The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0770 Strange Flame Tiger

Grimm was running away like crazy!

For some reason, the 3rd level flame tiger had been following closely behind Grimm since it had set its sights on him. If Grimm had not had some special means, he would have been blocked by it long ago.

Last time, he used the flame clone to lead it in the wrong direction, but before he ran 200 miles, the flame tiger appeared behind him again. Of course, the flame tiger only found a temporary camp that Grimm had set up during a short rest, and with the flame runes left in the camp, Grimm also knew who the guy chasing him was.

3rd level flame tiger... This is a target he can't defeat!

Therefore, after receiving the information, Grimm could only run away like crazy again.

Seriously speaking, the fire element plane is a good place for practice and experience, but it is definitely not suitable for tourism.

The scenery here is so monotonous that it is despairing!

Either it is a lava pool that stretches for miles, or a huge sea of ​​fire that can't be seen at a glance, or some strange grasslands, hills and volcanoes covered with black smoke all day long...

The scenery is monotonous and boring, the creatures are dull and wooden, and although the powerful fire element creatures have super high intelligence, it is a pity that they don't seem to have any entertainment life. , All year round, year after year, the only thing seems to be to constantly wander inside the plane until they find a powerful fire field that can settle down.

After living in such a world for a while, even Grimm felt that his brain was becoming dull. Those former intrigues and deceptions, like the illusory dreams of the previous life, were washed away by the boring life in front of him.

However, after staying in such a world for a long time, Grimm also understood the existence of fire element creatures more deeply.

Wandering in the fire element plane, Grimm saw the whole process of the birth of the fire element more than once.

To be honest, fire element creatures are indeed as described in books, born in fire and destroyed in fire!

A strange flame wave suddenly came from an empty fire field. Then, a fist-sized bright red flame jumped out of the fire field, and then after absorbing some free fire elements, it formed an illusory face made of flames.

This is the most common low-level element creature in the fire element plane - the fire spirit.

The fire spirit has the strength of a junior apprentice when it is born, and can spit out some low-intensity elemental fireballs with an attack power of about 5-10 degrees.

If a low-level fire spirit can absorb flame energy freely, it is possible to grow into a more powerful fire element or flame spirit within a hundred years. And their strength is roughly maintained at the level of a senior apprentice!

After becoming a fire element or flame spirit, it means that it has initially possessed a complete flame body and soul consciousness. Although this part of the soul consciousness is very weak, it is enough for them to use explosive fireballs with an attack power of up to 30 degrees and some range-type flame spells.

If the Flame King goes to war with the other plane, they can be regarded as the lowest basic combat power of the Fire Element Plane!

In the Fire Element Plane, they may be nothing, but in the other plane, a guy who can casually throw a 30-degree fireball can be regarded as a strong spellcaster. But such guys are in abundance in the Fire Element Plane. The Flame King can just go to the wilderness and there will be a large group of them, and they don’t need to bother to cultivate and water them.

It is precisely because of the strange characteristics of the Fire Element Plane that there is no shortage of troops here.

If most of the other planes are not suitable for the survival of flame creatures, most of the Flame Kings don’t like to go to the Fire Element Plane to wander and travel. Otherwise, even with a large plane like the wizard world, if you want to go to war with the Fire Element Plane, I am afraid there will be little chance of winning.

After all, the huge group of flame creatures born and nurtured by the Fire Element Plane is incomparable and imitative in any material plane.

Out of curiosity, Grimm once captured some newly born fire spirits and dissected them thoroughly. Although there is no sophisticated witchcraft laboratory, Grimm still found some problems with the detailed scanning and perspective of the chip.

Fire spirits can be said to be a combination of flame energy and consciousness imprints. The flame energy of newly born fire spirits naturally comes from the ubiquitous energy field of the fire element plane. But where do those consciousness imprints come from?

Grimm checked and found that most of the consciousness imprints are pure and thin, and do not carry any past memories or residual consciousness, so the newly born fire spirits are so simple and dull. But the careful Grimm still detected some remnants of soul fragments on individual consciousness imprints.

Most fire spirits are a ball of flame without any shape or consciousness at the beginning of their birth, while those fire spirits with some residual consciousness will shape the flames they live in into some strange forms according to the memory afterimages projected in the consciousness imprints.

Or beasts, or people, or things, or wind...

In short, the broken consciousness and memories of the soul fragments still dominate the newly born fire spirits, allowing them to re-simulate the form of their "previous life". From this, it can be inferred that the flame tiger that has been tracking Grimm should belong to this situation.

