The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0771: Flame Market

The Fire Elemental Plane may lack everything, but it will not lack fire.

The Fire Elemental incarnation of Grimm shuttled around in the raging sea of ​​fire. With the Ash Boots, he not only did not lose energy, but felt full of energy, as if he could swim forever in it.

But the blue countdown projected on the retina by the chip was passing by every second.

The comfort and indulgence that Grimm felt in the sea of ​​fire may be real, but the prompt of the chip is also shocking. Once he stays in the sea of ​​fire for more than 1 hour, he may be completely assimilated by the active fire elements here.

By then, the origin of his soul may be shifted, thus taking an irreversible step towards the direction of elemental creatures!

This was not in his original plan.

Once he really took this step, he could only choose between the two identities of wizard and elemental creature. After transforming into an elemental creature, he will never be rejected by the Fire Elemental Plane again. Moreover, elemental creatures generally have long vitality, and there are no terrible natural enemies in the plane. As long as Grimm is given enough time, he is confident that he will grow into a great flame king!

However, once the origin of his soul is assimilated by the fire elemental plane, he will also lose his identity as a native creature in the wizard world, and will draw a clear line with his past life.

And the identity of a wizard is extremely important for Grimm's future growth and development!

Grimm clearly knows that the four elemental planes support the legendary four elemental masters. And their strength is said to be level 9. If he wants to stand out in the elemental plane, he can't even think about it without knocking them down.

So from this point of view, it seems that the wizard camp is more conducive to his growth.

Grimm, who has been thinking about these situations for too long, is therefore extra careful and tries to maintain his identity as a wizard in the wizard world.

In the sea of ​​fire, it is impossible to distinguish the plane coordinates. So Grimm walked on the fire, quickly passed through the churning sea of ​​fire, and when there were 5 minutes left on the countdown, he got out of the sea of ​​fire.

This is a completely unfamiliar area.

There, Grimm actually saw a simple and plain village.

In and out of the village, there were flame creatures with strange flame bodies. They were like humans, shaking their flame-wreathed bodies, wandering in front of the market stalls, as if looking for something.

Elemental creatures also have markets and trade items? Don't they never have the concept of private items?

Grimm frowned and couldn't help but walk towards this alien market with curiosity.

This is an open public market with no guards or managers at all, and those who can break in here are all flame creatures with high-level intelligence. They are different from those low-level companions who are muddle-headed and only know how to wander around by instinct. They almost all have intelligence equivalent to their own strength.

When Grimm turned into a fire element and broke into it, several high-level flame spirits passing by glanced at him, and then left indifferently.

So many level 2... so many level 3!

Grimm swallowed hard, and walked past the various flame creatures with trepidation. For the first time, he was shocked by the power of the Fire Elemental Plane.

In the wizard world, level 3 is almost the core combat power of the major wizard families. Although there are level 4 wizards above, they are powerful beings equivalent to the last trump card and the backers behind the scenes, and they rarely intervene in the fights of low-level wizards.

But in the Fire Elemental Plane, level 1 creatures are as numerous as cattle hair, level 2 creatures are worse than dogs, and even level 3 creatures can be seen everywhere. At least in this market covering less than 30 acres, Grimm can count no less than five level 3 flame creatures.

And many of their appearance characteristics make it difficult for Grimm to determine their true identity for a while.

Grimm's eyes slowly swept across the entire market and found that most of the "stalls" here were small guys of level 1 and 2. They have no shops, no stalls, no signs, just standing casually on the roadside, with a few strange objects in front of them that are hard to identify accurately.

Of course, the rare treasures that can appear here are all fire-attributed treasures, and there are many unknown objects they picked up from a corner. Although the value of these items is unknown, just because they can exist in the plane of fire elements, it can be concluded that they are not ordinary items.

However, when Grimm's eyes wandered to the central area of ​​the market, he saw some strange creatures that should not appear here.

Fire Demon!

This is a 2nd-level Fire Demon with a tall and thin body, evil magic tattoos painted on his chest, demon horns on his head, and a flame cloak on his back.

It is not an elemental creature, but a genuine abyss demon.

Seriously speaking, the Flame Demon that Grimm finally transformed into is actually a high-level form of the Fire Demon!

At this moment, this Level 2 Fire Demon, like other flame creatures, occupied a spot in the center of the market alone and set up a small stall. Beside it, Grimm saw fire dwarves, fire gnomes, and other beings from other worlds.

