The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0568 On the Eve of Plane Invasion

In a huge cowhide tent, Grimm saw the excavated ‘remains’ of the plane gate.

In the center of the tent, a metal arch with a vague outline stood tall, giving all visitors a towering, heavy and stagnant sense of mental oppression.

The tall scaffolding and metal platforms in front and behind the metal arch have been built, and countless goblin technicians and engineers are busy climbing up and down here. In the corner of the tent, there is also a huge ‘garbage pile’ as high as a hill. Goblins are busy carrying bamboo baskets on their backs, screening out all the metal fragments and broken components that may belong to the metal arch mixed in the soil and gravel.

These metal fragments may be larger than the goblins, and the small ones are only the size of a fingernail... After they are screened out one by one, they will be gathered in the hands of the goblin engineers, and the experienced ones will determine the authenticity of the metal fragments and their original positions.

Grimm stood at the edge of the busy workplace, his eyes flashing with blue light, and in almost an instant he understood the damage to the main body of the Plane Gate - the metal arch.

The upper half of the metal arch was the most severely damaged part, with more than 78% of it visible to the naked eye. On the contrary, the piles at both ends of the arch were basically intact, but the metal surface was also cracked and uneven, and the original strange patterns were difficult to identify.

The void storm formed by the terrible explosion of the super space furnace also swept the area where the Plane Gate was located. Fortunately, the Plane Gate was protected by the energy field and perfectly withstood the most violent period of the storm in the early stage. It was only due to the subsequent huge stratum changes and the collapse of the underground space that the Plane Gate failed, and the metal arch was squeezed and crushed into countless pieces of metal fragments.

Now, under the protective excavation and careful arrangement of the goblins, the metal arch once again showed the world its towering, mysterious and proud posture.

Along with Grimm came the general foreman of the excavation site, the insect witch Bilis. Several goblin leaders of the excavation site hid not far away and hesitated to come over, looking as if they were afraid of Bilis.

Until Grimm stretched out his hand to summon him to his side, the goblin in the exquisite officer uniform loudly reported the progress of the plane gate repair work.

Fortunately, the plane gate was not seriously damaged. At present, about 64% of the metal parts and 57% of the goblin runes were missing. According to the estimate of the person in charge, if the entire underground was searched and all the metal fragments that could be collected were selected, the metal arch could be restored to about 83%.

As for the remaining 17%, they were either swept to the other plane by the void storm or directly vaporized, and it was difficult to find them back. If you want the metal arch to be complete, you can only start the furnace to cast these damaged parts again.

With the powerful engineering machinery capabilities and metal smelting level of the goblin clan, such work can be completed in about 12-15 days.

As for the densely packed goblin runes on the metal arch, there is naturally no problem with the brain monster Gazlowe. After all, this metal arch was built by it, and the dragon knowledge, witchcraft runes, and goblin technology integrated into it are all stored in its huge brain.

To be honest, even if Grimm threatened with his life and tempted with wealth, the 3rd-level thunder dragon still refused to reveal the mysterious knowledge of the dragon race and the Lance plane where he was born and raised.

When it transferred the soul contract of the 2nd-level dragon Zacha to Grimm, it had already wiped out the memory of the Lance plane world beacon in Zacha's soul.

So Grimm had no choice but to pin his hopes on the plane gate and the brain monster Gazlowe.

To be honest, the thunder dragon Arms probably didn't expect that the terrifying explosion didn't completely destroy the plane gate, and more importantly, the brain monster Gazlowe was still alive!

As long as the brain monster Gazlowe is there, even if the plane gate is completely destroyed and no longer exists, they can recast it within six to seven months. But now there is a ready-made metal arch remnant, the work can be compressed to one month, and this is also the day when the first magic furnace jointly built by Grimm and Gazlowe is completed.

It must be said that in the past, the old goblin Gazlowe was limited by the serious lack of magic metals in the goblin plane, and could only work hard to mix the Quelras alloy. Now with Grimm's strong support, ten tons of magic iron alloy and a large number of special metals with outstanding magic resistance were transported from the wizard world.

With such a strong backing support, the brain monster Gazlowe, relying on data calculation and fuzzy processing capabilities far exceeding thousands and tens of thousands of times in the past, began to optimize and adjust the previous magic furnace design on a large scale under Grimm's guidance.

In addition, the explosion of the super space furnace accidentally created a "source of magic power", and its addition will undoubtedly increase the power of this latest magic furnace by more than ten times.

A more powerful magic furnace will undoubtedly require a more powerful magic iron alloy to support it, so these days, the brain monster Gazlowe has opened a small alchemy laboratory in the floating giant ship he controls, constantly experimenting with new magic iron alloy materials.

And the magic furnace that it expects to be built entirely with the latest materials will be completed at the same time as the plane gate is repaired.

