The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0986: Forced into Death

A loud dragon roar resounded throughout the world!

Level 3 Thunder Dragon Arms flapped its flesh wings and soared into the sky with a wild and domineering attitude, slightly looking down at the swiftly passing jungle silhouette below him.

And its pair of amber-shaped green dragon eyes stared intently at the hurriedly escaping figure at the end of its sight.

After the cruel and long volcano battle, Natagu had already exhausted the power of his blood and was forced to retreat from the giant snake form and resume his human form. And this inevitably reduced part of his physique.

In this way, the pain and injuries that were originally bearable in the form of a giant snake become so unbearable after being transformed into a human form!

Natagu kept bleeding while flying across the sky.

Purple-black blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and his face was ferocious and twisted, not to mention how miserable his appearance was. However, at this time, he had no time to care about his image, and all his attention was on how to escape the pursuit of the enemy behind him.

His origin was severely damaged, and the legendary fire wizard chasing behind him was not much better than him.

However, the opponent has a level 3 dragon to take his place, so he is obviously in an advantageous position in this chase battle. Although he knew that it would be difficult for him to escape the pursuit of a level 3 dragon, his nearly collapsed body and little remaining mental strength made Natagu unable to muster the courage to turn around and fight the enemy desperately.

Damn it, this is just a cross-border pursuit mission that I took on! Although if the mission fails, your losses will be very heavy, but it is much better than losing your life here.

He was extremely injured, and the fire wizard was also injured too.

Natagu had nothing to ask for now, he just asked the fire wizard to stop the pursuit and go back to heal his injuries. With this 'simple' thought in mind, Natagu frantically swallowed various witchcraft medicines while running forward desperately.

Unfortunately, as a blood wizard who has mastered the transformation of a giant snake, agility is not what Natagu is good at!

Therefore, in his little despair, the strong and graceful figure of the third-level thunder dragon finally caught up with him and came to the sky above him.

Following long dragon roars, Thunder Dragon Arms lowered his head and sprayed short bursts of dragon breath towards Natagu, forcing him to perform an 'S-shaped' drift over the forest sea.

Every time the dragon's breath sprayed out, Natagu's flying body turned sharply and suddenly changed direction while brushing against the edge of the violent thunder. The empty blue power grid fell into the forest below, turning into a wild and raging lightning storm, electrolyzing all materials within the range into fine powder.

Only those extremely strong thousand-year-old trees could withstand this violent thunder and barely stand still without falling over. However, their branches, leaves and outer skin have all disappeared, leaving only the blackened and withered trunks burning quietly in the fire caused by lightning.

If Natagu was still at his peak, he would even dare to transform into a black mamba snake and confront this level 3 thunder dragon. But now, the body is broken, the mental power is almost exhausted, and the power of blood has been consumed to the last bit.

Without the giant snake transformation, he really had no confidence to continue fighting with this mighty dragon. Therefore, even if he was slowly being 'teased' by the opponent's almost humiliating dragon breath, Natagu was still unwilling to turn around and fight the opponent desperately.

He... really can't fight anymore!

Unfortunately, now he wants to avoid fighting, but the other party obviously does not agree.

Greem, who had already taken the 'Life Liquid' and 'Mental Restoration Potion', was injured several times more than the giant snake wizard Natagu. Even with these two kinds of recovery 'holy medicine', it can barely keep his injuries from getting worse for the time being, and recovery is extremely difficult.

In the three hours of hard battle, he was fighting against the giant snake wizard despite the attacks of the two wizards. Although the special environment of the volcano weakened part of the power of the old poisonous woman and the psychic wizard's witchcraft, the accumulation over such a long period of time still caused terrible physical damage to Greem.

If it weren't for the terrifying Balrog he transformed into, which had a strong enough physique and exceptional defense and magic resistance, I'm afraid that at this moment, he would have been beaten into unrecognizable pieces of flesh by the enemy.

The more serious the damage to his body, the more angry Greem felt in his chest.

In the past, he might have given up chasing the enemy in order to heal his injuries earlier. But today, he has made an undying determination to make these enemies who have been entangled with him for many years pay with their lives!

Sword Girl Katie is still trapped underground. She has no chance of winning in the battle with elemental magic weapons...

There is a Flame Tiger chasing the Psion. As long as Xindar doesn't let go, he has a great chance of capturing him...

As for the old poisonous woman, there is the plague poison spirit Remy waiting for her in the direction of her escape, and she should also suffer a big loss. However, Greem could not estimate in detail what level Remy would reach after he advanced to the next level, so whether he could capture the old poisonous woman could not yet be determined...

However, Greem dared to assert that the giant snake wizard Natagu in front of him was dead!

