The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0913 Bloodline Rune

Unfortunately, at this moment, everything is too late!

Grimm simply used his authority to cut off the mother fire dragon's spiritual perception of the outside world.

Philippa's spiritual secret language disappeared instantly, and only a poor mother fire dragon who was in agony but could not move at all was left in the secret room.

With the ability of the source-stealing insect, it is undoubtedly very difficult to usurp the blood talent of a 3rd-level mother fire dragon. Even if Grimm exhausted all kinds of rare resources to strengthen it countless times, there is still a 43% chance of failure.

Once it fails, the death of the source-stealing insect is a small matter, and the blood quality of this 3rd-level mother fire dragon will also be reduced due to "pollution". Therefore, Grimm's move also has huge risks.

Once the devouring blood talent fails, his personal loss will be as high as one or two million!

But once it succeeds, the help it brings to him is also very huge.

The process of anxious waiting was undoubtedly very long...

In Grimm's spiritual perception, the strange beast tore a bloody path all the way, and dug to the heart of the mother fire dragon as big as a millstone, and lay on it motionless.

One day like this...

Two days like this...

For eight consecutive days, the strange beast did not move at all.

But its body and body structure seemed to have undergone tremendous changes in these eight days.

The terrifying huge mouth at the front of the head has disappeared, and the pointed and thin long tongue pierced into the heart of the fire dragon, and then transformed into an alternative thick blood vessel, connecting its body with the heart of the fire dragon. And the thick hind limbs behind it also disappeared, replaced by two soft flesh thorns as thick as a child's arm.

The flesh thorns extended in the body of the mother fire dragon, and the end fiercely pierced into the thick and solid spine of the fire dragon.

After the dragon heart and spine were controlled by the source stealing insect at the same time, the mother fire dragon Philippa gradually lost the perception of the entire dragon body. Before, under the isolation of the Wuta's sealing power, the mother fire dragon only lost control of the dragon body, but she could still see everything that happened in her body.

But now, Philippa's spiritual consciousness curled up in her brain, and she had completely lost the perception and control of other parts of the dragon body. It was like being trapped in a dark space. Philippa had no idea what was happening outside and what harm it would bring to herself!

And Grimm cut off the way for her spiritual power to communicate with the outside world. In this way, Philippa was completely isolated and could only wait for an unknown fate in a daze and passive manner.

And the only result was obviously something she could never accept!

The source-stealing insect plundering blood talent was obviously not as easy as it appeared on the outside. The risks and twists and turns were all accumulated in the strange vesicle that looked like a blood sac. The plundering process was even longer and lasting, taking a full 33 days.

During this period, Grimm stayed in the secret room most of the time, except for occasionally going out to eat and take a short rest, and watched and recorded the various magical changes of the source-stealing worms at various stages.

Philippa's soul was lost on the 17th day, which also foreshadowed the death of a powerful 3rd-level life form.

On the 33rd day, the huge vesicle that had grown to a diameter of one meter finally broke, and a strange monster that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a worm but not a worm came out of it, and dug all the way out of the fire dragon's body.

Each bloodline has its own suitable body, and the plane law also follows the characteristics of the bloodline to give the world its original talent. The fire dragon bloodline is undoubtedly very powerful and violent, so it also needs a strong physique to carry it.

Every time the source-stealing worm plunders different talents, the structure of its body will also undergo earth-shaking changes. This change is often closely related to the talent it plunders.

With the vast amount of monster information stored in Grimm's chip, he could assert that the core of the new form of the source-stealing worm was somewhat similar to that of the fire dragon hatchling. However, in some insignificant appendages, it still retained a trace of the basic characteristics of insects.

As soon as the mutated source-stealing worm emerged from the mother fire dragon's body, a mist of anesthetic mist with added ingredients was sprayed on its body. This little guy with sharp teeth, thin cheeks, dark red skin, webbed wings and thick hind legs only had time to spray out a thin flame before he fell into a coma.

This source-stealing worm was cultivated by Grimm himself, and Grimm knew all the organs and basic magic resistance in its body. Although the magic resistance has been significantly improved after the mutation, it can't withstand the anesthetic specially prepared by Grimm.

"Notify Gargamel and ask him to deal with this place. He can dispose of the body of this level 3 fire dragon at will, but remember to take out the dragon crystal inside and send it to me..." After a brief communication with the tower spirit, Grimm grabbed the firefly with his invisible elemental hand and turned to leave the secret room.

