The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0985 No One Can Be Missing

The Paladin team approached the Gunsas volcano cautiously.

Although the peak of the volcanic eruption had passed and the sky no longer had the terrifying scene of the previous natural disaster, there were still burning flints ejected from the crater, dragging long black smoke tails and smashing into the surroundings.

No matter where it landed, it would explode, raising a tall dust column and breaking into flame fragments all over the ground.

Because they had been prepared in advance, such flints would hardly pose too much threat to the Paladin team. If the flint fell too close to the team, the leading silver knight would use the Holy Light Slash to smash the flint in mid-air. As for the broken flint fragments, they could not hurt the team members.

However, the team still lost two members while climbing up to the crater.

When passing through a dense mountain crack area, a sudden burst of high-temperature flames wrapped up the two Paladins. When the flames died down, only two charred corpses were left on the spot. The armor was still there, but the flesh and bones on the body were burned away, and the black dust was scattered all over the ground.

Without caring about helping their companions to sort out the remains, the team members prayed silently on the spot and set out on the journey again.

What exactly was waiting for them ahead, the team members didn't know, they only knew that they had to find out the intelligence of those wizards. Only in this way can they provide reference for the correct decision of the top leaders.

However, when they climbed to the middle of the volcano, the mountain under their feet began to shake and sway violently.

In the belly of the mountain, the rumbling sound was endless.

And in the deafening explosion, a violent breath that shook their hearts suddenly descended, making them dizzy, their hearts pounding, and their legs shaking so much that they could hardly stand.

Long Wei... It's Long Wei!

The face of the leading silver knight changed drastically, and he quickly identified the source of this violent breath.

However, before he could turn around and say anything to his companions behind him, a shocking explosion came from the inside of the volcano, and then the conical crater collapsed downwards.

Hundreds of tons of volcanic rocks, sandstone, soil and rolling magma poured down from above at a lightning speed, covering almost all places around the Gunsas volcano.

The team of paladins, which only had seven people left, did not even have time to scream before they were overturned by the mudslide and hot magma. In this horrific scene of natural disasters, three black shadows flew out of the crater and rushed into the distance without hesitation.


A long dragon roar suddenly sounded.

A giant dragon with a blue body and dazzling lightning rolling all over its body rose from the crater, and a terrifying and arrogant fire demon stood tall on its back. And below them, in the thick lava fire column gushing and splashing, a ferocious flame tiger with an astonishing body was also looming.

As if they had discovered the pursuers behind them, the three shadows in front immediately changed direction and fled to different areas.

"I and the Thunder Dragon will chase the giant snake wizard, and you will chase the psychic warlock..." Grimm, who was perched high on the Thunder Dragon's back, shouted loudly.

He had paid too much in this battle. If he let the other party run away, he would be suffocated by the anger in his chest.

"Are you willing to let the old witch run away?" The flame tiger Sindar asked nonchalantly. Its tiger body, which seemed like a fluid flame, could shuttle freely in the flames, which was more convenient than Grimm's flame jump, so it didn't care who it chased.

"Humph, it's her bad luck. Someone is waiting for her in the direction she ran!"

After a simple explanation, Grimm stepped lightly on the Thunder Dragon. Arms raised his neck and let out a long roar that resounded through the sky. The wide dragon wings fluttered wildly, raising a gust of wind under him, carrying Grimm and turning into a swift blue lightning to chase the ugly giant snake figure.

"Hehehe, a human 3rd level psychic... Humph!" With a light snort, the flame tiger Sindar stomped his four legs, and his whole body disappeared in the flames.

In a fire scene half a mile away, Sindar emerged silently, looked up at the witch who was still flying over the forest three miles away, and disappeared again with a sinking body.

Psychic Benejia flew hurriedly, frantically blessing herself with spirit wings, flying skills and visual avoidance. Halfway through the flight, she suddenly felt a hot and violent breath surging in her heart, and she knew it was not good.

Looking back, she did not find any enemies chasing her behind her, but the lingering sense of crisis made her terrified.

Without hesitation, Beneja plunged into the jungle below, took out a bottle of purple potion from her waist bag and poured it into her mouth, then strangely transformed into a palm-sized gray mole, stood up and looked around, and found no enemies, so she carefully got into the thick bushes.

A moment later, the flame tiger Sindar silently jumped down from the tall ancient trees around, raised his nose and gently sniffed the remaining breath in the air.

The psychic may not be strong enough in other aspects, but the skills of disguise and concealment are absolutely first-class.

Coupled with the layers of mind witchcraft, as long as the enemy does not lock her body with the naked eye or spirit, ordinary detection and prophecy can easily be transferred to other places by her mental suggestion.

