The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0731 Fire Dragon Lair

It must be said that facing a group of powerful teams who are determined to come to "slay the dragon", the Dark Iron Dwarves in front of them are really not good enough.

Perhaps in this burning plain, they can occupy a large area with their indestructible Dark Iron Tower and weapons, and become one of the powerful lackeys of the Level 2 Fire Dragon. But once they encounter Grimm and others, the fate of the Dark Iron Dwarves will end here!

Even without Grimm's personal action, Mary took Wenlier and Soros to transform into vampire bats and drilled into the shooting hole of the Dark Iron Tower. What followed was an inhumane and wanton massacre.

Knowing the fighting methods of the Dark Iron Dwarves, the three vampires naturally would not give them any chances. Either they would kill them instantly as soon as they met, or they would quickly escape from the explosion area after discovering that the other party was ignited...

Grimm stood in front of the Dark Iron Tower, and only heard the desperate and painful howling and roaring of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Starting from the bottom, sporadic explosions continued to occur. Looking at the thick flames spewing out from the lookouts and firing ports, listening to the crisp sound of the muskets inside, the bloody slaughter extended from the bottom of the tower all the way to the upper floors. The weak Dark Iron Dwarfs finally despaired and collapsed in the face of three ghostly killers...

The door of the Dark Iron Tower was opened again, but this time it was smashed by the Goblin Ripper!

It can be seen that Tigule was a little embarrassed by the mess he made in front of a group of weak chickens just now, so he also wanted to kill a lot to wash away the previous humiliation.

Unfortunately, after the door of the tower was opened, no Dark Iron Dwarf escaped. The entire first floor hall was filled with strange corpses, and of course there were also dwarf corpses that were blown beyond recognition.

On the stone spiral staircase on one side of the hall, corpses were lying in all directions, and they were still holding broken muskets with smoke in their hands. The smelly black blood kept flowing down the stone stairs, and had gathered into a black lake in a corner of the hall.

The Black Iron Tower was built quite high. Because the vampires killed too quickly, the battlefield had extended to the upper floors of the tower, so the previous continuous crisp sound like popping beans could no longer be heard in the hall on the first floor. However, the power of the black iron was still not small. The entire Black Iron Tower was still shaking and trembling. The dust and iron powder above the head kept falling, making the place full of a strange atmosphere of war and danger.

The high-level Black Iron dwarves also tried to blow up the spiral stone stairs to block the enemy's attack. Unfortunately, this trick might work against ordinary enemies, but it would be a bit of a self-destructive move to use it against wizards.

If the stone stairs can't be used, then go outside the tower!

The vampires rushed out of the tower, then flew to the upper floor, and then rushed in through the ubiquitous lookouts and shooting holes. The Dark Iron Dwarves had their only escape route blocked, and could only wait to be killed. Many Dark Iron Dwarves were forced to roar and ignite the things tied to their bodies, and then exploded in despair as the other side quickly moved away.

They couldn't fight, and they couldn't blow up!

The remaining Dark Iron Dwarves were completely desperate, and they jumped off the tower one by one without waiting for the vampires to kill them. With their small bodies, no flying ability, and no deceleration devices, they could only fall into a ball of meat paste around the tower.

Finally, after 20 minutes, this steel tower with a height of 300 meters and more than 400 Dark Iron Dwarves was completely silent.

After a quick search of the entire tower, rows of neatly stacked iron ingots, steel ingots and other special metals were found in the Dark Iron Dwarves' material warehouse. Among them, there were naturally rare resources such as mithril, refined gold, foul copper, magic iron and some valuable magic gems.

The Dark Iron Dwarves hoarded these things to pay tribute to the Fire Dragon Lord, but now they are all cheap for Grimm and others. Everyone gets a share. All the members of the Dragon Slayer Team took some gems and resources that they could use, and the rest were all packed and taken away by Grimm.

As for the huge amount of ordinary metals, they could only be thrown away in vain.

Although Grimm also re-sealed the material warehouse and applied a simple seal, such a high-quality residence in this wilderness is impossible to waste. As long as they leave, this place will definitely be occupied by other natives who heard the news.

By then, this place will also become the nest of a new regional overlord.

So, no matter how many seals are applied, it will be useless!


After passing through the Black Iron Tower, it is the territory of the Firethroat Dragon People.

On this red and scorched land, there is no space and environment for foreign races to survive and reproduce.

Walking on the fiery red and hot rock slabs, the leather boots under your feet will make a sizzling sound when they touch the ground. As a last resort, all wizards could only release some elemental particles to protect their leather boots, otherwise they would have to walk barefoot before they could walk half a mile.

The arrival of Grimm and his party had obviously alarmed the Firethroat Dragons here.

