The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0732 Fire Dragon Maze

The Fire Dragon Cave is not without any defense!

As soon as Grimm landed, two Firethroat Dragonmen rushed out of the cave with a roar, and the long-handled battle axes in their hands were overflowing with flashing red light, and they smashed fiercely at the unstable enemy.

Level 1 advanced!

The two Firethroat Dragonmen are both level 1 advanced elites, but facing a level 2 wizard, their strength is still not enough.

A resistance fire ring pushed the two dragonmen far away, and Grimm gently patted the voodoo scroll on his waist, and the two witch servants, the voodoo doll and the sewing ghost doll, floated out from it.

"They are yours..."

Grimm simply assigned them, and no longer cared about the two dragonmen.

The two witch servants laughed and floated towards the tall and strong dragon warrior.

At this time, Mary also flew down from above with two blood knights. Although they have level 2 strength, the three of them still hate the environment here, and wisps of black smoke are faintly rising from the surface of their bodies.

Just as Mary was cursing the bad environment here, a long and shrill scream suddenly came from the crack of the canyon, and then the huge and heavy body of the Goblin Tearer fell down like a weight.

Although Tigule was trying his best to maintain his balance in the air, and kept ejecting decelerating flames from the hole behind him. But unfortunately, the airflow in the magma canyon was obviously turbulent, which made it difficult for it to control the direction of flight, and it could only fall like a heavy iron block.

Grimm sighed secretly and waved at the falling Goblin Tearer from a distance.

A red light immediately wrapped around the Goblin Tearer's huge body and slowly began to slow down. When the speed was almost slowed down, the red light began to move horizontally towards the transmission platform under the traction of a strange force.

"Thank you, boss... Thank you, boss..." After standing firm on the platform again, Tigule's frightened and somewhat distorted shrill voice came out of the Goblin Tearer.

It seems that the Goblin Ripper still has some flaws, and we need to find time to improve them in the future.

Following closely behind, Oliwen and the insect wizard Bilis were able to reach the teleportation platform by their own strength, but when it was the turn of the dragon man Zacha, Grimm could only pull him over again.

When the dragon man Zacha landed and Grimm turned around, the voodoo doll and the sewing ghost puppet were already floating in front of him with a smile. As for the two fire throat dragons, one was poisoned to death on the spot with a sullen face, and the other had his eyes almost cracked, with a look of fear and anxiety on his face, and his death was particularly miserable.

So far, except for the old fox Wenlier who was too weak and asked him to stay outside to find a place to hide, all other team members have arrived.

And the next step is the highlight of this trip, finding the second-level fire dragon.

Walking from the teleportation platform, the first thing everyone needs to pass is the winding fire dragon maze full of traps. Without a way to pass through the maze, everyone would not even be qualified to face the fire dragon.

"Bilis, it's up to you!" Grimm whispered.

The reason why Bilis, the first-level one, was brought with him on this dragon-slaying operation was for this moment.

Bilis, who was wearing a black robe and completely covered himself, nodded slightly, took a step forward, and faced the red corridors in front of him, and his whole body suddenly collapsed.

The black robe fell silently, and countless black beetles swarmed out from under the robe. They were not big, but their movements were extremely fast and fierce. The huge swarm of insects instantly split into five or six insect armies of the same size, crawling quickly towards different corridors in front of them.

Although these insect swarms were divided into different teams, they were still under the control of Bilis's mind. Whenever a bug army encountered a new fork in the road, it would naturally split into more bug armies, like an infinitely forked black torrent, quickly flooding every passage in the fire dragon maze.

However, if the Fire Dragon Labyrinth was so easy to explore, it would not have become the Fire Dragon Lord's signature trick.

A moment later, rumbling explosions suddenly came from all over the Fire Dragon Labyrinth.

Bilis's swarm of insects finally triggered the ubiquitous magic traps and terrible mechanisms, and each explosion meant that dozens or even hundreds of insects were wiped out. Although each damage would not cause serious damage, as the swarm of insects continued to advance and the traps were constantly triggered, the damage accumulated and even the insect wizard Bilis could not ignore it directly.

The black robe that fell on the ground suddenly evaporated silently and turned into a puff of black smoke, condensing into countless winding, lingering and strange lines in front of everyone. And these lines seemed to be constantly extending into the void.

This is the entire topographic map of the Fire Dragon Labyrinth, and it was explored bit by bit by the insect wizard Bilis with the lives of tens of thousands of insect soldiers.

Grimm watched calmly, but the chip in his mind was scanning and analyzing at high speed, and quickly searched for the shortest and most convenient route from the dense and complicated black lines.

Finally, an hour later, one of the hundreds of insect armies successfully got out of the Fire Dragon Maze and ran into the overwhelming hot flames.

