The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0912 Mother Fire Dragon and Source-stealing Bug

Wizard World, Elovis Region.

Flame Throne Wizard Tower.

The spoils seized from the Doomsday Castle have been transported back one after another, and the forest demon Ava is organizing wizards and apprentices to identify and classify them as soon as possible.

Such a large amount of wealth naturally cannot be left in the Flame Throne. Whether it is magic gems, spell materials, magic equipment, metal ores, art treasures, or unknown strange objects, they must be distributed to the White Tower in proportion.

As the head of the family, seriously speaking, all these wealth belong to Grimm personally.

However, in order to support the operation of the family, Grimm only took out 10% of the spoils as his own private collection. According to the distribution ratio, it is roughly: Grimm 10%, Mary 10%, Flame Throne 30%, White Tower 50%.

However, as the main force of this hunt, Grimm and Mary naturally have the right to choose first.

Grimm chose the 3rd-level female fire dragon Philippa, and Mary reserved half a ton of 3rd-level fire dragon blood. Although the rest will be split with the White Tower at a ratio of 3:5, Ava still wants to leave as much essence as possible for the Flame Throne.

Those useless ‘art treasures from other worlds’ may as well be given more to the White Tower, while things like spell materials and magic equipment should be kept at the Flame Throne as much as possible.

The rulers of each region will fight for this family interest!

But Grimm will never get involved in such a small matter.

It is not a good thing to be too united and harmonious within the family, and necessary competition and elimination of the weak are inevitable.

In order to avoid being caught in one fell swoop, the Crimson Family divided the family power into two, and developed in the two regions of Sandy Tallin and the Northland at the same time. Then, the two regions will have their own development teams and development directions.

In the current situation, the White Tower has fewer restraining forces, and its development momentum is more rapid than that of the Flame Throne. And with Grimm in charge of the Flame Throne, there will be some benefits in all aspects.

However, in general, Gargamel's ability to recruit and control middle and high-level wizards is obviously weaker than Meryl, who is from an orthodox wizard background, due to his own strength and power.

Meryl has Grimm, the legendary patriarch teacher, and wind wizard Desela and other wizard disciples, and the old fox Wenlier as an assistant. This also indicates that the wizard resources she can mobilize within the Crimson Family are far better than Gargamel.

At least with the old fox Wenlier, Meryl can mobilize the vampire camp to a limited extent, and this alone is enough to keep Gargamel firmly under him and make it difficult for him to turn over!

And what does Gargamel, who has the Crimson Butler, have?

Most of the people he can assign are some small wizards who are not in the mainstream, or some old people introduced when the Crimson Family just rose. For example, Medusa Dana, Manticore Charon...

Although these "old people" have a certain voice in the Crimson Family, they are also rapidly marginalized as the family power grows and rises. If they don't work hard, the biggest possibility is that they will be sent by the family to a secondary plane or a large resource point as a guardian wizard until the end of their lives.

This is also a helpless thing!

Moreover, as the years go by, Gargamel is getting older and older. If he fails to advance, whether he can live another 50 years is an unpredictable thing.

In this regard, Meryl has a much greater advantage than Gargamel!


Inside the secret room.

The wounded 3rd-level female fire dragon Philippa lay on the floor with a dying breath.

Countless rune chains emerged from the witch formation on the stone wall around her, binding her tightly, and even moving her little finger was so difficult.

Because the control of her body was taken away, the female fire dragon had lost her self-control, and could only barely open her eyes and stare fiercely at the hateful wizard who stood in front of her and kept looking up and down.

"Human, what do you want? If you need your sister to accompany you, there is no need to be so violent!" Perhaps knowing that the situation is stronger than the person, the female fire dragon finally softened a little at this moment, communicating with Grimm in the language of spirit, and frequently flirting.

However, with her body shape and appearance, even if she turns into a human form, she is still a first-class character of a piglet fat woman. The artificial flattering posture simply makes Grimm sick.

"I don't want your body..." Grimm shook his head.

"..." The female fire dragon's expression froze: "Then you probably fancy my strength! It's not impossible for you to become your dragon pet. But I am only willing to be your personal dragon pet, and that female vampire can't even think about it..."

"I don't need you to be a dragon pet..." Grimm continued to shake his head.

