The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0990 The wind is blowing

Wizard World.

In recent days, the situation of the Crimson Family in the Sanditalin area has been getting worse day by day.

A rumor that spread from nowhere pointed out that the legendary fire wizard who founded the Crimson Family had died in an alien plane. The top leaders of the Crimson Family chose to keep it secret in order not to shake the foundation of the family.

This rumor seems ridiculous, but it really hits some weaknesses of the Crimson Family.

There are many factions and camps within the Crimson Family. If it weren't for the legendary fire wizard who suppressed all the dissatisfaction with his own strong strength, and the loyal support of wizards such as Mary, Alice and Wenlier, I'm afraid no one could gather these vampires, goblins, dragons, and witches together to form a powerful force that frightens the outside world.

When Grimm had not appeared in the family for many years, and another core member, Alice, the witch of fate, had also been living in seclusion, hiding in the tower of fate all year round, the operation of the entire family was almost entirely supported by Gargamel and Winriel, two level 1 wizards.

As for the family's high-level combat power, only the level 3 vampire wizard Mary was left.

Under such circumstances, some unstable factors inside and outside the family gathered together and began to stir up trouble. Whether it was the surrendered wizards who were forcibly suppressed in the last wizard war, or some ambitious people on the goblin side, they were carefully testing the family's strength and looking for ways to get rid of the family's control.

During this period, some well-known large wizard families also showed deep hostility to the newly rising Crimson Family, and began to suppress the members of the Crimson Family openly or secretly.

For a time, there were many vicious incidents of expelling goblin caravans and attacking Crimson Family resource points in the Sanditallin area. The Crimson Family, which had occupied nearly 80% of the territory in the Elovis region, had to start shrinking its forces and guarding more than a dozen of the most important first-level resource points in various places.

As the head wizard, Mary had to take on the task of shouldering the family's burden even if she was reluctant.

For a time, the vampire wizards attacked everywhere, fighting back with blood, and repelled the enemy's attacks again and again with fierce attacks, and suppressed three rebellions in the Elovis region that attempted to subvert the rule of the Crimson Family.

However, the more they killed and the more fiercely they fought, the more difficult the situation of the Crimson Family became.

There were rumors flying everywhere, and there were wars everywhere. The powerful black hand hidden behind the scenes seemed to be determined not to give up until the Crimson Family was uprooted.

As a last resort, Mary could only use the family authority to dispatch the 4th-level magic puppet dragon that was stationed near the White Tower to the central part of the continent as the core combat force to guard the Elovis region.

Such a move undoubtedly shocked the mastermind behind the scenes, and only then did the Crimson Family have a chance to breathe.

Through careful and detailed investigations, the family leaders headed by Mary finally figured out that the main driving force behind the conspiracy to subvert the Crimson Family was the current patriarch of the Fabres Family, the 4th-level body-refining wizard Declan Fabres.

To be honest, after hearing that it was this 4th-level body-refining wizard who was tossing the Crimson Family behind the scenes, most of the family leaders were a little surprised and shocked. After all, the Crimson Family does not have a real 4th-level wizard of its own, so in the external expansion, it has always respected those old wizard families and never competed with them for local interests.

Now, the 4th-level wizard suddenly appeared and took a ruthless action against the Crimson Family, which was really beyond the expectations of the Crimson Family leaders.

However, when the leaders were confused, Mary, as a core wizard, vaguely understood something.

Grimm was suddenly trapped in the different plane, and the difficulties the family is currently facing are probably all caused by one person.

Therefore, Mary, who understood the reason, gave up the idea of ​​negotiating with the enemy and began to fight back and defend the family's secular territory and resource points with all her strength. Under her strong leadership, the insect wizard Bilis, the dragon man Zacha, the goblin Tigule, and many vampire wizards took turns to attack.

If the enemy dared to destroy a hereditary territory of the Crimson Family, they would dare to kill all the hereditary nobles of the enemy's three territories; if the enemy dared to plunder a resource point of the Crimson Family, they would dare to destroy the enemy's five wizard resource points

The Crimson wizards, who have always been fearless, are like a coiled venomous snake, fiercely counterattacking every attack of the enemy, and will not compromise or give in to the enemy even if both sides are injured.

At the beginning of the war, the Fabres family only instigated and bewitched those peripheral forces to attack and harass the Crimson Family. But when these peripheral forces suffered heavy losses in the territory of the Crimson Family and were afraid of being beaten, the Fabres family finally began to take the initiative.

