The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0989 Huge Harvest

The nest that Remi arranged was located deep in the dense forest.

The original native monsters and jungle creatures here were strangled by it, and became the flesh and blood materials for it to transform the plague army. Therefore, there was almost no living creature within a radius of 20 to 30 miles, not to mention those large carnivorous and herbivorous beasts.

As a last resort, Grimm could only send two 1st-level rock pythons to hunt a five-colored deer outside the jungle, which was a small feast.

There was no way, trapped under the volcano, and gnawed on the fire dragon ribs for five consecutive years. Even though this high-energy food was extremely beneficial to his physique and affinity with the fire system, it made Grimm completely upset. He almost vomited when he smelled the smell of the fire dragon ribs.

After quickly filling his stomach, Grimm sat cross-legged by the campfire in the cold cave, and couldn't help wrapping his cloth robe tightly. For some reason, he always felt hot and cold in the past half day, and his heart and emotions were always difficult to calm down.

With Remi and his Plague Beast Corps guarding outside, there was no problem with safety, so Grimm raised his hand and released the elemental magic machine from the puppet amulet, and pulled it closer for careful inspection.

After more than a dozen chip scans, a complete damage statistics was listed.

Target creature: elemental magic machine

Target level: Level 3 intermediate

Target species: a combination of elemental puppet and metal magic machine

Target basic data: Strength 37 (26) Constitution 39 (31) Agility 11 (8) Spirit 32 (27)

According to the chip statistics, the basic combat power that the elemental magic machine can now exert is in brackets.

Due to the continuous battles and the lack of necessary repairs and maintenance, the combat power of the elemental magic machine has seriously declined. Except for the constitution that can barely maintain the level of level 3 with high magic and gold, the strength and spirit have dropped below level 3.

Although such an elemental magic machine can still crush the level 2 silver knight, its advantage is no longer so obvious when facing the level 3 knight.

Since the elemental magic machine combines the two strange systems of elemental puppets and metal magic machines, it is much more difficult to repair than ordinary magic machines. It can only be repaired with the help of the special alchemy laboratory in the Flame Throne Witch Tower. Therefore, here, Grimm can only find a way to use some ordinary metals collected to repair the obvious damage on the body of the elemental magic machine.

Therefore, although the defense of the elemental magic machine with countless colorful "patches" has been improved, it is difficult to reach its limit.

After repairing and knocking for a long time, the too eye-catching gaps on the body of the elemental magic machine were blocked. The physical fitness of the elemental magic machine has risen from 31 points after the damage to 34 points, which is still a huge gap from its original 39 points.

Waving his hand to let the elemental magic machine go to the cave entrance to keep watch for him, Grimm carefully took out 3 storage rings and browsed and appreciated them one by one.

Although he knew that most wizards would not carry all their precious resources and wealth with them when they went on cross-dimensional adventures, Grimm was still full of confidence in the three storage rings. Not for anything else, just because they were the portable rings of the third-level wizards.

Natagu and Beniga were both dead, so the mental imprints they placed on the storage rings collapsed by themselves. Grimm hardly spent much effort, and through the scanning and cracking of the chip, he analyzed the preset password to open them.

All wizards' storage rings are double-verified by witchcraft secret words and mental imprints. If one does not match, it cannot be opened. Now, the mental imprints collapsed by themselves, and Grimm easily opened them with only the witchcraft secret words.

The first one to be browsed was Natagu's ring.

When Grimm's mental power probed into it, the chip had already quickly projected a list of items in his mind with its powerful scanning ability.

32,000 magic crystals, 104 magic gems of various types, 3 sets of snake sloughs, 1,068 snake scales, 17 kilograms of black mamba venom, 73 saror fruits, 235 grams of dream grass, 12 grams of sunflowers, 11 instant magic wands, 53 witchcraft scrolls, 26 bottles of witchcraft potions, 1 teleportation array, several witchcraft equipment...

In addition to these witchcraft items, there are many life or personal belongings. Among them, there are many strange magic strains or rare minerals that cannot be found in the wizard world and are only produced in the void outside the domain.

Excluding those items that cannot be evaluated for the time being, the chip estimates the value of the Natagu storage ring to be between 2 million and 3 million.

But what caught Grimm's attention the most was the one-time teleportation array and the five bottles of bloodline potions.