They all seemed to represent a certain force, each occupying a piece of territory, shouting and selling loudly. The whole market seemed very lively because of their presence.

Grimm was slightly stunned, and then walked towards their location involuntarily.

Pitaya, flame flower, fire agate, fire burning wood, fire-hating refined iron, flame stone, flame essence...

Flame essence?

The fire element incarnated by Grimm finally stopped in front of a stall.

Because he had just swallowed a piece of flame essence before, Grimm was particularly familiar with its breath. But on this stall, there were three pieces of flame essence stacked together, slowly flashing strange flames.

Grimm looked up and looked at the stall owner.

This was a 7-meter-tall flame giant, with a huge body and a stable flame. Seeing the fire element incarnated by Grimm wandering in front of its stall, it opened its red burning eyes and glanced at Grimm coldly.

Its strength was also level 2!

There was no way. In the elemental plane, there were too few level 1 elemental creatures that could give birth to high-level intelligent individuals. Only those high-level beings had a greater chance of generating enough wisdom.

"Little guy, you can't get what I want! I advise you to leave quickly!" The fire giant said in a muffled voice.

There was no way. Although Grimm was also at level 2, the fire element he incarnated at the moment was only 3 meters tall. He was indeed a little guy in front of the fire giant, and it was no wonder that he was despised by the other party.

"Big guy, didn't your elders tell you that absolute form does not represent absolute power? You haven't said what you want?" Grimm said proudly.

After this period of exploration, Grimm has a little understanding of the temper of these fire creatures.

Seriously speaking, they are all straightforward and impatient. They say whatever they think of, and there is no such thing as euphemistic words like humans. Therefore, the other party's harsh tone does not mean hostility, it is just their habitual expression!

The fire giant leaned down slightly, pressing down like a huge volcano, and sniffed around Grimm a few times.

"So that's it... You are not our partner, but a disguised outsider. Well, maybe you have something I need!"

Grimm's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that he had tried his best to block his body's breath, but the other party could still detect it. And this abominable guy has a loud voice, and his words are like thunder, almost making all the creatures in the market turn their heads to look here.

"I need some blood from high-level fire creatures! The level must be at least level 2, and the stronger the better..." The fire giant was talking almost in a roaring posture.

Grimm was stunned at first, and then he suddenly realized.

Blood from fire creatures?

The entire fire element plane is almost full of elemental creatures. They don't even have skin and flesh, so where does the blood come from. So it's no wonder that the other party is so excited after finding out that he is an outsider.

"Big guy, don't even think about it. How could he have what you want? If you ask me, it's better for you to choose our Earth Fire Lizard Blood. If you agree, I can use 30 kilograms of Earth Fire Lizard Blood to exchange for a Flame Essence. How about it? This transaction price is 20% higher than before..." As if he didn't want the material he liked to be swept away by outsiders, the Fire Demon several dozen meters away interrupted loudly.

"The Earth Fire Lizard is too poor. With their blood, my children will never be favored by the flames!" The Flame Giant roared loudly with an angry look on his face.

Grimm was slightly stunned, and the data retrieved by the chip was immediately projected in his mind.

The Flame Giant clan is also one of the common flame creatures in the Fire Element Plane. The birth of individuals in their clan has its own unique means and methods. It is said that in order to awaken the spirit of the newly born Flame Giant offspring, some blood of fire creatures must be sacrificed to the flames worshipped by the clan.

This primitive ancestor worship is common in most clans of elemental creatures. It is said that the high and mighty Lord of Fire relied on the faith and worship of billions of fire elemental creatures to become the Lord of Elements who commanded the entire Fire Elemental Plane.

After quickly browsing the information provided by the chip, Grimm instantly understood the reason why the fire giant wanted to obtain the blood of powerful fire creatures.

"Big guy, maybe I really have the things you said..." Grimm smiled and took out a pottery jar the size of a human head from his arms. The mouth of the jar was sealed, and the magic mark of the seal rune flashed on it.

"What is this?" The fire giant looked down slightly and shook his head and said, "No matter what you said, this number is too small. It can't be used by my children!"

Grimm didn't waste words. He gently wiped the mouth of the jar with his hand. The light of the seal rune on it gradually faded, and the pungent and strange smell inside slowly drifted out.

"What...what is this..." The fire giant kept sniffing, and the sound resounded like thunder over the market: "Could it be...dragon blood!"

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