The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0820 Pseudo Level 3

Although the appearance of a level 3 thunder dragon is not the most powerful, it is definitely the coolest!

Under the attention of the crowd, a huge dragon with dazzling lightning all over its body, carrying a tall fire man, appeared on the stage and rushed into the battlefield in an amazing manner.

They did not intervene in the colorful high-level battle in the sky, but rushed forward to an orc shaman who was shaking his head and struggling to pull himself out of the gravel pit. And beside the orc shaman, a thunder eagle with terrible black smoke lingering on his body was struggling hard.

The thunder eagle was already dying, but the level 3 orc shaman was still intact.

It must be said that the physique of the orcs is simply a bug-like terrible existence. After falling from a height of 100 meters in the air, the orc shaman seemed to have only suffered a little skin injury. After a simple treatment, he was a lively war maniac again.

The orc shaman had just regained consciousness when he was caught off guard by the dense scorching rays coming towards him. However, facing these elemental rays with an attack intensity of only more than 40 degrees, the orc shaman simply raised the goat horn staff in his left hand to cover his face, and easily resisted it with his strong physique.

The dense scorching rays hit countless fine red dots on the brown-green body of the orc shaman, but it was obvious that they did not break through the opponent's completely keratinized tough skin.

The orc shaman squinted through the tiny gap on the goat horn staff, calmly and steadily watching the strange combination rushing towards him.

Dragon + wizard?

One is level 3 and the other is level 2! The level 3 dragon is probably the contract partner of the level 2 wizard. As long as the wizard is killed in time, the level 3 dragon will be forced to return to its original plane under the constraints of the contract.

There is no fool who can become a level 3 existence!

Almost at the same time as sensing Grimm and Arms, the orc shaman had already formulated a feasible battle plan in his mind.

The area where the orc shaman fell was the most intense place where the zombies and the orc army fought, but under the clearing of the scorching rays, no creature dared to step into its 50-meter radius.

The orc shaman did not dare to neglect it. With a wave of his rough and huge palm, he quickly inserted five totem poles on his side. Four of them were four-element totem poles, inserted two meters away from the four corners of the body, and the red, white, green and yellow elemental halos were overflowing on them.

The fifth one was inserted in front of his eyes, and the strange totem engraved on it echoed with the tattoos on its body, and began to expand and contract and resonate.

Under the amplification of this strange totem pole, the orc shaman's strength, physique, agility and spirit began to soar. Grimm was surprised to find that although the opponent was still at level 3, his minor level had soared from the primary to the advanced level.

My goodness, I directly upgraded myself by two minor levels...

Grimm's eyes narrowed tightly immediately.

There really is no good guy on the battlefield of the other plane!

This guy who I carefully selected doesn't look so easy to deal with!

If it was half a year ago, Grimm would have turned around and left when he saw such a tough guy. But today, he is fully confident of winning the battle. This is due to the level 3 Thunder Dragon Arms, and another more important reason is... he just equipped the Flame Throne Set!

Five-piece set: After the set is complete, it automatically forms a "burning field", and all non-flame witchcraft is prohibited within 50 meters around the wearer. Anyone who casts a spell in the "burning field" will temporarily forget the spell after the spell is successfully cast. All individuals moving in the "burning field" will suffer the ignition penalty.

After working hard day and night in the witch tower, he finally created the five-piece set of the Flame Throne before the plane war started. The five-piece set with all its abilities activated did not disappoint Grimm's expectations, allowing him to reach a higher level of strength.

After tasting the chip and collecting data, Grimm was even surprised to find that each of the five-piece set of the Flame Throne was a level 2 witch weapon, but when they were combined, they had a terrifying power that was no less than that of a level 3 witch weapon.

This means that Grimm, who is at level 2, also has some powerful abilities that can threaten level 3 warriors!

The level 3 thunder dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a dazzling lightning, rushing straight at the orc shaman who was waiting for it. Grimm's fire flashed, and with a loud bang, he appeared 30 meters in front of the orc shaman.

The powerful and hot elemental flames gushed out from Grimm's tall body, baking the earth and air crazily. The originally dense gravel began to soften under the burning of the blazing flames, and the whole land became scorched.

The orc shaman was less than 2 meters tall, but Grimm, who became a terrible fire demon after the second transformation, was more than 5 meters tall. The huge body was covered with burning red lava and swirling elemental flames. If you get a little closer, the high temperature heat wave will make it almost impossible to breathe.

