The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0092: Planning and Calculation

For the first time, without being chased by the fallen apprentice, Greem was beaten to pieces by a wizard-level terrifying flower spirit, and he escaped from the demonized jungle in a panic.

That terrifying flower spirit was obviously a regional monster with a very strong sense of place. Once they left the demonized jungle, they would no longer pursue them one after another. This allowed Greem to save the three rock python demon puppets without causing any serious problems. Hard losses recovered.

Looking back at the lush and dense jungle, the muscles in the corners of Greem's eyes twitched, and he commanded the chip in a deep voice: "Chip, immediately create a mission file for the human-monster flower spirit and find a feasible plan to defeat or kill it. !”

"Hey, the mission has been accepted...the name of the mission file: Shemale Flower Spirit...the feasibility plan is being drawn up..."

"The attack strategies that are expected to cause substantial damage to the human-male flower spirit include: 1. Witchcraft curse. 2. Team attack. 3. Activate the Lightning Giant Plan. 4. Destroy the flower spirit itself."

Greem frowned and ordered softly: "Explain how practical these combat strategies are?"

"Hey, the first one is the witchcraft curse. The target human demon flower spirit is still a living body. The general witchcraft curse can reduce part of its combat ability, so as to give the rock python demon more time to destroy the individual outside its body. protection.

Article 2: Team up to attack. The current team's combat strength is simply not enough to take down this wizard-level human-male flower spirit. If you want to defeat it, you must have team members with sufficient strength to fight it through division of labor and cooperation. The expected battle pattern is as follows...

Article 3: Launch the Lightning Giant Plan. In order to prevent the human-male flower spirit from escaping the attack of the rock python demon puppet at a rapid speed, there must be team members to restrain it personally. Members expected to be able to achieve this effect include: Blood Queen Mary and Lightning Giant. If you choose Blood Queen Mary, according to the pre-war evaluation, Mary's chance of dying in battle is greater than 89, so it is recommended to give priority to Lightning Giant.

Article 4: Eliminate the flower spirit itself. The human-male flower spirit that appeared this time was just a possessed body, and its true body did not appear. According to the analysis of the biological characteristics of such monsters, as long as the flower spirit's body can be sneaked in and found, the flower spirit's combat power will be significantly reduced without the energy assistance of the body. "

Grim closed his eyes and listened carefully, and after thinking about it, he kept asking various questions.

"How far is the Lightning Giant plan you mentioned? How long will it take to complete?"

"Hey, the design work of the Lightning Giant has been completed, but there is still a lack of necessary witchcraft materials."

"What's missing?"

"Five advanced wind element crystal cores!"

"How powerful will the completed Lightning Giant be?"

"Based on the level of wizard apprentices I have been exposed to in the past, the completed Lightning Giant will have the basic strength of a quasi-middle-level wizard."

"Compared to that Ah Fu?"

"Based on the basic data, the Lightning Giant completed 100 games against Ah Fu, losing 73 and dying in 73 games, suffering heavy losses in 11 games, and drawing 16 times. Preliminary estimates indicate that the Lightning Giant's completed body can only use roaming tactics, and will always fight Ah Fu. Only by maintaining an appropriate attack distance and using uninterrupted lightning attacks can it cause appropriate damage to the enemy."

"That means he can't beat the top quasi-witches at all!" Greem pondered for a moment, silently recalling Ah Fu's brief attack.

Although the battle was very short, with the chip's video playback, Greem could still clearly and intuitively feel Ah Fu's terrifying combat power. His extremely strong physique and violent and ferocious strength gave Ah Fu unparalleled magical power.

With just one blow, he easily broke through the basic defense of the rock python demon puppet, and transmitted the unparalleled ferocious power to the inside of the rock python's body. Not so, it was impossible for him to break up the body of the rock python demon puppet with one punch and directly capture the summoning crystal core.

To be honest, although today's wizard-level shemale flower spirit was scanned and marked as wizard-level in strength, if he really wanted to pull it together with that Afula, Greem was not sure whether the flower spirit could still maintain its strength. This kind of crushing strength suppression.

If there is a human shield of Ah Fu's strength in front, and four or five quasi-witch-level long-range apprentices in the back, then the winning rate of this battle can still be maintained between 20-30. Of course, if Greem sends all three of his rock python demon puppets, the winning rate will directly rise to 50-60.

Therefore, the key to the battle is how to inflict enough damage to the human-monster flower spirit in a timely and effective manner. Otherwise, the three rock pythons alone may be easily torn into pieces by the opponent.

If you want to enhance the team's combat effectiveness, it's not impossible to ask for help from Ah Fu and others, but in this case, most of the profits will probably be given away to others. In Kirby's simple description, there were several magical treasures that Grim was determined to obtain, so after thinking about it, he still felt that he could only rely on his own strength.