This also means that the brain monster Gazlowe, who has been armed by the magic furnace, can immediately use the plane gate to launch an invasion of the Lance plane where the Thunder Dragon Arms is located.

And this is also the second plane war that Greem will soon experience!


One month later.

A large number of goblin construction machinery was transported to the excavation site camp, and the place once again became a lively and noisy city of metal machinery.

The strange-shaped metals excavated from the ground piled up into a hill, and more huge shiny metal ingots were transported from all the major goblin provinces. In addition, a large number of engineering machinery and combat magic weapons were also arranged in rows, forming a mechanical army numbering tens of thousands.

Farther away, factories and workshops unique to the goblin clan such as goblin ore smelting plants, engineering machinery manufacturing plants, and combat magic equipment assembly workshops with all-metal structures are clearly visible.

All supplies and equipment have been prepared, just waiting for the completion of the huge metal arch that stands ten meters high in the center of the camp.

After more than a month of repair and re-polishing, this originally scarred metal arch has now taken on a brand new look. The surface of the metal arch shining with a blue metallic luster is densely covered with strange and mysterious patterns.

These strange patterns are not useless decorations, but the "goblin rune technology" created by the brain monster Gazlowe by fusing the essence of knowledge from three civilizations.

But today's protagonist is not this cold metal arch, but the floating giant ship hanging high above the camp.

The wizards of the Crimson family gathered in the center of the venue, looking at the bottom of the floating giant ship that was slowly descending above them from a distance.

When it was less than a hundred meters away from the ground, the floating giant ship stopped falling. Instead, a hole opened silently under the ship, and an irregular metal object 5 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 3 meters high floated slowly from inside. Come out and slowly fall downwards.

Magical furnace!

The wizards present could not help but look at the metal creation getting closer and closer with excitement, and the excitement in their hearts was simply indescribable.

Despite its small size, it has a terrifying energy capacity and endurance that far exceeds that of the Witch Tower Elemental Altar.

According to the existing data evaluation, the magic energy it absorbs from the void of the plane at every moment is a hundred times that of the Flame Throne Witch Tower, which is already as different as Alice's Destiny Witch Tower towering in the north. If it is paired with the legendary 'magic source', the magical energy power it outputs will probably immediately become the combined energy of all the source towers of the Northland Witch.

By then, as long as it is equipped with powerful enough witchcraft facilities and magic weapons, who else can withstand its indiscriminate bombardment?

And don't forget, the wizard's witch tower is always fixed on a certain earth node, and it is difficult to move it at all. But the magic furnace can be transplanted to any war facility at will, including the floating giant ship in front of you.

A giant floating ship that can travel around the world... This is the main reason why Greem is willing to help the brain monster Gazlowe build a super magical furnace.

"Where's the brain monster?" Meryl wandered around for a long time but couldn't find the brain monster Gazlowe, so she couldn't help but wonder about the teacher.

Greem did not answer, but pointed at the magic furnace.

Meryl closed her eyes again to examine carefully, and then she vaguely noticed the vague mental consciousness fluctuations of the brain monster Gazlowe in the violent magical energy inside the magic furnace.

"It put itself into the magic furnace..." Meryl's beautiful eyes opened wider and wider, and she couldn't believe her own perception.

The brain monster's brain was as big as a mountain last time. How did it compress itself into a ball and stuff it into the magic furnace?

Meryl couldn't help but have endless reverie, her mind was filled with bloody and cruel scenes.

"It's not as scary as you think..." A smile appeared on Grim's young and handsome face, as if he had seen through Meryl's thoughts: "Gazlowi created a mastermind clone for himself, and put most of his The main consciousness has been transferred to the main clone of the trumpet. The main clone is only the size of a normal human brain, and it is suitable to be placed in the magic furnace..."

However, Greem changed his mind and his eyes fell on the huge floating ship.

"Since Gazlowe placed his main brain in the magic furnace three days ago, its deputy brain left outside has begun to expand and grow uncontrollably. Currently..." Greem paused: " Its new brain has almost filled up the remaining space of the floating giant ship."

"Already that big?" Meryl raised her head and looked at the huge floating ship that almost occupied her entire field of vision, with a cold expression on her face again.

"It and I have discussed that the huge underground hole left after the excavation here will not be filled back, but will be protected as a storage place for its accessory brain. Anyway, there is a long-lasting radiation dust outside, and ordinary creatures simply cannot Maybe it’s possible to get here, it’s just the right place for it to grow!”

Meryl looked around.

After the entire excavation work was completed, a huge underground space with a radius of twenty to thirty kilometers and a depth of several kilometers was left here. The brain monster plans to use this place as the residence of its secondary brain. How big does it plan to grow...

Meryl felt goosebumps all over her body.

None of these guys are normal! chapter;

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