The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0093 Hard preparation

Grimm, who had returned from the underground successfully, was busy again.

However, unlike his previous daily routine, he was now more goal-oriented and targeted.

The first thing Grimm did after returning was to visit the Losa Chamber of Commerce again, and when he left, there were 5 more high-level wind crystal cores in his waist bag. However, such a large purchase also brought Grimm a lot of magic crystals.

The more than 3,000 magic crystals brought from the last gambling fight were spent in a blink of an eye, and now Grimm's magic crystal reserves have fallen below 800. Considering that he and Mary have become big eaters now, the magic energy meal is never interrupted every day, and these magic crystals must be left to support their daily consumption, so it is an urgent task to obtain a large amount of magic crystal income in the short term.

After returning from the underground, the trio who temporarily formed a treasure hunting alliance gathered together for a meeting. When Grimm introduced the situation he saw in the ruins of the wizard tower, Mary and Kirby were both inexplicably frightened.

Wizard-level monsters!

This... is this something that their small group can handle?

Although Mary thinks highly of herself, she is just a high-level vampire after all. If she really fights against that terrifying flower spirit, she will probably be killed in a minute. And Grimm is still an intermediate apprentice so far. Although his mental power is growing rapidly every day under the dual supplements of the magic energy package and the concentration potion. But intermediate is intermediate. If he really encounters a wizard-level monster, he will not only be unable to help, but even the aftermath of the battle may cause fatal damage to it!

As for the great goblin merchant Kirby, his unique invisibility skills are a bit interesting, but they have nothing to do with fighting. So except for the past memories in his mind, he can't really help.

Seeing the fear on the faces of the two "people", Grimm smiled with understanding, and began to calmly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves. With his step-by-step guidance, the two "people" gradually overcame their fear of wizard-level monsters and began to seriously and carefully plan a plan to overthrow the terrifying flower spirit.

First of all, the three of them were sure that if the flower spirit was allowed to maintain its wizard-level strength, planning this treasure-hunting operation would simply be a suicide. So we must find ways to reduce the strength of the terrifying flower spirit.

And there are two ways to achieve this, one is witchcraft curse, and the other is the flower spirit itself.

For witchcraft curse, Grimm can find a way to purchase some cursed wands or disposable witchcraft scrolls. However, whether these inferior goods from the hands of wizard apprentices can penetrate the magic resistance of the flower spirit is still an unknown, so we can't hold too much hope on this.

Talking about this issue, Grimm secretly said that he could contact the Angus wizard and might be able to obtain some wizard-level witchcraft scrolls from him. However, if he wants to get a real wizard, Grimm must also come up with a bargain that can attract the other party.

So this problem still needs Grimm to solve it himself!

And the body of the flower spirit, according to Grimm's speculation (actually a chip), is very likely hidden near the broken element pool. So at this time, Kirby's role is highlighted. Relying on its familiarity with the wizard tower, it quickly drew an internal structure diagram and clearly pointed out the location of the element pool.

According to its description, the element pool is located on the second underground floor of the wizard tower ruins, and it needs to pass through many witchcraft secret doors and witch arrays along the way. Although most of these things may have lost their effectiveness, if there are one or two that are not invalid, it may cause immeasurable damage to Mary's infiltration. So Grimm asked Kirby to enter the wizard tower ruins with Mary.

Grimm was very firm about this, so Kirby could only agree tremblingly.

And to achieve the above two points, the first prerequisite is that Grimm must have the strength to fight or deal with the terrifying flower spirit. But all these are extremely dependent on the lightning giant that is about to take shape. Perhaps only when the lightning giant reaches the expected height, Mary and Kirby will have a weak confidence in this treasure hunt!

So in the following days, Grimm, Mary and Kirby all became busy. Grimm soaked in the alchemy laboratory day and night, busy with his own new magic puppet, and Mary went out early and came back late all day, and every time she got herself scarred. With the outstanding ability of the vampire family to suck blood and resurrect, she can still leave so many scars, which shows that the intensity of her experience is so great and the degree of danger is so high that it has reached the limit of what this body can bear.

As for Kirby, who is content with a small fortune and is determined to be the greatest goblin merchant, he rarely appears in the lobby on the first floor these two days. Instead, he puts on a set of old and tattered thief equipment and practices those hidden skills in the witchcraft practice room every day. As for the original golden magic equipment, it can only be locked in a wooden box with tears in its eyes.