The orc shaman immediately shot a wave of light at the red totem pole in front of him, and then a dazzling red light surged from it. In an instant, three flame shields lingered on the orc shaman's body, blocking the invasion of heat waves and flames for it.

This is not over yet!

As the orc shaman's palms shot out a thick wave of light and hit another khaki totem pole, a 7-meter-tall earth element giant crawled out from the ground and blocked it.

The breath of lightning from the 3rd-level thunder dragon was striking the huge and burly body of the earth element. The violent thunder element and the gentle and thick earth element were madly annihilating each other. Less than 5 seconds after the 2nd-level advanced earth element giant appeared, it collapsed into a yellowish-brown smoke cloud again and disappeared in the field.

However, with this moment of buffer, the orc shaman had condensed a huge elemental fireball and threw it fiercely at the 3rd-level thunder dragon.

The rank of this elemental fireball may not be high, only 2nd-level, but the energy intensity contained in it is as high as more than 600 degrees. If it hits it hard, it will be enough to hurt the 3rd-level thunder dragon for a long time.

Grimm, who stood up 30 meters away, sneered and strode towards the orc shaman with heavy and solid steps. And the burning field outside his body extended, and the orc shaman holding the fireball was gathered into it.

After the fireball left his hand, the orc shaman shouted wildly and began to condense a new fireball.

But unfortunately, the violent fire elements gathered in its palm, but it could not complete the shaping process.

The orc shaman only felt a trance in his mind. He inexplicably "forgot" any spells and spell gestures related to the elemental fireball.

Damn, it must be related to this fire wizard!

A hideous smile appeared on the ferocious and terrifying face of the orc shaman. He dispersed the fire elements casually and began to embed his mind into the water element totem pole behind him.

But what surprised it was that these magic elements that were usually easy to control suddenly seemed to be much stranger, and they were always stuck in the stage of element shaping and could not be formed.

Damn, what kind of witchcraft is this? How can it interfere with other people's normal spellcasting?

The spirit was just a trance, and a huge thundercloud storm began to take shape quickly with it as the center.

But unfortunately, the lightning spell of the 3rd-level thunder dragon Arms also failed!

This element forbidden field cannot distinguish between enemies and friends. As long as it is not a fire element, it is forbidden. Therefore, at this moment, Grimm was the only one who could cast spells in this area.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the orc shaman immediately understood the basic function of the red area covering him. He did not continue to waste energy on the elemental totem pole, but grabbed the goat horn staff, waved it vigorously, and rushed towards Grimm.

For the orc shaman, casting spells is just a means for them to attack the enemy. In terms of close combat, they are not much weaker than ordinary orc warriors waving the staff.

Like the orc shaman, the level 3 thunder dragon, which had lost the elemental casting ability, also roared and rushed up.

Without the elemental ability, the physical fighting ability of the thunder dragon is also the best among the high-level monsters!

With the level 3 thunder dragon as a meat shield, Grimm was surrounded by soaring flames. With his hands raised high, he condensed the crazy gathering fire elements into the form of flame spears and threw them at the orc shaman.

After activating the flame suit and transforming into a terrifying fire demon, Grimm's strength has reached 20 points. Although it is still inferior to those warriors who mainly rely on strength, it is more than enough to act as a human catapult.

Flame spears cut through the air and flew towards the orc shaman, and it could only use the goat horn staff to disperse these things that were in the way during the fight with the dragon.

The attack intensity of the flame spears is as high as 400 to 500 degrees, and once it touches the enemy, it will explode violently.

If there is no thunder dragon entanglement, the orc shaman can still deal with such attacks calmly. But now, it can only choose to do its best to block it. As for those unstoppable flame spears, once they hit its broad and strong body, it will stagger, and then be burned in the rolling fire waves.

Although the orc shaman is sturdy, he is far inferior to the thunder dragon of the same level in terms of body size and strength. If the Thunder Dragon had not been afraid of the extremely heavy ram-horn staff in its hand, the situation on the battlefield would have been one-sided.

However, with Grimm, the "pseudo-level 3" making jokes, the situation of the orc shaman immediately plummeted, and soon fell into the terrifying killing array of the two of them!

The members of the Crimson Family who had been choosing to clean up the periphery near the battlefield were all stunned. They really didn't expect that their level 2 patriarch would dare to intervene in the battle of level 3 creatures. And looking at the situation on the battlefield, it seems that he played a significant role in it.

Mary, who was flapping her wings and flying fast in the zombie group, couldn't help but frowned!

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