"Then what do you want? won't really kill me! I am the powerful star of disaster, Philippa. won't waste the gift of nature like this, right?" The female fire dragon seemed to be confused by the mysterious attitude of the wizard, and she was no longer as sure as before.

"I want your gifted bloodline...can you give it to me?" Grimm smiled coldly.

"What do you want to do? You don't have dragon bloodline, and our dragon bloodline inheritance is not transferable, you..."

Just as the female fire dragon was roaring in frustration, Grimm made a move, and a metal cage blocked by dense rune magic array in a corner of the huge secret room slowly opened, and a petite beast crawled out from it.

This is a strange beast similar to a small mastiff.

The reason why it is called strange is purely because its body shape does not conform to the evolutionary rules of powerful monsters.

Its thin and thin body is only the size of a mastiff, with a smooth and smooth surface and no hair. A pair of strong and powerful hind legs behind it allows it to run quickly, but it has no forelimbs. There are no tough scales, no sharp horns, no eyes, ears or nose on its bald head, only a terrible fang-like mouth.

The area of ​​the huge mouth occupies almost more than 2/3 of the head.

No acid spitting, no poisonous saliva, no solid scales, no strong body, no majestic divine power, no elemental power...

Such a seemingly ordinary strange beast without any strange abilities attracted the full attention of the female fire dragon Philippa as soon as it appeared.

"What...what is this? you want to do with it?"

For no reason, the female fire dragon's hair stood on end, and an indescribable sense of danger made her heart beat wildly!

However, under the suppression and restraint of Wuta, the female fire dragon could no longer control her fat and huge body. Under the entanglement and pulling of the silver chain, the female fire dragon's tightly closed mouth actually opened a gap silently.

And the strange beast stretched out a flexible long tongue from its huge mouth like a snake, standing upright in the air and trembling slightly, and soon sensed the presence of the female fire dragon and Grimm. Under the temptation of two equally delicious and tempting "food" smells, the strange beast propped up its body with its hind legs and ran a few steps in the direction of Grimm.

Grimm frowned slightly.

Damn, could it be that his elemental talent has now overwhelmed the blood talent of the 3rd-level fire dragon, making the source-stealing insect choose to target him first?

The heart is moved.

A chilling murderous intent emanated from Grimm's body, causing the air around him to slowly rise in temperature.

Perhaps sensing the chilling breath around Grimm, the source-stealing insect suddenly stopped and carefully explored for a while before reluctantly shifting its target to pounce on the slightly opened mouth of the female fire dragon.

If the female fire dragon had any ability to resist, let alone the hot fire dragon breath and the powerful dragon claws, even if it sneezed casually, it could burn a group of these defenseless garbage beasts to death.

But now the female fire dragon could only watch the beast pounce on its mouth without any way.

Although she didn't know what this beast was and what kind of harm it would bring to her, the fear from the depths of her soul made her terrified.

A low-level beast without any elemental talent or any supernatural power could also bring her such a strong sense of crisis, which fully demonstrated that the other party had strange abilities that she could not understand!

Besides, would that abominable wizard threaten him with a rubbish beast?

"Hurry up and make it stop... I'll agree to whatever you say... Hurry up... Hurry up and make it stop... Mmmmm..."

Just as the female fire dragon Philippa roared at the top of her lungs, the beast had already entered her huge mouth, stepped on her tongue, and slid down her thick throat.

The female fire dragon roared desperately, trying to condense a ball of fire in her throat to burn the beast to death. Unfortunately, the spiritual fluctuations she emitted were shattered by the silver chains that bound her body, and the ball of fire disappeared without even a small flame.

In Grimm's wizard tower, without Grimm's permission, the third-level female fire dragon Philippa couldn't even condense a spark.

And just as Philippa roared and struggled, the beast had already entered the female fire dragon's body and began to move wildly. For some reason, the highly corrosive gastric juice in the mother fire dragon's stomach sac could not do anything to the beast, and it used its huge mouth to tear open the mother fire dragon's stomach sac and rushed around in her belly.

Philippa had a feeling that the other party was coming for her heart and spinal cord!

Unfortunately, this realization came too late. In a burst of heart-wrenching pain, Philippa trembled all over her body, her spirit was shaken, and the spiritual words of begging for mercy surged towards Grimm like a tidal wave.

"I admit defeat... I was wrong... I surrender!" At this moment, Philippa burst into tears: "As long as you let the beast out, I will agree to everything you do... everything..."nt

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