The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0815: Door to the Plane

After a period of thinking, Grimm drafted the following list of players.

Level 3: Thunder Dragon Arms

Level 2: Grimm, Alice, Mary, Tigule, Brainless Gru

Level 1: Wind Witch Desela, Medusa Dana, Violent Witch Sophia, and 4 new wizards.

Magical Machinery Team: 100 Shield Guardians, 300 Magic Shooters, 30 Magic Chariots, 200 Eyeball Fighters, 10 Goblin Engineers, 50 Goblin Technicians...

This is all the mobile forces that the Crimson Family can currently bring out!

Compared to the previous entry into the Faen Plane, this team is only stronger, not weaker.

In contrast, although the Death Witch Leader Csuna has issued a declaration of war, the real war will still be delayed for half a year. There is no way. Cross-plane attack on another powerful family’s plane world, without thorough preparation and strong strength as support, is simply running to someone else’s territory to die.

Therefore, although the death witches swore to take bloody revenge on the beast god, they still had to be cautious in choosing the plane world. They even had to create confusion so that the other party could not figure out who they really wanted to attack.

In Weierning, a large plane gate was being built intensively.

The death witches also became increasingly active, and began to search and explore the plane world beacons controlled by the beast god through various means.

In theory, such plane world beacons were originally top-level intelligence that was kept secret, and outsiders should not know about them except for the top leaders of the beast god. However, the wizard world and the gods world have been confronting and fighting each other for tens of thousands of years. In the constant attacks and exchanges, both sides have a full and clear understanding of each other.

Therefore, the death witches only spent some magic crystals to obtain 17 plane world beacons occupied by the beast god from the Silver Alliance and the Wizard Association.

These planes are not half-developed primitive planes, but planes filled with the belief of Beast God believers. Moreover, the Death Witch publicly announced that she would give up any benefits of this plane conquest, just to severely hit the arrogance of Beast God and avenge her dead sisters.

Therefore, this plane invasion is not for occupation, but for destruction!

The Death Witches want to destroy not a tribe or an empire, but a complete plane.

They intend to use the method of slaughtering the Beast God believers of an entire plane to severely retaliate against the shame that the Beast God had previously imposed on the Death Witches.

In order to confuse the enemy, the Death Witches even sent a large number of witches to sneak into these planes to create a posture of launching a full-scale attack on the enemy. But most of these witches are just pawns to confuse the enemy, and only a few of them carry powerful positioning magic devices.

Once the target of attack is determined, the Death Witches can connect the plane gate with the enemy's world according to the signal transmitted back by the positioning stone. These can open a portal directly to the plane of the Beast God believers.

At that time, the teams summoned by the major witch factions only need to rush in and kill as much as they can!

Of course, it is also extremely difficult to completely destroy a plane, and you must find a way to destroy the origin of the other plane world.

Grimm certainly does not have such means, but the death witches do!

Therefore, the death witches enter the other plane in order to destroy their plane origin. And the responsibility of Grimm and others is to madly slaughter the Beast God believers and pinch off the other party's faith nodes. In this way, it can also destroy the other party's reinforcement action and give the death witches more time to cast spells and sacrifice.

Therefore, around this plane invasion, the Death Witch Department has launched a psychological warfare and feint attack with the Beast God Department for half a year. The number of high-level members of both sides who died in this battle has reached double digits.

Finally, on the 131st day after Csuna issued a declaration of war, the plane gate was completely completed!

This is an extremely tall and huge stone gate.

The frame of the entire stone gate is built of dark unknown stones, which are densely engraved with countless magic runes. When powerful magic energy is injected into the base of the stone gate, all the runes on the stone gate are lit up for a while.

Then, a bright light film slowly opens in the center of the stone gate.

Many strange light bands of different colors flow out from the light film, waving and twisting above the stone gate. They are intermittent, fluttering and twisting, like the beautiful phantom light in the strong magnetic field area.

And there is also a very obvious gravity disorder phenomenon near the stone gate.

Many stones, dust, and even loaded carriages have lost gravity and began to float slowly. In other areas, there is a gravity abyss that is difficult to identify with the naked eye. Any life that steps into the gravity abyss will be crushed by the terrifying gravity in an instant. The body and internal organs will be turned into a pile of fine mud and meat paste.

And such a gravity disorder area is randomly changing, and there is no rule at all.

