The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0984 Raging Volcano

The battle was short and fierce!

After only a quarter of an hour, the giant snake wizard Natagu could no longer hold on.

The environment here, the enemy's witchcraft, and the terrible flames that were burning his flesh and bones all the time were causing him crazy damage.

The snake scales on his body had been baked and burned red and crispy, and most of the flesh underneath had been scorched and carbonized. Every time the giant snake and the terrifying fire demon bit and entangled frantically, large pieces of scales and carbonized flesh on the snake's body would break off.

After Natagu turned into a black mamba snake, although he had the blessing of a powerful earth element aura, powerful sonic witchcraft, and terrible petrified eyes. But at this moment, when he was grabbed by the neck by the terrifying fire demon with one hand and swung his huge fist with the other hand to bombard the snake's head with death, he still had an illusion that he was powerless and would burst to death in the next moment.

While being hit by the head of the snake, countless small insects were wriggling in the thousands of wounds on the body of the giant snake wizard, trying to repair the damaged body. The flesh and blood were growing wildly, trying to cover the missing parts again.

But all these efforts were burned in the fierce fire.

As soon as the new flesh and blood grew out, it quickly burned and turned black, and then carbonized into ash. This repetitive and unchanging pain was the main reason why Natagu was almost crazy.

It was so painful!

The giant snake wizard, who was blurred by the pain of the flesh, had forgotten everything. He only knew to use all means to inflict the same damage on the enemy with his most ferocious attack.

The snake head was pressed down and could not bite the enemy. The terrifying petrified eyes shot out two gray rays, madly sweeping everything around. Even if the viscous and heavy fluid magma encounters the petrifying rays, it will solidify instantly and turn into lumps of gray rocks.

The two witches on the periphery tried their best to attack Grimm while avoiding Natagu's almost out-of-control petrifying rays. The scene was once very chaotic.

The giant snake wizard's thick and strong snake body entangled the terrifying fire demon frantically, and did not relax at all even though the other party's body gushed out terrifying high-temperature flames. Moreover, as Natagu became more and more crazy, the thick and long snake body became tighter and tighter, tightening the fire demon's body and making a creaking sound, as if to mince it into meat paste.

And its long snake tail turned into whip shadows, frantically whipping the fire demon's spine covered with thorns, even if it was cut with blood and blood, it did not stop.

The two behemoths rolled and tore in the depths of the magma, and the terrible power ripples rolled out layer by layer. Wherever it passed, the rock collapsed, the mountain trembled, the lava pool roared, and the powerful shock wave pushed the fluid magma out, and it gushed out of the crater frantically.

Looking down from a height of 10,000 meters, the Gangsas volcano at this moment has already!

The towering crater has lost half of its side, and the surging red magma gushed out from the ground, rushing down the rugged slope. The huge mountain was broken and cracked everywhere, and terrible high-temperature airflows gushed out from it, completely heating up this world.

Even if you are 20 or 30 kilometers away from the Gangsas volcano, you can feel the hot breath coming in your face!

The Gangsas volcano has now turned into a violently burning torch, dyeing most of the sky a shocking fiery red color. Thick black smoke rolled up, and huge flints that were still burning were ejected with terrifying flames, turning into fire meteors across the sky. Wherever it landed, it became a terrifying sea of ​​fire.

A team that was ordered to rush to the Gunsas volcano stopped at the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

The paladins with bright armor and calm breath tried their best to comfort the horses under their crotch, but they still couldn't drive them to move forward.

Looking at the terrifying volcano that turned into a pillar of fire in the distance, looking at the terrifying scene around that seemed like the end of the world, all the paladins were horrified, and finally showed an unconcealed fear in their eyes when looking at the volcano.

Is this the power of wizards?

Overturning rivers and seas, the sky collapsed, the volcano melted...

A series of terrible words and words rolled through their hearts, but it was really difficult to describe or describe their current mood.

Witnessing the power of the wizards from other worlds, many paladins trembled slightly. Perhaps, perhaps, maybe... that holy knight could not have such a terrifying power!

As soon as this thought came to their mind, they quickly wiped it out of their minds, then bowed their heads and silently recited the Ten Commandments of the Paladin several times, which initially calmed their inner panic.

"Thomas, you return to the camp immediately and tell Lord Ade Kalai everything you see here, and let him make the decision." The leader was a 2nd-level silver knight, who quickly issued an order.

Without arguing or delaying, the young paladin who was named suddenly knocked his chest, slapped his warhorse and turned away.

When the figure of his companion disappeared in the distance, the silver knight shouted loudly: "Before the new order from the lord is issued, we will continue the previous mission and investigate the Gunsas volcano. Everyone dismount and move forward, immediately..."