When Greem, who was perched high on the Thunder Dragon's back, also joined the attack, the giant snake wizard Natagu finally couldn't hold on any longer. One of them couldn't dodge, and was caught in a violent fireball that flew quickly. When he screamed and escaped from the fire ball, half of his body was charred.

"Grimm, don't kill us all..." Even at the critical moment of life and death, Natagu still did not change his nature of a brave and fierce criminal, and threatened in a hoarse voice: "If I force me to fight you, are you sure you can withstand my dying counterattack?"

And the answer to him was two violent fireballs flying at him.

The blood power had been exhausted, and Natagu was unable to transform into a black mamba snake, so he could only hurriedly support an elemental barrier and barely resist the rapid shock wave formed by the explosion of the fireball.

Waves of fire swept around, burning all the green vegetation and tall trees into charred charcoal. Natagu staggered back again and again, no longer as arrogant as before.

"Huili Mogongsi... empty fangs!" Natagu raised his right hand and shouted with a ferocious face.

On the little finger of his right hand, a snake eye ring suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, penetrating the misty flames and shooting directly at Grimm on the dragon's back. At the same time as the strong light burst out, Natagu opened his mouth and sprayed out a venom ball the size of an egg, silently hitting Grimm and the thunder dragon.

After spraying such a venom ball, Natagu's energy aura suddenly dropped by half. He didn't care about observing the result of the attack, and turned around and stumbled into the jungle.

Even though his body and spirit had fallen below the warning line, with the strong physique of a 3rd-level blood wizard, Natagu's running speed in the dense forest was not inferior to that of a jungle cheetah with agility.

While fleeing frantically in the dense forest, Natagu kept looking back, and lost his mind for a while, and was tripped by a vine and hit the ancient tree. He forced himself to stay alert, supported the tree trunk and stood up again, and continued to run forward.

No one noticed that when he stood up by holding the tree trunk, the back half of his left pinky finger was suddenly cut off, and turned into an arrow that silently pierced into the trunk of the ancient tree.

But he continued to stumble into the jungle as if he hadn't noticed anything.

In a clearing in the forest, a large burst of flames suddenly burst out, and Grimm walked out of it with a violent cough, just blocking Natagu's way.

After a short and fierce exchange of fire, Natagu, who was completely forced into a desperate situation, had bloodshot eyes and screamed wildly, and burst out a terrifying poisonous ring. In order to maximize the lethality of this poisonous ring, Natagu even exploded his whole body of blood to enhance the power of the poisonous ring.

Therefore, as a green halo spread in the forest, any matter within a mile radius, whether it was plants or animals, turned into a green liquid emitting a faint fluorescent radiation the moment it touched the halo.

Even though Grimm had the Burning Field to protect him, the poisonous halo invaded the space around him, making the originally dark red flames turn a bit green.

Grimm groaned, and with the help of the Holy Ring of Soden, he quickly transformed the power of the flame into holy power and spread it around him layer by layer. Only then did he resist the poison with the "purification power" of the holy light.

After blocking this wave of attacks, Grimm stood up and looked around, and couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

That Natagu had completely disappeared, and even his body, soul, and equipment had melted into the terrifying poisonous halo. And all the plants in the land within a mile around him, whether it was the ancient trees as tall as giant umbrellas, or the vines, thorns, or bushes entwined in the forest, had now turned into pools of green venom, making the place where he stood a terrible poisonous place where life was extinct.

That Natagu blew himself up?

He was really cruel!

Grimm was surrounded by layers of milky white holy light, and he couldn't help sighing when he looked around.

However, just as he was feeling deeply moved by the tragic death of a level 3 wizard, the statistics on the chip that were swiped on his retina attracted his attention.

"...Soul integrity 63%..."

Well, what's going on?

Based on the dying blow that Natagu had just exploded, the chip calculated and estimated that the opponent's soul integrity was only 63% of the last battle. This... there seems to be something strange!

If there were no statistics from the chip, I'm afraid Grimm would really be shocked by the opponent's fierce scene and ignore some doubts. With Natagu's personality and style of doing things, is he a warrior who will die with the enemy?

Based on Grimm's observation of him over the years, the opponent is not only not a warrior, but also extremely insidious and cunning, with many tricks. If he really has to die, Grimm believes that even if the opponent kneels down and begs for mercy, he will never take the route of suicide.

If analyzed from this point of view, the opponent's self-explosion is suspected of covering up the lack of soul integrity!

Grimm looked up at the jungle where Natagu was running, and his eyes could not help but reveal a cold light.

Humph, 37% of the soul combined with some secret techniques is enough for him to be resurrected in a borrowed body!

It's a nice thought...

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