Because they have some memories and experiences from their 'previous life', they have embarked on a different path from the native flame creatures in the process of survival and growth. At least in terms of soul activity and curiosity, the flame tiger was obviously different from other flame creatures Greem had encountered.

If given the opportunity, Greem would naturally be willing to capture the flame tiger, dissect it and slice it into pieces to understand the process of the birth of the soul consciousness of elemental creatures. However, considering the strength gap between the two, Greem could only avoid the other party from a distance and find ways to avoid the other party's continuous tracking.

To be honest, this flame tiger was really completely different from other flame creatures Greem had encountered.

Even though he killed so many members of the body-burning flame spirits that Greem first encountered, they only gave up after chasing him for nearly a thousand miles. But this third-level flame tiger has been tracking for tens of thousands of miles, and it looks like it won't give up until Greem is caught.

This... is where Greem feels most helpless and most surprised!

Greem had a feeling that the other party was pursuing him so closely, not because he wanted to devour him in one bite, but because he had some other deep meaning. However, facing the threat of a level 3 flame creature, Greem really did not have the confidence to verify whether this idea was correct, so he could only flee as far as he could.

Greem's current form was that of a 3-meter-high shaped fire element, with his entire body completely wrapped in a layer of bright red flames. In order to avoid causing trouble, Greem deliberately concealed his humanoid body and blurred his flame form.

After all, a formed and stable flame body is the sign of a high-level flame creature. Wherever such a guy goes, he will attract the attention of local fire creatures. Therefore, in order to avoid attracting unnecessary attention, Greem disguised himself as a level 1 fire element that had not yet completely solidified its form.

And such guys are undoubtedly the largest and least noticeable group in the fire elemental plane.

And when Greem was trekking hard in the plane, a certain flame rune he left behind was touched by a 'person' again. Feeling the blurry image transmitted from the distance by the flame rune, Greem couldn't help but turn green again.

Damn it, it’s still that flaming tiger!

It has traveled more than 20,000 miles, why is it still tracking me?

The flame rune was triggered 100 miles away, which also indicates that the other party is tracking closer and closer.

Greem sighed secretly and could only run and teleport to search nearby.

Sure enough, somewhere 30 miles away, Greem successfully found a huge sea of ​​fire that stretched for dozens of kilometers. This kind of fire field without any matter or solidified form is also the most common strange landscape in the fire elemental plane, a bit like rivers and lakes in the material plane.

After hesitating for a moment, Greem gritted his teeth and got into it, disappearing in an instant.

Even with Greem's fire immunity status, it was difficult to guarantee that he would not suffer any damage in such a pure and refined fire field. Perhaps his body of fire is immune to fire damage, but the soul imprint and spiritual consciousness attached to it still have to bear the heavy pressure of the flames.

Fortunately, he has completed the elementalization process of his spirit. As long as he stays in the fire field for no more than an hour, he does not have to worry about his soul imprint and spiritual consciousness being assimilated by the flames.

Therefore, choosing to walk through the sea of ​​fire is also the easiest way for him to wash away the remaining traces of himself!

And just a quarter of an hour after Greem disappeared into the sea of ​​​​fire, flames billowed at the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, and a strange creature whose whole body was wrapped in violent flames suddenly appeared in this place.

This is a violent flame tiger with static flames flowing all over its body. Its body is not very large, only more than 3 meters long, but it is filled with powerful and surging flame energy.

At least among the group of level 3 flame creatures, the size of 3 meters is indeed too small.

In the plane of fire element, the strength of each flame creature is directly related to the strength of the flame energy stored in its body. The larger the body, the more fire energy it stores, and the more powerful the creature is. Without a huge body, how can it store huge fire energy.

This is a simple and plain truth!

At least, most elemental creatures follow this truth.

However, the strange flame tiger in front of him broke this rule, which also indicates that it has probably mastered some method or rule for compressing flame energy.

And this is also a sign of high-level flame creatures!

As soon as this strange flame tiger appeared here, it raised its nose and gently sniffed something. Then it slowly walked to the place where Greem entered the "sea", and its complex and colorful flame eyes stared faintly in front of it. The sea of ​​​​fire, I don’t know what I am thinking about.

If Greem were still here, he would definitely be shocked by the humanistic expression and eyes of this flame tiger. Just like a black-and-white ink painting suddenly smeared with a touch of color, this flame tiger shows a tone and flavor that are incompatible with this single and boring world.

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