also cause some new roads to appear, so the roads are broken but not broken, and hope is still born in despair.

Such a huge movement is of course impossible to hide from all the wizard apprentices in this area. Everyone found a stable place to hide their bodies and silently guessed the origin of this turmoil.

In a dark and quiet broken cave, there was a slight popping sound, and a large black figure suddenly emerged from the ground, almost occupying most of the space here.

"Damn it, why is there a sudden earthquake here? Didn't those wizards choose the patrol route to avoid the active area? Damn it..." Mary's sweet voice full of bewitching flavor sounded in the darkness.

"I'm afraid this is not a natural earthquake!" Grimm's steady voice followed, and his eyes full of wisdom sparkled in the darkness: "The source of the vibration is about 5 miles diagonally below us to the southeast, and at most only 20 meters deeper than us. If it is an earthquake, the depth of the epicenter cannot be so close to the surface, so..."

"So it is man-made!" Mary turned back and stared at Grimm, obviously feeling a little incredible that he could maintain such a precise sense of direction and a calm mind in the dark underground: "You want to say that one of our scattered teams has confronted the enemy?"

"Very likely!" Grimm analyzed calmly: "First of all, the epicenter is so close to us this time, it is incredible to say that it has nothing to do with our team. And you have also experienced the underground creatures encountered here. Except for a few species, it is almost impossible to pose a threat to senior apprentices, let alone quasi-witches. So it is impossible that a certain team encountered an irresistible underground creature and fought hard. Then there is only one possibility left!"

"Yeah!" Mary nodded The head agreed: "It should be the group of black guys on the opposite side. Now I don't know who is so unlucky to face them. I really want to know how strong they are. Then with your magic puppet that can travel underground, maybe we have a chance to sneak attack them!"

"We were too arrogant in this operation. After all, it's the first time to enter the underground. Before getting familiar with the unique environment and fighting methods here, we should still unite together and complete a task safely before considering the problem of splitting up. In addition..."

"What else?"

"In addition, don't forget! The current strength of the two of us is the weakest. If the enemy really wants to sneak attack, I'm afraid our team will definitely not let them go!"

"If they don't let them go, then they won't let them go. I was just thinking about their quality. By the way, since your earth-type magic puppet is so magical, can you sense the dynamics of the surrounding enemies? As long as you can help me catch a black guy, how about I accompany you for a night?" After speaking, Mary's fingers gently slid across Grimm's lips, and then laughed unscrupulously.

Grimm shuddered for no reason, and couldn't help but feel extremely troubled by Mary's bad taste.

Mary became more and more interested in teasing men, and never forgot to tease Grimm. However, sensing her blood-red eyes getting more excited, Grimm could only use his strong will to suppress his impending desire, not wanting to become a guinea pig in the hands of the other party.

This book was first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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