The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0826 Embarking on the Journey

This is actually the inevitable process of invading the Gods' plane!

The first step is of course to try to send people to lurk inside the plane that needs to be invaded through space rifts and other means, and act as an insider inside.

Although this step is somewhat risky, as long as you can adapt to the situation, the chance of success is still quite high.

Because each plane world is different, the advance personnel must either have strong strength to protect themselves or have the ability to integrate into the indigenous society, otherwise it is difficult to run around in an unfamiliar plane world and find a suitable teleportation point.

This time, the Northland Witch invaded the Johnson plane, and the advance troops sent were a joint team of the Fraud Witch and the Death Witch.

After the teleportation point is determined, the second step is naturally to cooperate inside and outside, and try to open the teleportation gate to send the invading troops into the plane.

This step is undoubtedly the most risky!

The advance team previously invaded the enemy plane by relying on the natural space rifts or similar channels inside the plane. Such channels are not only narrow but also full of dangers, and cannot accommodate those powerful creatures at all, so they can only accommodate some "little mice" to drill in and out.

Almost every plane world will have several similar plane invasions every year, most of which are unlucky people who stray into the space turbulence and get swept in. Of course, there are also some plane travelers who travel around!

Such guys, just come in, and those with less strength may be swallowed by the native monsters before they leave the wilderness. Those with stronger strength may stir up trouble and quickly rise in a certain area.

However, once such guys reveal their identities, they will inevitably face the full strangulation of the native creatures who occupy the dominant position in the plane.

Therefore, entering and exiting by relying on the plane rift may not attract the attention of the gods, but once you want to open a stable portal to the foreign world inside the plane, the strange space ripples cannot be hidden from the powerful gods who control the rules of the plane world.

Therefore, after the invading troops pass through the portal, the first thing they need to face is the plane natives who come like a tide. And the severity of the plane war is proportional to the power of the plane natives!

For example, the plane invasion organized by the death witch leader Csuna was very successful. It was not until the plane portal was completely formed that the beast god A hurriedly sent down an oracle and recruited nearby orc believers to intercept and kill.

Unfortunately, Kushui City is not really a big city in the Orc Empire. The believers here are limited in strength and eliteness, so they were beaten to a pulp by the witch troops that came from across the plane. Not only did they lose all their elite troops, but even Kushui City fell into the hands of the witches.

After hastily stabilizing Kushui City, the witches couldn't help but push the plane war to the third stage.

That is to attack from all sides, madly kill and destroy the foundation of faith of the Orc Empire!

The witches will send hundreds of undead hundred-man teams, scattered throughout the vast territory of the Orc Empire, randomly invade and kill orcs, and attack those small villages. As for the orc towns that have grown to a certain size, the witches need to deal with them personally, either by bringing down plague or burning them with fire. In short, they must not give the orcs a chance to breathe.

The fate witches headed by Alice were assigned to three orc cities, all of which were small cities with a population of 30,000 to 50,000. They were all on a nearby marching route, just right for the witches to wipe them out.

Not only the fate witches, but all seven witch factions were assigned similar mandatory tasks to exterminate the orcs and destroy the temple of the beast. In comparison, the task of the fate witches is relatively easy. Like the death witches, as the initiators of this plane war, they naturally took on bigger and more difficult tasks.

A powerful undead expeditionary force, led by a 4th-level death witch, is preparing to march to the orc empire country Pompeii City, trying to tie up the main forces of the orc empire near the capital so that they cannot interfere with the arrangements made by the witches in the dry water city.

This plane invasion is not for occupation, but for destruction. Therefore, the witches will arrange an extremely "grand" blood sacrifice ceremony in Kushui City, using a special method to pollute the plane origin of Johnson's world. And this process will undoubtedly consume an astonishing amount of "indigenous materials", which also requires the witches to send troops to search and capture the indigenous orcs in the surrounding area.

Therefore, Grimm and others only stayed in Kushui City for a short two days, packed their bags again, and set off for the mission location.

389 metal magic machines, 30 magic chariots, loaded with a large amount of supplies, drove away in a mighty manner under the crowd of 200 eyeball fighters. The goblin engineers and technicians who followed the team also became chariot operators and magic machine repairmen, and the existence of the brain-split Gru gave the team the ability to continue fighting.

Out of Kushui City, what appeared before their eyes was the endless wilderness.

Desolate and lonely, with withered grass.