In another slightly smaller biological laboratory, a fully equipped experimental table has been prepared, waiting for the experimental target to appear.

In the past seven years, Grimm has conducted four talent plundering experiments one after another, and succeeded twice. However, Grimm still cannot extract the blood talent he wants from the surviving source stealing insects.

The source stealing insect is also a creature. The blood talent of the target creature it plunders has long been solidified into its own original talent in a strange way. With the existing means of wizards, it is difficult to completely extract it again.

If it were any other wizard, he would probably have to accept this result sadly.

But Grimm is different. He has the assistance of a chip, and can completely use the chip's precise control and source dialysis to perform genetic operations.

Therefore, Grimm implanted some witchcraft runes in the cultivated source-stealing worms through a combination of surgery and witchcraft, and then used these witchcraft runes to reverse the process of the source-stealing worms' passing.

Using this method, Grimm successfully obtained a strange mysterious rune!

When all the flesh, skin, organs and blood of the source-stealing worms were melted into one, under the interference and guidance of the powerful plane laws, a dark red, glittering mysterious rune appeared on the experimental table.

This is a mysterious rune that is completely different from the existing rune system in the wizard world.

If the rune of the wizard system is a flat rune that uses elemental power to pry the law, then the rune that Grimm has newly obtained is a three-dimensional rune that has never been seen before.

Grimm once tried to use the deep scanning of the chip to analyze the secret of this mysterious rune, but his abnormal movement almost caused the mysterious rune to disintegrate and collapse.

In the hasty scanning and analysis, Grimm has been surprised to find that this seemingly simple rule rune is actually made up of dense magic patterns and rule chains. Due to the lack of nourishment of blood power, this mysterious rune seems powerful, but it is actually extremely fragile.

If it were not in the Wuta laboratory, with a powerful element barrier to isolate all interference and pollution, I am afraid that Grimm's breathing would be slightly heavier and it might be completely destroyed.

For this reason, Grimm had to create a new purification witchcraft and seal it in a fist-sized vacuum bubble formed by witchcraft. Only in this way can Grimm keep this mysterious rune away from the influence of free magic elements in space and preserve it for a long time.

Therefore, after a hard battle and 33 days of hard suffering, Grimm finally got the item he dreamed of - the blood rune!

Holding the air bubble gently with his hands, with the help of the pure white and soft magic lamp in the laboratory, Grimm held his breath, his eyes greedily wandering over the slowly rotating dark red rune.

Grimm has tried various means, but his current ability is not enough to analyze the mysterious items related to the plane law. Even with the help of the chip, the result is the same.

Grimm estimated that if he could upgrade to level 4 and let the chip's computing and scanning capabilities be improved by one level, it would be possible to analyze the deep mystery of the bloodline rune. But now, he can only sit on the treasure mountain without the door.

This is also a helpless thing!

After getting the bloodline rune, where to use it?

I now have a powerful fire talent. If I insert a foreign bloodline out of thin air, what extent will it affect my strength and development? This is unknown.

Before collecting specific data and information, Grimm is not so stupid as to use it on himself. Once the two bloodlines cannot be fused, they conflict and pollute each other, which will not bring you a surge in strength, but a cut-off path for the future.

Therefore, on the road of bloodline fusion, Grimm must be cautious, cautious, and cautious again!

The most ideal method at present is to transplant this bloodline rune to a wizard, and then track and observe the impact of the bloodline rune on his talent potential for a long time. Only when all these data are collected will Grimm try to modulate his bloodline.

After all, compared with those geniuses with strong bloodline talents, Grimm's human fire talent is really not up to par!

Who should use this bloodline rune extracted from the body of a 3rd-level fire dragon?

Using it on ordinary wizards is really a waste of the talent potential of the 3rd-level fire dragon. It is better to use it on those people in the Crimson Family who have the greatest auxiliary effect on themselves.


Haha, just kidding!

Mary's vampire talent is not inferior to the fire dragon bloodline at all. At least in terms of the exclusivity of bloodline talent, the vampire talent is undoubtedly more domineering and more unpredictable. If other alien bloodlines collide with vampire bloodlines, they will probably be devoured by vampire bloodlines.

In that case, this Fire Dragon Bloodline Rune will be completely wasted!


Her fate witch bloodline seems to be more bizarre and unpredictable than the bloodline rune, and it does not need to be changed.

Otherwise, use it on her...

Grimm narrowed his eyes slightly, and the figure of a female wizard slowly emerged in his mind.

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