In the simple camp in the distance, there were roars and roars. Teams of Firethroat Dragons gathered and were desperately moving towards the Black Iron Tower.

To be honest, as soon as Grimm and his party stepped into the Burning Plain, the leader of the Firethroat Dragons had already received the news.

However, at that time, this group of aliens were only active on the periphery of the Burning Plain and did not show any intention of invading. Therefore, the leader of the Firethroat only ordered the peripheral vassal forces to pay attention to the movements of this group of aliens, but he did not really get nervous.

After all, Lance belongs to the private plane of pure-blooded dragons, and the possibility of war breaking out between dragon lords is very low. Even if the two giant dragons were at odds with each other, the only ones fighting would be their vassal dragonmen or indigenous forces. Bad incidents of directly going into battle naked and heading straight into the lair of the other dragon lord almost never happened.

Therefore, the leader of Fire Throat just ordered his subordinates to be on general alert. This is already a sign of extremely high vigilance!

It's a pity that no matter how hard it is, it can't be predicted that this group of outsiders will be so decisive and so fast.

We had received news almost the day before yesterday that a group of outsiders had broken into the Burning Plains. The next day, they discovered that they had crossed Un'Goro Volcano and their whereabouts were unknown. When the leader of the Fire Throat suddenly became alert and looked around for the whereabouts of this group of outsiders, thick beacon smoke for help was already burning in the direction of the black iron tower in the distance.

This time, the leader of Fire Throat, who had been calm and peaceful at first, could no longer sit still!

While sending people to warn the fire dragon's lair, it frantically summoned the dragon men scattered around, assembled the team and rushed towards the black iron tower frantically.

Unfortunately, its action is still a step too slow!

Perhaps no one could have imagined that this group of outsiders wiped out the entire Black Iron Dwarves in less than twenty minutes, then leisurely crossed the Black Iron Tower, bypassed the Firethroat Camp, and approached the Fire Dragon's Lair step by step.

Therefore, when the Firemaw leader rushed to the Black Iron Tower out of breath, all he saw was a dead place filled with dwarf corpses, and the enemy had long since disappeared.

If he were an ordinary idiot, he would probably have to spread out his manpower and search for traces of the enemy near the tower. However, the leader of the Fire Throat was experienced. His heart sank when he saw this situation, and he immediately led his people to run towards the fire dragon's lair without hesitation.

It was 120 miles from the Fire Throat Camp to the Black Iron Tower, and another 170 miles from the Black Iron Tower to the Fire Dragon's Lair. Even with the powerful physique of the Fire Throat Dragon, running nearly 300 miles in one breath is still a pace that makes people vomit blood!

However, just as the Fire Throat Dragons were running wildly across this scorched land, Greem and his party had already arrived at the Fire Dragon's lair and met up with the Blood Knight who had been squatting here.


In the middle of the Burning Plains, there is a narrow fissure zone that is more than ten miles long.

Standing on the edge of the rift valley and looking down, you can see the underground river of magma that is constantly surging thousands of meters below. The steaming heat wave and the strong and pungent smell of sulfur make this place a forbidden place for life.

Anyone who gets too close to the rift will be killed by the harsh air here, if not by the heat wave.

"Sir, I have been waiting here for twenty days, and I have never seen the fire dragon come out..." The blood knight responsible for guarding this place put his hand on his chest and respectfully reported to Grim.

It can be seen that he has suffered a lot these days here.

Not only were the clothes on his body red and softened by the baking, but even his body was covered with black burn marks.

Being able to leave such obvious scars on a level 2 blood knight also fully illustrates the harsh environment here and the scarcity of flesh and blood creatures. Although there are fire-throated dragons everywhere, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, the Blood Knight does not dare to attack them easily.

"Well, I've already noted your contribution. Let's go back to the team now." Greem simply praised him, then turned back to everyone and said, "The fire dragon's lair is down there, let's go down!"

After saying this, Greem took the lead and jumped down into the fissure canyon.

Hot waves of fire surged up from below, but were blocked by the flame barrier around Greem.

Fire and fire interacted with each other, burning the flame barrier red, and making a violent crackling sound.

Greem ignored this and glanced at the dark red rock walls on both sides while falling rapidly.

Finally, after falling to a place less than 200 meters away from the undercurrent of magma, Greem glanced at a circular platform protruding outward on the rock wall on the north side, on which the flickering fluorescence of magic runes could be vaguely seen.

That's it!

Greem, whose body was still falling rapidly, focused his gaze, and the flame jump was activated immediately.

The next second, the fire flashed on the circular platform, and Greem's tall body quietly emerged.

The entrance to the Fire Dragon's Lair is finally here!

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