With his shouting, this small team of nine people, led by a 2nd-level silver knight, and the rest of the team, all composed of black iron knights, jumped off their warhorses and let them run wildly in the direction they came from.

After a simple tidying up, the members of the Paladin team took out their shields and, under the leadership of the Silver Knight, stepped into the terrible, scorched earth without hesitation.

In the other direction of the volcano opposite to the Paladin, in the vast primeval jungle with lush branches and leaves, an army of strange shapes is also advancing silently.

The vast forest that was originally full of vitality seemed particularly quiet and peaceful at this moment.

All jungle creatures, whether herbivorous or carnivorous, predators or hunted, at this moment, hid in their nests like small animals that had encountered natural enemies, curled up in a ball and shivered.

The jungle was silent, with only a quick and brisk rustling sound.

If a hunter went deep into the jungle at this time, he would find that there were countless ugly and weird figures running forward in the jungle that covered the sky and the sun.

In appearance, they were somewhat similar to zombies, and they still had the remaining human form on their bodies. But at this moment, they all crawled on their bodies, dug their hands and feet into the ground, and ran quickly in the jungle full of vines, bushes, and thorns, aiming directly at the huge volcano that almost burned through the sky at the far end of the horizon.

Plague Poison Spirit Remi sat on the back of a particularly sturdy and solid plague beast, rushed to a cliff protruding from the forest, and stared at the pillar of fire that shot up into the sky.

In front of it and behind it, in the vast primitive jungle under the high cliff, countless plague creatures with yellow-green smoke all over their bodies were running wildly. Even with their hatred and hunger for flesh and blood creatures, they passed by so many beasts' nests and tree nests, but no plague creature ever stopped to bite and eat.

Driven by Plague Poison Spirit Remi, they frantically pounced on the terrifying volcano that was violently erupting.

As for what they can do in such a strong wizard war with their ‘weak’ bodies and ‘weak’ abilities, they won’t think about it at all, nor do they need to think about it.

As long as the plague spirit Remi gives an order, even if they all jump into the crater and turn into ashes, no plague creature will hesitate for a moment.

This may be the most terrifying thing about the plague creatures!


Just as all parties desperately advanced towards the volcanic area, the battle at the bottom of the Gunsas volcano could no longer continue!

Unexpectedly, the defeated party turned out to be the hunting wizards with a large number of people.

Grimm, who turned into a terrifying fire demon, was unexpectedly powerful, and his sudden surge in mental power became the key to determining the outcome of the battle.

After suffering for a quarter of an hour in the flames and magma, Natagu did not wait for the power of the fire demon to subside... So, he gritted his teeth and persisted for another two quarters of an hour, three quarters of an hour... until three hours...

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he fought, he still could not see any signs of the opponent's power subsiding or weakening. The fierceness of the battle between the two sides made the giant snake wizard Natagu unforgettable.

At this time, he no longer had the previous bravery, and his appearance was very different from the beginning of the war.

Most of the snake scales on his body had fallen off under the scorching magma and the flames, and the exposed bright red flesh was burned off layer by layer and then grew again. At this moment, 20% of the 70% energy consumed by Natagu was used to stimulate the growth of flesh and blood.

The thick snake body that was more than 20 meters long was full of burnt scars and bloodstains. Every time a huge force hit, hundreds of wounds and cracks would be left on the snake body. The splattered black blood was directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature before it left the body for three feet.

On the thick snake head that was raised high, one of the snake pupils had been broken, leaving only a black blood hole. Most of the fangs and sharp teeth were broken, and even the snake tongue that was flickering was torn off, still bleeding wildly.

The giant snake wizard was as miserable as he could be at this time!

However, compared to him, Grimm, who had transformed into a terrifying fire demon, was not much better than him.

The 7-meter-tall demon's body was full of huge scars from the fangs tearing, and black smoke was lingering on the wounds. The flesh turned outward was purple and black and smelly, emitting a choking smell. On the broad back covered with mysterious magic patterns, sharp thorns had been broken by the roots, and black blood mixed with red magma flowed.

The lava shield and flame shield on the surface of the body were swirling and extinguished, and they were destroyed and shattered one by one by the fierce witchcraft before they were summoned. Even the lava armor on his tall body was shattered, revealing the dark purple demon body underneath.

The demonic power that the Level 2 Flame Demon Heart could bring to Grimm was no longer enough to deal with such a fierce battle. At this moment, Grimm absorbed and gathered all the boundless flame power in the lava pool, using it to heat the burning field crazily, burning the hunting wizards in it one by one.

Finally, the giant snake wizard Natagu, who was at the forefront of the battle, could not bear the huge injuries on his body and gave up the battle and fled!

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