But how can the flame tiger be compared with other creatures!

It may not be able to smell the body odor of a psychic or the breath of psychic witchcraft, but the flame energy in Beneja's body that has not been dispelled in time cannot be hidden from its powerful perception.

The flame tiger followed the flame breath and turned left and right in the forest, running intermittently for two or three miles, and then stopped in front of a tall ancient tree.

With a step of the right foot, a bright yellow flame swept away, burning the thick and rotten branches and fallen leaves under the ancient tree, revealing a fist-sized earth hole under the tree roots.

The flame tiger Sindar snorted coldly, opened his mouth wide and spewed out a high-temperature flame flow in front of the earth hole. The terrible flame flow flowed everywhere in the winding passage underground, and from time to time a wave of air rushed to the sky from somewhere within a hundred meters around.

The flame tiger heard it clearly, and a shrill and sharp scream came from somewhere underground!

A moment later, Beniga, who had turned into a mole, ran out of a hole with a charred body. Before she could cast a spell to disguise herself, a basin-sized flaming tiger claw pressed her into the mud.

Beniga looked up in horror and saw a terrifying tiger's mouth that suddenly grew larger.


Remi, the plague spirit who was leading the plague army to rush into the volcanic area, suddenly slapped the giant beast under him and stopped moving forward.

After concentrating and sensing silently for a moment, it soon received a message from Grimm.

Well, that old poison woman is coming in this direction?

Remi's dark green face immediately showed a malicious sneer, and with a slight pout, the direction of the plague army was slightly adjusted, rushing towards somewhere in the woods.

Beside a stream in the woods, the plague army led by Remi just happened to "encounter" the old poison woman who was riding a flying broom and quickly shuttled through the dense forest.

In order to avoid being tracked by the enemy, the old poisonous woman Gwennaville did not dare to fly high, but chose to lower the altitude and shuttle through the dense forest with lush branches and leaves. Although this way of flying is a little slower, it is more concealed.

To be honest, she kept looking back while flying fast, but she was completely unprepared to be intercepted from the front.

When she saw the strange creatures leaping and running in the dense forest, and saw Remi perched on the back of a level 2 giant beast, the old poisonous woman's ugly and disgusting face became even uglier.

Bottles of potions were thrown down by her, and they turned into strange and grotesque poisonous witch beasts on the ground, most of which had level 2 strength, and there was also a swamp poisonous lizard with level 3 strength.

Facing such an enemy, Remi didn't care. With a snap of his fingers, hundreds of poisonous corpses rushed up, and instantly drowned the enemy in the sea of ​​soldiers with terrifying numbers. The bodies of the 2nd and 3rd level enemies were all covered with dense poisonous corpses, and they were piled up in a pile of corpses that kept squirming.

The 1st level servant corpses and the 2nd level plague messengers rushed to the old poisonous woman.

Plague poison arrows, plague poison clouds, and poisonous ripples quickly surrounded the old poisonous woman from all directions.

The old poisonous woman casually wielded the invisible and intangible poisoning technique, and even the servant corpses who had become plague creatures could not resist it. Once the shriveled and thin body was contaminated with poison, it quickly softened into mud, and then turned into a pool of purple-black and smelly poisonous water.

Ordinary plague creatures could only entangle the old poisonous woman, but it was almost impossible to kill her!

A 3rd level can only be dealt with by another 3rd level.

Remi drove the plague beast under him, and while the old poison woman was busy poisoning, he approached her within a hundred meters, and then blew an invisible poisonous wind at her.

Even with Gwennaville's resistance to poison, she couldn't help but shiver when the poisonous wind blew on her body. A faint tingling sensation immediately came from her internal organs, as if there were completely tiny poisonous insects gnawing at her body crazily.

"Damn bastard, you are looking for death..." The old poison woman screamed wildly and shrilly, and purple-black blood flowed from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose at the same time. And with the mental power suddenly increased by screaming, an invisible poison suddenly began to spread on Remi's body.

In terms of poisoning alone, Remi, who had just been promoted for a few days, was definitely not the opponent of the old poison woman.

However, facing the old poison woman's lose-lose fighting style, the plague poison spirit Remi also screamed wildly.

As it screamed, many plague corpses that were rushing to the battlefield fell to the ground one after another, and the plague essence in the core was ruthlessly extracted by Remi.

With the replenishment of these plague essences, Remi struggled to resist the opponent's strange poisoning technique, and kept injecting plague seeds into the old poison woman's body.

The two sides screamed fiercely and fought fiercely!

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