It was the Fire Dragon Lord!

"Found it!" Grimm's face relaxed, and he said in a low voice: "Let's go..."

After that, he rushed into the Fire Dragon Maze.

The dragon Zacha raised the Frost Hammer, smashed the rock, and smashed a corner of the teleportation array, and then rushed into the maze with Grimm. The other crimson wizards looked at each other and followed without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the place was empty again, without a single person!

With the insect swarm exploring the way, the complex and tortuous fire dragon maze in front of everyone no longer had any mystery. Grimm and others followed an underground passage that was still burning with hot flames, walking on the barbecue site where insect corpses were piled up.

Since this is the most convenient passage, there are undoubtedly the most magic mechanisms and traps inside the passage. The price paid by Bilis's insect swarm to wade through here is not small.

However, these losses will be compensated by Grimm in the form of family rewards after the operation. After all, this insect wizard Bilis can be regarded as one of the new generation of the crimson family who has the most hope of impacting the second-level wizard in the short term!

When Grimm and the others easily passed through the Fire Dragon Labyrinth, they ran into the Level 2 Fire Dragon who was waiting for battle.

If the Fire Dragon Lord could not detect such a big commotion in the Fire Dragon Labyrinth, then he would really become a blind dragon.

This is a tall and mighty adult male Fire Dragon!

When it was perched in the tall and spacious Molten Fire Hall, with its head raised high and its cold and evil eyes scanning the people in front of it, everyone could feel the fear and trembling from the bottom of their hearts.

Grimm took the lead and walked in the front, so he was also the first guy to bear the fierce dragon's might head-on.

"Beep, a strange spiritual energy invasion is detected. Do you want to activate the spiritual barrier to isolate it?"

"Attention, attention... If the spiritual energy is not isolated, the main body will be directly affected by spiritual -5 and agility -3 in 7 seconds... Now the countdown begins: 7... 6..."

"Activate the spiritual barrier!"

"The order has been accepted, the spiritual barrier has been activated! It is estimated that the spiritual energy will be cleared in 3 seconds..."

In the perception of outsiders, Grimm, who was the first to bear the brunt, was only slightly stunned for 3 seconds before quickly getting rid of the influence of the dragon's might and moving forward again.

Behind Grimm, Mary, Tigule, Zacha and others all exuded a faint fluorescence of the spiritual barrier. The source of the fluorescence seemed to be a strange witchcraft amulet hanging around their necks or waists.

This is the spiritual amulet that Grimm specially purchased from the Silver Alliance, each of which is worth 8,000 magic crystals!

Looking at the strange witchcraft fluctuations emanating from everyone, the 2nd-level fire dragon became furious again.

Since the enemy is so well prepared, it seems that today's fierce battle is inevitable.

Fire dragon Bamler raised his head, stared at Grimm, and roared in a thunderous voice: "Who... who are you? Why did you break into Lord Bamler's bedroom without permission? Tell me your intention, otherwise..."

The fire dragon opened its huge mouth, and through its cold and sharp fangs, everyone could clearly see the hot ball of fire that was quickly forming in the opponent's throat.

"Fight... why so much nonsense!"

Mary has always acted faster than she thought. She threw off the black robe that was in the way, and with a flap of the bat wings behind her, she was the first to rush towards the terrible fire dragon that was waiting.

She was fast, and the fire dragon was faster...

A mouthful of extremely hot flame dragon breath rolled down like a wall.

Although Mary was impulsive, she was not stupid.

With her defense and magic resistance, facing the dragon breath of a level 2 fire dragon directly, she would only be burned to charcoal, and there was no way she could resist it.

So she flapped her bat wings, and her slender body drew four or five red shadows in the air, finally avoiding the terrible dragon breath that swept in a fan shape.

Grimm stepped forward without hesitation, raised his hands and stretched them forward, and a hot stream of flames that was also rolling and rushing towards the dragon breath rushed up, and the two sides collided fiercely.

Dragon Breath vs Flame Stream!

The red dragon is a high-level fire monster, and Grimm is also a famous fire wizard.

Both sides are almost immune to low-level flame damage, so after the two flames collided, they kept splashing and emitting terrifying high temperatures and terrible fire waves.

For a while, the middle section of this molten fire hall became an area where two flames were madly wrestling and raging, and the surrounding areas quickly turned into a scorching sea of ​​fire.

The two wrestling parties were of the same level, and their control over the flames was also comparable, so it turned into a evenly matched confrontation.

However, with Grimm's physique and spirit, it was obviously still unable to fight against such a high-level monster. Therefore, under the impact of a huge force, Grimm retreated repeatedly, and the leather boots on his feet rubbed against the lava stone slabs, leaving two eye-catching burn marks.

Damn, this fire dragon is so strong!

Grimm cursed angrily...

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