The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0569 Freedom and Death

After the magic furnace slowly lowered to the ground, Greem finally nodded to the wizards around him.

The next moment, as many wizards recited witchcraft incantations in unison, the guidance witchcraft array carved at the feet began to light up layer by layer, and resonated with another mysterious witchcraft array thousands of meters underground.

Greem was floating in the sky above the guidance witch formation, and with a feint with his hand, the huge and heavy magic furnace slowly floated in front of him.

"go in!"

Greem held up the magic furnace with his hands and submerged it into the guidance witch formation.

The next second, they appeared together thousands of meters underground.

What appeared before their eyes was the source of magic power that had almost gathered into a stone ball.

After more than two months of 'warming up', the magic energy inside the magic source has become so rich that it is almost substantial. A faint magic mist surrounds the stone ball, making every magical creature that approaches feel the rush. The energy breath coming from.

At this point, the brain monster Gazlowe no longer conceals his existence.

As the magic furnace trembled slightly, Gazlowe's spiritual power surged out like a sea and a mountain, scattering the stone balls with a voracious momentum that swallowed the world, and reached into the slowly rotating void vortex of the magic source.

In the final analysis, the brain monster Gazlowe is also a mutated magical creature. Apart from some simple mental abilities, it does not have any combat effectiveness. When its mental power and energy void coils were entangled together, the magic furnace and void vortex began to tremble violently at the same time.

"Okay... you can start..." Gazlowe obviously devoted most of his mental powers to fighting against the energy void, and barely managed to separate a strand of spiritual thread to maintain mental contact with Greem.

With Gazlowe's knowledge and ability alone, it is impossible to make this energy void move at all. It can even be said that most of the indigenous creatures in the plane world cannot move these wild sources of magic. Only the powerful wizarding world, because it has spanned and ruled too many lower planes, has the relevant witchcraft knowledge and skills.

So even though the brain monster Gazlowe has level 3 strength, when it wants to transfer this source of magic power into its new body, it can only turn to Greem, a level 2 wizard.

Therefore, the brain monster Gazlowe tried his best to penetrate the energy void while quietly waiting for Grim to take action.

As a strange murmuring spell scale was completed, a super huge mysterious witch formation appeared on the ground where the magic source was. Countless magic lines and witchcraft runes emerged one by one, rendering this huge crypt into a sea of ​​light almost instantly.

Under the pull of the power of the talisman array, the spatial singularity fixed at the core of the energy void suddenly ejected endless energy particles, forming a violent stream of particles that could corrode nothing, eroding the already huge cave. It becomes more and more spacious.

The brain monster Gazlowe is hiding in the magic furnace, protected by the toughest and most magically malleable special magic iron alloy outside, so he will naturally not be harmed. And Greem also held up flame shields one after another, and his whole body was as bright as fireworks as he was hit by the particle flow.

The spatial singularity does not have any mass originally. It is just a magical space node that connects the plane space and the outer void. Ordinary creatures are not even qualified to touch it, let alone pick it off like a gem.

However, as a wizard, Greem directly purchased the mysterious witch formation related to the source of magic power from the Silver Alliance at a high price. The witchcraft principles and witchcraft methods used in it are difficult to analyze in detail even with Greem's knowledge reserves. They can only promote the operation of the mysterious witchcraft array with the mental power of gourd painting.

But don't tell me, this mysterious witch array collected at a high price really worked.

As the energy particles rioted and erupted, the stationary spatial singularity actually slowly floated towards the magic furnace under the pull of the witch formation.

It really works!

Grim and the brain monster Gazlowe couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the space was getting closer and closer to the magic furnace, Greem's mental power surged, and he actually completed the Balrog transformation in an instant.

A terrifying Balrog, whose body was made of flames and lava and was 7 meters tall, appeared on the scene.

The next moment, a flame rune that condensed part of Greem's soul imprint suddenly appeared and floated towards Gazlowe's mastermind in the magic furnace along with the spatial singularity.

"You...what are you doing..."

Seeing the critical moment when the magic furnace and the spatial singularity merged, Greem unexpectedly came up with this move, and the brain monster Gazlowe couldn't help but scream wildly.

"You are level 3 and I am level 2. This time you have integrated the magic furnace and the spatial singularity. Your strength will definitely increase dramatically. So I can't guarantee whether the soul contract set up previously can still restrain you. So... "Grim, who transformed into a terrifying Balrog, leaned down, a 'gentle' smile appeared on his flaming lava face: "Either accept this new soul brand, or die here... your choice!"