Since we can't invite Ah Fu, we can only find something to temporarily replace Ah Fu.

The Lightning Giant Project is a summoning crystal core strengthening plan tailor-made for Greem after he obtained the Storm Giant Heart Core last time.

Any simple elemental crystal core, because of the limited space it can accommodate for the magic array, cannot add powerful magic arrays to it without limit. Therefore, the magic puppets currently made with quasi-magic crystal cores are somewhat weak. It is okay to bully low-level opponents, but once it encounters an opponent of the same level, the combat power it exerts is always unsatisfactory.

In view of this, under Grimm's suggestion, the chip has made an alternative enhancement to the magic puppet manufacturing process, trying to transfer the magic array that was previously etched on a crystal core to other crystal cores. At that time, only one core crystal core will be needed to bear the consciousness of the magic puppet body, and the remaining crystal cores will form the key branch nodes of the new magic puppet in the form of energy sharing and magic array sharing.

In this way, it is possible to maximize the use of the magic array space of each crystal core, etch enough enhanced magic arrays on it, and thus create a more powerful elemental magic puppet.

Of course, in this way, each crystal core can no longer summon a magic puppet independently. One quasi-witch-level storm giant heart core plus six high-level wind element crystal cores, each of which has its own function, uses the combination of crystal cores and three-dimensional witch arrays to build a lightning giant.

However, although this plan has been proposed for half a month, the chip has been busy calculating the witch array sharing and connection between the core and branch nodes, and has not submitted a clear design plan. Since the chip has also added this item today, it means that its calculation work has finally come to an end, and the design plan for the lightning giant has been released.

After all, this is not a place to stay for a long time, so Grimm just took a simple rest and hurriedly set off on his way home. When he left, some blind jackals came out to intercept him, which made Grimm, who was full of anger, furious and commanded three rock pythons to smash their nests to pieces.

Facing three super monsters that are almost invulnerable to swords and guns, the crossbows, daggers, and short spears of the jackals are completely useless. If Grimm had not been unwilling to fight, it would have taken only one charge to reduce the number of the famous Gray Ears tribe by 30%.

Therefore, when the two quasi-witches sent by Paradise City, Landon and Fili, hurried over, they saw the Gray Ears tribe in a mess and the lizard tribe that had been exterminated, and Grimm had already left.

Listening to the tearful story of the gnoll leader, Landon, with a gloomy face, had no intention of paying attention to the possible hidden tricks in it, but instead focused on the magic jungle.

There were many strange rumors about that place in Paradise City, and his mentor Black Light had warned him not to take the treasures in the abandoned ruins casually, as if there was something hidden inside. So he only had a vague understanding of the magic forest and had not explored and understood it in depth.

"Have you been in this magic jungle? What's in it?" Landon interrupted the gnoll leader's crying impatiently and asked coldly.

He is not a fool.

Although many adult warriors of the exterminated lizard tribe died from thrown elemental damage, which reminded him of the native puppets of that bastard boy, the rest died from close-range sharp weapons. Moreover, he did not believe that the boy from the surface would have the patience to go deep into the lizard nest and find all the women and children and slaughter them one by one.

This is the habitable place closest to the magic jungle, which is very helpful for these underground races to control the magic materials there. Therefore, it is obvious what role the jackals played in the extermination of the lizards.

However, Langdon was not interested in justice at this time. He was only interested in what the bastard boy did in the magic jungle.

Did that guy accidentally enter here? Or was he exploring something in it for some purpose?

With this doubt, Langdon invited Philip to search the magic jungle together. So the two fallen quasi-witches who were confident of their strong strength entered the magic jungle. But before half an hour, the two escaped from inside in a mess.

As they escaped, their bodies were covered with blood holes pierced by light arrows, and the flowing blood was infected with green by the strange and difficult alien energy. On the way of escape, the two were obviously robbed by many low-level monsters, and there were many more marks of scratches on their bodies.

The quasi-witch Fili left a teleportation mark at the edge of the jungle, and then the two hurried back to Paradise City.

Obviously, they have found some clues in the demonized jungle. From these clues, they concluded that the bastard boy went straight to the ruins of the wizard tower deep in the jungle. And the other party had such a clear purpose, obviously he would not retreat just because of a terrible wizard-level monster guarding.

So the two inferred that the boy was very likely to retreat and go back to get reinforcements.

The reason for leaving the teleportation mark was to make it easier to catch them off guard when the other party returned to the jungle. If we can block their retreat in time, with the number of fallen apprentices and the terrifying monster in the demonized jungle, we may be able to wipe out the entire surface team.

And such a record is very rare even in the hundreds of years of struggle history of Paradise City! chapter;

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