All wizard apprentices have left the teleportation square and dare not approach the plane gate at all. Even high-level wizards like Grimm dare not walk around in such a place where the magnetic field, gravity, space, and time are obviously distorted, otherwise they may get hurt.

Grimm stood at the southwest corner of the teleportation square with his head held high, his eyes slightly narrowed, blue light flashing in his eyes, silently scanning the degree of distortion of the alien force around the plane gate.

Those beautiful light bands drifting around look light and powerless on the outside, but the data scanned by the chip is a screen full of dazzling red light.

1117 degrees!

These fluttering light bands that look like beautiful scarves are full of terrible space cracks inside. Once they hit a person, they can cut him completely apart in an instant. Even if you have put up witchcraft protection, these light bands with amazing cutting power can cut the shield and the human body in half, leaving your upper body in this plane space and your lower body in another plane space.

If there is no means to resist space cutting, even a level 2 wizard will die if he hits these light bands.

In comparison, the lethality brought by those gravity disorder areas seems insignificant!

Moreover, the closer you are to the plane gate, the more distorted all the alien forces are.

It is really not something that ordinary wizard apprentices can bear to cross the plane gate in such a terrible environment.

"The death witches have set off!" Alice, who was standing beside him, reminded softly.

Grimm turned his eyes upon hearing this, and quickly found the group of death witches.

The two level 3 death witches had already arrived in front of the light film of the plane gate. It was unknown what method they used to stabilize and calm the light gate that was shaking slightly.

Immediately, more than half of the abnormalities near the plane gate disappeared.

Taking advantage of the rare calm period of the plane gate, driven by the death witches, a large number of middle and high-level dead spirits crowded together, took staggering steps, and disappeared in the light gate in rows.

Among these dead spirits, Grimm recognized the iron zombies, black blood zombies, poisonous corpses, corpse witches, skeleton monsters, undead warriors, dark knights... and surrounded by them, you can also see the terrible lich wearing a white bone crown, a magic robe, holding a short-handled skull staff, and riding a tall bone dragon.

In their cluster, Grimm can see terrible existences of level 3 and 4 from time to time. Such high-level undeads, if placed in the skeleton plane, can easily become the status of the Lord of the Undead. But here, they are just the higher-level slaves and spellcasters of the Death Witches.

The black mass of undeads is crowded and filthy, and each of them is so ugly and twisted that it is unbearable to look at it. But their number is amazing, and they are constantly teleporting over. It has been more than an hour and they have not seen the end of them.

With Grimm's hearing and perception, he seemed to hear the shouts and killing coming back from the other side of the light gate.

It seems that the other side has been prepared!

In this case, I am afraid that the troops that enter the plane first will have to bear the most fierce attack from the enemy.

It is no wonder that the Death Witches put this group of undeads in the front, basically using them as cannon fodder to consume the enemies on the other side of the light gate!


With a shocking roar, the Death Witch leader Csuna rode the 4th-level corpse dragon Artest and appeared majestically.

The appearance of the corpse dragon immediately caused the orderly undead team to be in chaos.

All the undead fled to the sides in fear, leaving the wide and flat central avenue to this huge and strong corpse dragon, whose body was covered with blue-gray rotten flesh and iron-blue dragon scales.

The corpse dragon Artest took heavy steps, strode towards the light gate, and roared at the high-level undead beside him. All the high-level undead targeted by it couldn't help but tremble and retreated repeatedly, looking like they couldn't bear the opponent's monstrous ferocity.

The corpse dragon Artest carried Csuna on his back and disappeared into the light gate. Then, several high-level witches of the death witch family entered the other world together.

It was not until this time that the undead team regained calm and began to continue to pour in.

It took the death witch team 5 hours to completely pass through the plane gate.

Then it was the turn of the dark witch.

The team sent by the dark witches also had thousands of people. In addition to pure shadow creatures such as shadow mastiffs, shadow warriors, and shadow assassins, there were also quite a few half-shadow creatures with strange and twisted shapes. In them, Grimm saw both the physical characteristics of plane creatures and the coldness and cruelty unique to shadow creatures.

And their strengths also varied, with some terrifying beings of level 3 and 4, and some weak ones who had just crossed level 1.

However, compared with the magic machine army brought by Grimm, they were already unprecedentedly powerful!

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