The brain monster Gazlowe was silent.

In addition to the direct threat from the second-level fire wizard in front of him, according to the perception of the brain monster Gazlowe, there are also several "guests" on the floating giant ship on the surface who have forcibly boarded, including the second-level dragon man. Zacha.

Judging from this posture, if it does not agree to Greem's request, the underground and the surface will attack at the same time, and the wizards are eager to eradicate it.

It has become a level 3 brain monster. Although its rank is quite high, it has no combat power. It must rely on its assimilated metal body and combat magic machinery to fight with others.

During the previous period, the fire wizard has been instilling in it the various benefits of having a magic furnace. And advised Gazlowe that before assimilating the magic furnace and the space singularity, it must keep its mental ability at its peak and it is not suitable to have too many magic machinery bodies.

Now at this moment, Gazlowe finally understood the other party's intention.

At this time, even if it wants to resist, with the floating giant ship outside that has been dismantled of most of the magic energy weapons, the damage and threat it can cause to the other party are few.

Moreover, after this period of contact, the other party has fully understood its advantages and disadvantages. Once it strikes, it will use a thunderbolt to directly kill it, and will never give it any chance to split its brain and escape.

After thinking about this, the brain monster Gazlowe felt more and more angry and aggrieved.

As a level 3 creature, it was calculated by a group of level 1 and 2 wizards and could only close its eyes and wait to be enslaved. This... This feeling of grievance and depression made it almost violent!

Looking at the space singularity and fire runes that were getting closer and closer, the brain monster Gazlowe's mood became more and more complicated.

One was what it couldn't wait to have, and the other was what it wanted to blow into pieces...

This kind of witchcraft rune directly imprinted on the soul can be destroyed instantly as long as it condenses a mental power. But it can only watch the other party float over little by little, and then slowly merge into the soul consciousness of its main brain.

Every time it musters a little courage to resist the other party's enslavement, at the moment when the mental power is formed, it always can't help but imagine the scene of its brain being torn into pieces by the wizard's wild witchcraft storm.

Although it is already a veritable level 3 brain monster, in essence, the origin of its soul is still inherited from a cowardly goblin who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

When the two parallel options of extreme power and loss of freedom came to it at the same time, neither could defeat Gazlowe's fear and shrinkage of death.

It mustered up courage countless times and imagined countless escape plans. But the mortality rate of more than 93% made it only watch the slow passage of time until the flame rune and the space singularity were completely integrated with it...

When the space singularity was completely integrated with its spiritual consciousness and stabilized again in the core space of the magic furnace, a void energy that was stronger and more violent than the previous magic energy gushed out, constantly washing the rock walls and soil layers around the crypt.

Countless star-like energy particles infected everything around the crypt into a radiant energy crystal. And as the particle flow continued to spray, the thickness and density of the energy crystal layer was also rapidly increasing.

Grimm's mental power swept through, and the information prompts fed back by the chip surprised him.

The huge cave was infected by the magic furnace for only one minute, and the surrounding rock and soil showed signs of transformation into magic stones. According to the chip statistics, even if this magic furnace is not used for other purposes and is only used to mass-produce magic stones or magic crystals, it can reach the level of 300 magic crystals per day.

This means 3,000 magic stones!

And Grimm's Flame Throne Wizard Tower, even if most of the witchcraft facilities are closed, can only produce 8 magic crystals or 15 fire crystals per day. Compared with the magic furnace, the elemental altar in the Flame Throne Energy Room has become a "garbage" that can be directly discarded, not worth mentioning at all.

Sensing the slavery contract that has been completely integrated into the soul, although the brain monster Gazlowe feels the endless energy surging in his "body", it is still difficult to be happy.

"Go up!" Seeing that Gazlowe was obedient, Grimm's attitude towards him was undoubtedly much better: "There are still a lot of food left for you up there..."

Perhaps wanting to vent the accumulated anger through violent actions, the Magic Furnace suddenly shook, and it actually floated up without Grimm's support.

Floating all the way, energy was ejected all the way...

Gazlowe now only has a Magic Furnace heart, and does not belong to his own body, so 99% of the energy has no way to be vented, and can only be allowed to be ejected outward in the form of energy particle flow.

Finally, under the attention of the surface wizards and goblins, the brain monster Gazlowe descended in his own completely unique way! chapter;

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