Standing on the only loess "official road" in the wilderness, looking around, the surrounding area is full of half-human-high wormwood, blocking most of the view. And the official road is winding and stretching in this wild grass, extending into the distance.

The orcs are almost all brave people with muscles in their brains. Naturally, they don’t understand how important convenient transportation is to a ruling race with a huge territory!

Although there are many wise men in those vassal races, they are humble and their words are not taken seriously. It is impossible to convince the orc rulers to spend a lot of energy, time and resources to repair and maintain important roads in their territories.

Therefore, the only road in front of Greem and others was a loess road full of potholes and covered with grass and moss.

The 6-ton magic chariot rumbled past the center of the loess road, leaving two deep ruts on the solid road. The metal magic machines put away all their weapons and strode along both sides of the chariot with neat steps in a marching posture.

The watchtower on top of the chariot opened, revealing the heads of goblins wearing leather helmets and goggles. There are double-barrel telescopes hung around their necks, and they lift them up from time to time to look at both sides of the road.

It's just that the grass here is too tall and dense. Even if there is a group of orcs lying on the roadside, it is impossible for the goblin lookouts to detect anything in advance.

Suddenly there was a strong wind.

An eyeball fighter plane the size of a human head flew rapidly over the grass not far away, and the violent air flow it sprayed caused the grass beneath it to scatter in all directions. Suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something. It swooped down into the sky, and then suddenly hovered 3 meters above the grass.

Immediately, a dazzling scorching ray shot into the grass.

After a while, the Eyeball Fighter got into the grass, and when it took off again, it held a fluffy khaki hare tightly on the small mechanical arm that stretched out. There was a bloody hole in the top of the hare's skull. It was already dead and could no longer die!

The goblin lookouts on the convoy let out soft cheers.

There is fresh rabbit meat for lunch today.

Running quickly along the winding loess road, despite the large number of troops, they still reached an astonishing high speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

In many areas we passed along the way, we could already see clusters of thick black smoke rising straight in the distance. And every black smoke means that an orc village has been baptized by the undead army. Those orc civilians who were involved in the plane war were either killed by the undead and became one of them, or they were carried to Dry Water City and became one of the sacrifices in the future blood sacrifice ceremony...

No matter which one, for these orc civilians, it means the end of life and the destruction of their homes.

In this terrible world where the strong have everything, equality, justice and rights are too extravagant topics!

The magic weapon troops were running at high speed, and occasionally encountered other witch teams traveling in the same direction. The opponent is either riding a large beast or driving a wizard beast, and they are also racing against time to rush to the distant mission location.

The two parties met, exchanged a simple greeting and then went their separate ways.

Look at the long convoy under the banner of the Witch of Destiny as it speeds past, raising dust all over the sky, and look at their neat and rigorous formation and strange and sophisticated equipment, which makes those witches who are still slowly 'squirming' in place a The envious eyes are red.

If you don't take into account the accompanying guards and wizard beasts, with the flying speed of the witches, it is not a problem to travel thousands of miles in a day and a night. But this is an alien world, not a safe wizarding world, so the guards and wizard beasts that protect them cannot be discarded at will.

This also severely limits the witches' ability to move.

Those high-level witches may dare to move freely. When they encounter enemies, they can fight them if they can, and they can evacuate safely even if they cannot fight them. But the level 1 witches who occupy the majority of our camp do not have such courage and ability. Once they encounter strong orcs, without the protection of a large group of witch beasts, their survival and fighting abilities are not optimistic.

They are here to conquer and destroy this world, not to die!

Therefore, they would rather go slower than risk their lives to perform tasks where strong orcs are active.

But looking back at the 'cars' of those Destiny Witches, they obviously have both safety and speed, which makes them even more jealous and envious.

All witches know it!

One of the main reasons why they are living so leisurely now is that they caught the Orc Empire off guard. After the regiment destroyed the orc army in Dry Water City, no larger orc city or fighting force could be found within a thousand miles.

If the Orc Empire wants to exterminate this witch army, it can only mobilize more powerful legions from afar. With the backward and dilapidated road system of Johnson's plane, it would be difficult to achieve this within ten days and a half.

Therefore, the earlier the mandatory tasks received by each witch faction are completed, the higher the security.

If you delay for too long, you may run into the orc reinforcements arriving at starry night during the mission. At that time, I'm afraid it's time for the witches to flee in panic!

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