Of course, during this period, Grimm and Mary also took time to participate in an underground raid organized by the training camp. However, after the tragic failure last time, the fallen apprentices obviously strengthened the defense of various resource points, which put the team led by Kevin into an extremely difficult battle.

In this battle, when the two quasi-witches in Kevin's team were fighting hard with the fallen quasi-witches on the opposite side, Grimm had to send out a rock python magic puppet to resist the bombardment of the extra fallen quasi-witch.

In the case that the number of quasi-witches was less than that of the opponent and the strength of the high-level apprentices was not much superior, in order to avoid being attacked by the enemy's subsequent reinforcements, Kevin had no choice but to give up this raid.

For such an outcome, the team members seemed very calm. Because in their past tug-of-war battles, such a result was the norm. As for Grimm's performance in the battle, no one had any opinion. With the strength of a mid-level apprentice, he could withstand the bombardment of the fallen quasi-witches for a quarter of an hour. Such a record is absolutely speechless.

It was precisely because of his tenacity that Kevin's team did not collapse due to the lack of quasi-witches. Otherwise, once the team was broken up, who among the high-level apprentices dared to guarantee that they would be able to escape the opponent's pursuit? There are many talented and ambitious apprentices buried in the dark and deep underground tunnels.

Every year, there are always dozens of senior apprentices who die quietly in a dark corner of the dark cave, and even the death of quasi-wizards happens from time to time. The last time Paradise City was violently destroyed by surface wizards was because a surface team of 6 people accidentally encountered a fallen wizard while patrolling underground.

The cause of the incident is unknown, because 2 quasi-wizards and 4 senior apprentices died silently underground. The furious surface wizards, with the help of wizards sent by the Sanditalin Wizard Association, rushed into the underground in one fell swoop and destroyed the enemy's stronghold-Paradise City.

Unfortunately, the enemy's second-level wizard Pridka blew up the wizard tower and escaped from Paradise City with some fallen wizards, thus avoiding this disaster. So within a few years, a new Paradise City was established again.

The more the elite apprentices knew about these situations, the more vigilant they were about large-scale combat conflicts, because once one side went too far, it was very likely to trigger a violent backlash from the other camp.

In the special environment of the Dark Crypt, no matter how talented and powerful the wizard apprentice was, once he provoked the wizards in the other camp, he would only end up falling. So last time Kevin's team took the heads of three high-level fallen apprentices in one go, they were already a little nervous. This time, they made a mess, but the two quasi-wizards in the team breathed a sigh of relief.

As a passer-by in the Dark Crypt, Grimm could not stay here for too long, so he could not understand the little thoughts behind these. And the reason why he was hiding his light this time was purely because of his lack of mental and physical strength.

These days, Grimm took the concentration potion again, and this time it only brought him 0.51 points of mental enhancement. In contrast, his physical fitness dropped below 3 points, which caused the chip to change his physical evaluation from healthy to weak.

Grimm had no choice but to stop taking the concentration potion and began to adjust his body with all his strength. With his vigorous vitality at the age of 15 and the stimulating and strengthening effect of mental power, his physical fitness should be normal at 4-5 points.

However, this is also a common problem for all apprentices who take the elemental route. They usually only focus on the training and cultivation of mental power. They either sit in meditation or read and study witchcraft knowledge, or spend a long time copying witchcraft books at their desks. For witchcraft experiments, they are exposed to witchcraft materials that are harmful to the body for a long time... and these bad living habits have also caused all elemental apprentices to look similar, with a sick and skinny appearance.

If they can successfully advance to wizards, then they will naturally have plenty of time and means to find some strange things to fill the gaps in their bodies. But now, they can only grit their teeth and hold on, even repeatedly exchanging physical damage for a little spiritual improvement.

The mission failure did not cause any impact on Grimm. As soon as he came back from the underground, he continued to rush into the alchemy laboratory, soaking most of his time in it, carefully and meticulously polishing the most anticipated number one magic puppet - the lightning giant.

Finally, after more than ten days of painful suffering, Grimm waved his hand to extinguish the magic flame on the alchemy table, raised the main crystal core in his hand that served as the carrier of the magic puppet's consciousness, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully.

At this moment, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because...

The lightning giant was born! chapter;

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