The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1002 Family Battlefield

Wizard world.

Sandy Tallin, Elovis region.

The wizard war between the Fabres family and the Crimson family is still going on.

Since one side is a large wizard family, and the other side has only been promoted to a medium-sized family in recent years, the serious imbalance in strength between the two sides has also caused this wizard war to be carried out on the territory of the Crimson family from the beginning.

At the beginning of the war, the rapidly developing Crimson family had occupied nearly 80% of the territory in the entire Elovis region. However, as the war progressed step by step, the Crimson family gradually lost all the peripheral territories and resource points, and the family's power retreated to the family's origin centered on the Flame Throne and Songta Town.

It can be said that in terms of the situation, the Crimson family has completely failed!

According to the usual rules of wizard wars, the Fabres family can stop at this time and send representatives to negotiate with the Crimson family to discuss the issues of compensation for defeat and the division of territory. Although the Fabres family could not annex all the secular territories and resource points of the Crimson Family, there was no problem in accepting 60% of them as war compensation.

However, what was strange was that even if the Crimson Family was forced to retreat to the land less than 400 kilometers away from the origin of the family, the Fabres family still had no intention of stopping. The wizards, apprentices, and secular armies of both sides fought hard near the small town of Songta, and the blood flowed like a river. Three cities directly under the Crimson Family with a population of 30,000 to 50,000 have been destroyed one after another.

As for this behavior that seriously exceeded the scope of the wizard war, the Sanditalin Association, which was very active in the past, was surprisingly silent, and seemed to acquiesce to the actions of the Fabres family.

The only reason for this situation is the 4th-level wizard standing behind the Fabres family.

No one will point fingers at the actions of a 4th-level wizard.

In this strange land of the wizard continent, the 4th level represents absolute power!

No wizard or wizard organization is willing to stand against another 4th-level wizard. Unless the two sides have an irreconcilable hatred, there will rarely be a confrontation between 4th-level wizards. Because, compared with 4th-level wizards, the power of other wizards is too weak.

If two 4th-level wizards really confront each other, it may be difficult for them to kill each other, but it is easy to destroy the people or things loved by each other, and destroy the family power established by each other.

It is precisely because of the fear of the rat that all 4th-level wizards restrain each other.

No one is willing to offend a 4th-level body refining wizard who has been famous for a long time for a newly rising family with no backing and no background. Therefore, for everything that happened in the Elovis area, many wizard families or organizations just watched and tasted it silently, but no one intervened.

There are also many small and medium-sized wizard families or organizations that are willing to cheer for the Fabres family and even charge on the front line in order to please them. Therefore, facing the aggressive enemy, the Crimson Wizards could only retreat again and again, and finally stabilized the battle line 120 kilometers south of Songta Town.

The reason why the battle line can be stabilized here is not due to the strong strength of the Crimson Wizards, but... that 4th-level magic machinery puppet dragon.

With the 4th-level magic machinery puppet dragon as the core combat force, with hundreds of goblin chariots, 3 floating giant ships, and thousands of metal magic machinery... To maintain such a large magic machinery team, the Crimson Family consumes an astonishing amount of magic crystals every day.

If it weren't for the large-scale application of magic furnaces to solve the energy supply problem of several big guys, I'm afraid the loss of magic crystals alone would be enough to bankrupt the Crimson Family!

But even so, mobile forces such as goblin chariots and metal magic machinery still need a supply of abundant magic energy. Therefore, backed by the origin of the family, after charging once, their active attack range can only reach 120 kilometers.

Beyond this range, once the energy supply line is cut off by the enemy, I am afraid that this last force belonging to the Crimson Family may collapse completely.

Of course, the powerful Fabres Family is unwilling to be blocked by a "small" Crimson Family, so they frequently send wizard teams to break into the vicinity of Songta Town. Or poison, or damage war facilities, or slaughter the people of the Crimson Family... There are many methods, but they all bring huge losses of personnel and resources to the Crimson Family.

The Crimson Family, unwilling to sit and wait for death, has Songta Town as a stable rear, so they can naturally let go of all their hands and feet and confront the other party.

If the opponent's wizards dare to break in to attack, kill, and destroy, then the Crimson wizards dare to ambush secretly, and consume the number of wizards of the Fabres Family bit by bit. Among them, the insect wizard Bilis, the magic girl Amelia, the dragon wizard Wen Lier and the vampires under Mary performed the most eye-catching.

After years of bloody wizard wars, Wen Lier, who had been unknown all this time, successfully advanced to level 2 and became a powerful bloodline wizard who could transform into a level 2 fire dragon. If it weren't for the time limit for transformation, I'm afraid Wen Lier could immediately suppress several veteran level 2 wizards in the family and become the first level 2 wizard.

