The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0741 Goblin Apprentice

May 12, 32856 of the wizard calendar.

The first batch of recruited goblin apprentices passed through the inter-dimensional portal and appeared in the public teleportation room on the first floor of the White Tower.

And little Locke was the youngest among the goblins.

He was short, about half the height of a human, with broad feet, dark green rough skin, a strange and twisted big nose and a pair of floppy big ears. This is the appearance of green goblins in general.

Although little Locke was a little handsome, in the eyes of foreigners, almost all goblins looked the same, and there was no difference.

Unfortunately, even with the force field barrier supported by the wizard tower, most goblins were still firmly pressed on the cold floor by the vast and obscure plane consciousness of the wizard world the moment they crossed over. Many weak goblins even fainted without making a sound.

Faced with such a situation, the person in charge of the organization of the teleportation seemed to have been prepared. Young men and women in apprentice robes walked into the teleportation array and poured a sip of blue potion into each fainted goblin. As for those who were still conscious, they did not do anything.

Little Locke has been a particularly strong individual since he was a child. Although he also felt the heavy pressure that was everywhere and crushed his body and mind at all times, he successfully carried it and did not faint.

Seeing a young human girl squatting beside him and pouring a sip of blue potion into his companion, the dizzy and confused companion immediately woke up. Little Locke couldn't help licking his lips enviously and whispered: "Can I... also... drink a sip...?"

Little Locke spoke the stumbling common language of the wizard world.

Since the goblin plane was occupied by wizards, this common language of the other world has become a profound language that the upper class of the Goblin Empire must master. And Little Locke was honored to be selected into the first batch of people going to the wizard world because of his talent.

This is a young female apprentice with a beautiful face, whose slender figure is clearly visible under the light cloth robe. Her personality is also very gentle and quiet, and she does not have any strange discrimination against these "low-level" slaves from other planes.

"You don't need to drink. You can resist the suppression of the plane consciousness with your own spirit, which fully proves that you have a good spiritual talent. Try to etch this strange feeling into your heart, it is particularly important for your future development."

The female apprentice's words are soft and sweet, and it also calms the panicked heart of Little Locke again.

After half a quarter of an hour, all the goblin apprentices slowly moved out of the teleportation array under the assignment of a wizard. There was a faint cry in the team, and five partners still died because they could not withstand the plane suppression.

This is the result of the force field protection of the wizard tower weakening some of the plane suppression. If there is no wizard tower, most of the teleported goblins would probably die directly.

After all, the wizard world is a large plane that is tens of thousands of times stronger than the goblin plane. The high magic environment and plane pressure here are no less than a roller coaster ride for creatures from lower planes. Those with a weaker physical endurance will be eliminated directly!

There are a total of 40 goblins in this batch of teleported goblins. Excluding the five who died, there are still 35 left. Among them are experienced goblin engineers and skilled goblin technicians, but there are more talented and talented little goblins.

As selected wizard slaves, they are allowed to live and live on the bottom floor of the Witch Tower. There, every five goblins are assigned to a stone room, which has nothing but a simple wooden bed and a public wooden table.

And the young human female apprentice Echo, who little Locke has just met, lives on the second floor of the Witch Tower. Their treatment is much better than that of the little goblins. The dormitories are all single-person, and even the places in the Witch Tower that they can go to are much more than those of the little goblins.

As newly joined wizard slaves, the first thing that the goblins like Little Locke did after settling down in the White Tower was to systematically learn the wizard world's common language and fully understand the world overview and mineral, animal and plant resources of the wizard world.

To be honest, a large group of goblins sitting on high wooden stools whose feet could not touch the ground, following their language teachers to learn a new language again, the difficulty and pain are simply unimaginable to outsiders. Moreover, among these goblins, there are also old goblins with gray hair and beards, as well as strong goblin technicians.

Such a large group of goblins of different ages, identities and occupations, chanting the wizard common language with strange accents, the funny scene is simply hilarious.

Although the learning and acceptance ability of most goblins is a headache for the human scholars who come to teach them, smart goblins like Little Locke have won unanimous praise from all scholars and teachers.