According to the scanning and analysis of the chip, two of the five bottles of bloodline potions are bloodline regeneration potions, and the other three are bloodline purification potions, all of which are bloodline potions developed for the black mamba giant snake bloodline.

With them, Grimm can completely create some giant snake bloodline wizards who are loyal to him within the Crimson Family. However, there are already several giant snake bloodline families in the Sanditalin area. If several giant snake wizards suddenly appear in the Crimson Family, it is easy to cause misunderstanding and hostility.

However, Grimm doesn't care about this!

And the one-time teleportation array is the key to Grimm's successful escape from the Envik plane. With it, Grimm no longer needs to sneak into the fire element plane as originally planned, and then find a way to locate the Flame Throne Wizard Tower there, and then try to return to the wizard world.

The original plan sounds simple, but once it is really implemented, there are many difficulties and unknown risks. Moreover, the witch Misa seems to have several old friends in the Fire Element Plane. Once she clearly catches his whereabouts, the action of borrowing the Fire Element Plane will become an adventure!

Now, with this one-time teleportation array made by Misa, Grimm can easily return to the wizard world by simply adjusting the teleportation mark on it. If the witch Misa knew that it was Grimm who was sent away by herself, she would probably be furious!

In addition to the teleportation array, bloodline potions and various rare treasures from the outer sea, even those seemingly ordinary instant magic wands and witchcraft scrolls are not ordinary goods. Most of the magic stored in those instant magic wands are 2nd and 3rd level witchcraft, which almost covers all the witchcraft pedigrees in the wizard world.

Even if a few 1st level magic wands are found by chance, they also store several very practical 1st level small witchcrafts such as "object positioning", "time rewinding", and "dream enchantress".

One can be used to find things, one can view the historical scenes of a certain area within three hours, and one can summon a strange dream enchantress to serve herself...

The dream enchantress is a strange creature of pure spiritual body, a harmless monster, and can create a nearly real dream space for the summoner with its powerful dream-making ability. Therefore, it is also the most commonly summoned alien monster by wizards, no one else!

As for those witchcraft scrolls, they seem to be a little bit inferior.

This is actually normal. After experiencing many wizard wars, those high-level witchcraft scrolls were almost consumed by Natagu, and the rest were of course some "defective products".

After reviewing Natagu's collection with satisfaction, Grimm excitedly put this storage ring with a snake eye on his finger. At this time, Grimm had four magic diamond rings, which barely filled one palm.

The next thing to review was the storage ring of the psychic Beniga.

The same densely packed magic crystals and various magic gems, the same astonishing number of witchcraft materials and wizard resources, the same large number of witchcraft equipment and witchcraft accessories... But what caught Grimm's attention the most was a 2nd-level star beast corpse embedded in strange amber.

Seeing this star beast corpse, Grimm was instantly shocked and immediately realized that it was the "thing" that he was willing to come to the Envik plane for adventure!

Grimm has the source stealing worm, which can extract the corresponding talent ability from the blood of some monsters, and only Alice and Mary know such things. Even the great witch Misa could not obtain this level of information through fate divination.

Originally, Alice only knew through the power of fate that if Grimm came to the Envik plane, he might find the blood talent he had always dreamed of. But what exactly is this blood talent, and where it is hidden is unknown.

Therefore, even though he knew that this trip would be extremely risky, Grimm still came here for himself and Alice without hesitation.

However, after staying in the Envik plane for so long and traveling through many regions, Grimm has never heard of any information related to star beasts or foreign monsters. Just when Grimm was almost desperate and thought that the information obtained by Alice was just false information released by the other party, this item appeared in front of him in such a weird way.

Beniga... That psychic obviously came from the outer star sea. How did she capture this level 2 star beast? What kind of strange ability is hidden in this level 2 star beast?

For all this, Grimm had no way of knowing, and could only silently endure it until he returned to the witch tower and slowly analyzed it. So at this moment... Grimm held the storage ring and kissed it hard a few times, and solemnly put it on his right hand.

The remaining storage ring of the sword girl Katie, Grimm hastily browsed it.

Although the value is equally amazing and the sight is equally stunning, there are not many things that can attract Grimm's attention like the corpse of the star beast. However, in the ring, Grimm still found some strange metals with strange magical properties.

It can be seen that the sword lady Katie kept these metals to replenish and maintain the metal loss in her body.

Although they are not as rare as the Quelras alloy, they also have considerable research value in terms of certain magical properties!

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