As an old wizard family with a 4th-level wizard in charge, the Fabres family has existed for more than 3,000 years. Its profound heritage is naturally incomparable to the Crimson Family, which was founded less than a hundred years ago.

When the 2nd and 3rd-level wizards of the Fabres family appeared on the stage and joined the battle sequence against the Crimson Family, the entire Sandi Tallin area could not help but be moved.

All wizard families and college forces could not help but turn their attention to the Elovis area, quietly waiting for the two wizard families, one large and one small, to decide the winner. Some people were talking about it, some were watching, and some were pretending to be deep and giving advice.

But no matter how they discussed and analyzed, the Crimson Family would not have any luck in this wizard war. After all, one side had a 4th-level wizard and more than 30 2nd and 3rd-level wizards, while the other side had only two 3rd-level wizards and a group of 3rd-level dragons who did not obey orders. The gap in strength between the two sides was too big, and they were not at the same level of strength at all.

For a time, those small forces that had previously followed the Crimson Family's powerful forces turned against them, either joined the enemy camp or chose to remain neutral, which also greatly dampened the momentum of the Crimson Family.

Combining the basic strength of both sides, some people with good intentions posted a comment that the Crimson Family would be completely defeated, and at most they could only rely on the 4th-level magic puppet dragon to retain the Flame Throne, the origin of the family. As for the rest of the secular territories and family resource points, they had no power to protect them at all!

However, what really led to the Crimson Family's collapse was not anything else, but the absence of the legendary head of the family, Grimm.

The Crimson Family was originally a wizard family formed by Grimm with his strong personal charm and combat power. The core of the family is all tied to Grimm.

When Grimm is there, the family is there; when Grimm is missing, the family is like a human without a skeleton, weak and difficult to gather into a real force.

Whether it is the brain monster group in the Lance plane or the group of arrogant dragons, they all obey Mary's orders in public and do not listen to the orders, and do not put their full efforts to maintain the honor and dignity of the family.

Even those slightly weaker goblins have complaints about Mary's orders. If it weren't for the powerful vampire group suppressing them, I'm afraid they would have to give in to protect themselves.

In this way, there are only a few core wizards and her loyal subordinates, the vampire group, who can really obey Mary's assignments. It is simply a pipe dream to want to defend the vast territory and resource points in the Elovis area with only such a few forces.

As a last resort, Mary could only shrink the family's power again and again, give up the outer territories and resource points, control the limited manpower in her own hands, and quietly wait for the opportunity to bite back.

And God will not let down those who work hard, the repeated concessions of the Crimson Family finally hooked out some valuable targets.

Seeing Xinxi, a group of wizards from the Fabres Family frantically plundered a first-level resource point of the Crimson Family near the Raul Wasteland, killing the Crimson Wizards and family apprentices who were responsible for guarding there.

And they were led by two third-level wizards!

After receiving the distress message sent back by the family wizards and apprentices before their death, Mary, contrary to her usual habit of ignoring it, fiercely attacked with all the family's elite.

The Raul Wasteland is only more than 600 miles away from the core territory of the Crimson Family. The arrogant Fabres Family wizards did not expect that Mary would be so fierce, so the looting time seemed too long. When they were ready to return to the family to celebrate with their booty, Mary, along with seven level 2 vampires, Bilis, Zacha and Tigule, had blocked their way.

After a bloody battle, the Raul Wasteland was completely wiped off the map, and both sides paid a heavy price for it.

On the side of the Crimson Family, two level 2 blood elves died on the spot, Mary was seriously injured, and the rest of the family wizards were injured. On the side of the Fabres Family, the two level 3 wizards led by the team were seriously injured and slightly injured, five level 2 wizards died, and countless wizards were slightly injured.

The battle in the Raul Wasteland also completely shocked the entire Sandi Tallinn!

In people's eyes, the only thing the Crimson Family could do in the face of the aggressive old wizard family was to stick to the origin of the family and silently wait for the moment when the enemy's strength was exhausted and retreated.

No one could have thought that the blood queen Mary could be so brave and dared to bite back, and she just bit off a piece of bloody meat from the Fabres Family. Although the casualties of five level 2 wizards could not shake the foundation of the Fabres family, it was like a slap in their face.

For a moment, Sanditalin was shocked and watched silently how the Fabres family would react.

It is said that the battle in the Raul Wasteland made the level 4 patriarch of the Fabres family furious.

Under his angry roar and repeated mobilization, the Fabres family gathered a larger force and began to frantically attack the Crimson Territory.

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