Therefore, under the personal intervention of the wizards on the upper floors of the White Tower, seven goblins led by Little Locke were selected and moved to the second floor of the Wizard Tower, starting a learning life exactly like human apprentices.

At this time, only one and a half months had passed since Little Locke arrived at the White Tower, and the second batch of forty goblins appeared in the teleportation array again.


In the witchcraft hall on the eighth floor of the White Tower.

Meryl and Xuefu were staring at the monitoring crystal on the wooden table in front of them. The scene on the crystal was the scene in the teleportation array on the first floor of the witch tower. The old fox Wenlier, as the assistant of the tower master, was waiting beside him.

"Ahem, six more goblins died..." Looking at the goblins staggering in the teleportation array, Meryl only needed to scan it with her mental power to know the final result.

"There is no way. The goblin plane is not the real witch tower after all. In the case of being unable to reduce the power of plane teleportation, it is inevitable that those goblins who are not up to standard physically or mentally will die in the teleportation!" Xuefu's cold eyes also swept lightly on the monitoring crystal, and then asked in confusion: "What is your teacher's idea? Let these goblins study with our witch apprentices. If the witch council knows about this, those conservative old guys will definitely come to smash the white tower."

After speaking, Xuefu showed a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, as if she was imagining the angry looks of those conservative witches.

"The teacher's thoughts are very clear! Goblins who pass the test and meet the mental strength standards will be trained as wizard apprentices for a while, and those who do not meet the standards will be driven out of the tower and asked to work in those... those high-energy food processing factories..."

Hearing the head of the wizard tower read out these absurd and strange words in an obscure tone, Xue Fu's smile became even stronger.

The strange wizard who is high above always has some incredible ideas. For example, the magic food processing factory promoted this time is aimed at those mortals who do not have any extraordinary power. To be more precise, it is aimed at those middle and low-level human nobles.

The White Tower is adjacent to the Black Forest, and the monster resources are unprecedentedly rich!

And the past wizards or apprentices only need to meet the food needs of the White Tower itself. As for processing some monster meat products to provide to those human nobles, there is almost no precedent.

After all, the wizard world is centered on the wizard community, and all considerations of interests are also based on the wizard community as a reference. Now, leaving the wizard group behind, they specialize in selling some high-energy monster flesh and blood to ordinary human nobles. No one has ever tried this before.

After all, in the wizard world, there is almost no overlap between wizards and mortals!

Wizards are rulers, mortals are ants and lambs under the wings of wizards, and those human nobles are sheepdogs who assist wizards in managing the flock. Let the noble wizards lower their heads and consider some things for those nobles and mortals. This... is almost impossible!

Although some downtrodden low-level wizards will also stoop to become witchcraft consultants under some great nobles, their number is very small after all, and such guys who have lost their wizard dignity are basically excluded from the mainstream wizard circle.

And people like Grimm, as a popular second-level fire wizard and the patriarch of a rising new wizard family, do not consider how to build good relationships with other wizards, but instead think about how to "serve" those inferior human nobles. This... is indeed a bit beyond the expectations of Ice Girl Xue Fu!

What do those nobles have in their hands?

It's just some golden coins and scribbled paintings, vases, and animal furs... Is it useful to trade these "junk" from them? You know, in the wizard community, the only currency in circulation is magic crystals...

Therefore, Ice Girl Xue Fu will only feel incredible and even absurd about what Lord Grimm thinks. However, the Crimson Family is his, and the White Tower is also his. He can do whatever he wants.

Therefore, Ice Girl Xue Fu is completely watching every step of the development of the White Tower with a bystander's gaming mentality!

"Lord Xuefu, are you recruiting civilians?"

"Don't worry, Wizard Meryl. After I sent the news back to the Tower of Destiny, Chief Alice took it very seriously and has already begun to transfer civilians from several nearby territories. It is expected that the first batch of migrated civilians will arrive in two months, with a population of 300. By then, you must make some resettlement preparations in advance..."

"300 people? Two months?" Meryl couldn't help but mutter and repeat it, and the old fox Wenlier immediately wrote down these numbers.

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