She is also the only level 2 wizard among the crimson wizards who is confident that she can fight back to the family base with her own strength after encountering a level 3 enemy wizard.

As for the other Emilia, she also advanced to level 2 during this wizard war.

Her current form has also undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

After completely integrating the soul of the Magic Spore Princess, Emilia also possessed the soul essence of both the human wizard and the Magic Spore clan. Now, except for the part above the waist that still retains the form of a human girl, her lower limbs have completely transformed into the form of a magic spore similar to an octopus.

People call her the Magic Girl because she can transform into a magic plant at will and become a human-shaped magic plant that can walk upright.

As long as she is in an area covered with green vegetation, she is equivalent to a carnivorous magic plant with the effects of "passive invisibility" and "visual avoidance". Moreover, her innate instinct of "Magic Spore Infection" can control all life forms infected by the magic spores.

Therefore, wizards who fight with her often face the terrible situation of losing control of part of their bodies.

Compared with these two rising stars, the insect wizard Bilis is as powerful and evil as ever!

In the bounty list released by the Fabres family, the insect wizard Bilis even overwhelmed the level 3 Blood Queen Mary, becoming the Crimson wizard with the highest gold on the list and the one that the other party wanted to kill the most.

Since the Fabres family and the Crimson family started the wizard war, more than 20 Fabres wizards have died at the hands of the insect wizard Bilis. Although most of them are only level 1 wizards, it is still an unbearable blow to the Fabres family.

In order to kill this insect wizard Bilis, the Fabres family also racked their brains.

Unfortunately, Bilis, who has a swarm of insects, is so difficult to deal with.

When encountering wizards of the same level or too strong opponents, Bilis will hide as much as possible, and will never collide with opponents of equal strength. But once he encounters a low-level wizard who is out on a mission, the insect wizard Bilis is unprecedentedly cruel.

Wherever the insect wizard Bilis passes, there is no grass!

Wizards... kill, drain all the blood and nourish themselves!

Apprentices... Kill them and give them to the insect generals to fill their stomachs!

Ordinary soldiers... Kill them and use them as the placenta of flesh and blood to hatch the insect army!

For an insect wizard like him who can only rely on killing to evolve, he is like a fish in water when encountering war, and he immediately bursts into passion. Other wizards need to return to the base for supplies and rest after the battle, but he shuttles between battlefields day and night, looking for every opportunity to attack the enemy.

When he encounters a wizard who comes to snipe him, Bilis will flee desperately, even if he has to abandon thousands of insect soldiers for this. The enemy's flesh and blood is his hatchery, and the enemy's life is his source of energy... He is like a killing machine that never knows how to get tired. He is either killing on the battlefield or on the way to the killing battlefield!

Facing such a cruel and cunning guy, the Fabres family is also very troubled.

Even for him, the Fabres family sent a level 3 wizard to participate in the siege, but unfortunately he still escaped with his tail cut off, abandoning most of the insect army and all the demonized mantises.

However, within half a month, using the flesh and blood and lives of the wizards of the Fabres family, the insect wizard Bilis was active on the battlefield again, and there was no trace of the embarrassment and unbearableness of the last miserable escape.

For this reason, the Fabres family repeatedly raised the bounty for the head of the insect wizard Bilis, and also allowed him to successfully suppress Mary and rise to the top of the must-kill list.

In addition to these core level 2 wizards, the vampire wizards performed very well.

They can transform into bat demons to increase their mobility or avoid enemy pursuit, can suck the enemy's blood to replenish their own energy loss, and have unparalleled stealth and stealth capabilities... These abilities combined also make the vampire wizards become bloody assassins who can fight and heal.

They were ordered to shuttle around the battlefield. Once they found a target to attack, they would immediately call their friends, quickly gather a far larger number of wizards than the enemy, and then launch a large-scale raid.

Although they usually shrink their heads and look cautious, once they rush onto the battlefield, they are all as brave and fierce as human warriors. They are not afraid of physical injuries at all, and dare to fight with the enemy in exchange for injuries. These are the most difficult aspects of vampire wizards.

If it weren't for their weak elemental power and insufficient attack, their lethality would probably be no less than that of a level 2 wizard fighting alone.

At least in this wizard war, the vampire group also killed more than a dozen enemy wizards, and the number even overwhelmed the level 2 dragon Zacha and the goblin Tigule.

There is no way, after all, the dragon Zacha and the goblin Tigule are only good at large-scale positional warfare.

When encountering such a wandering encounter, they have neither the ability to keep the opponent, nor are they easily targeted by the enemy, so it is really difficult to kill people!

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