The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1003 Goblin Mechanic

In addition to these core wizards, a group of elite wizards have emerged in the Crimson Family.

For example, the Dragon Eater Aoli.

Aoli has always been a marginal figure in the Crimson Family. She rarely participates in family affairs, let alone intervene in this wizard war that has nothing to do with her.

However, with Grimm's funding, after Aoli successfully advanced to level 3, in order to repay this favor, she was forced to participate deeply in this wizard war.

As a dragon eater, Aoli's powerful combat ability is almost all related to dragons.

When she, a level 3 beginner, fights against the dragon clan, the basic combat power she can exert is not even weaker than the peak of level 3. Even when facing a level 4 dragon, she can retreat calmly.

This is the powerful professional ability of the dragon eater!

However, when Aoli's opponent changes from the dragon clan to other people or creatures, most of her active or passive combat skills cannot be used, which seriously affects the performance of her personal combat power. At this time, she is equivalent to a level 3 beginner demon-breaking assassin.

Fortunately, she still has the basic combat power of a level 3 creature, so when she appears on the battlefield, those elemental wizards who are only good at long-range witchcraft and lack close-range protection methods dare not overwhelm the battlefield too recklessly.

In addition to these high-end combat forces, the most outstanding in this war are the two strange professions of goblin magician and goblin mechanism warlock that debuted for the first time.

Compared with the difficulty of the goblin magician's promotion, the goblin mechanism warlock is a profession that almost any adult goblin can promote.

Seriously speaking, this is a special profession that has been improved and weakened specifically for goblins!

And the basic content such as gun knowledge and alchemy required for promotion to this profession can be mastered by almost all goblins. If you conduct some in-depth training and master some magic energy principles and magic knowledge, you can successfully promote to the goblin mechanism warlock.

Compared with the promotion of wizards, the goblin mechanism warlock will not have a physical change like a reborn, but will only passively increase the control ability of some magic weapons.

When a tiny goblin less than 1.2 meters tall controls a huge war machine as high as four or five meters and rushes into the battlefield, desperately pouring metal bullets at the enemy, using goblin rockets and projectile alchemical crazy feet to ravage the enemy's position

At least before it squanders all the magic machine ammunition, the battlefield power that a goblin mechanical wizard can exert is no weaker than that of a first-level primary wizard.

And the biggest advantage of this profession is that it has a wide range of promotions!

After a lot of research and systematic sorting, many goblin wizards have deleted the most difficult physical improvement content when most wizards are promoted, and eliminated many unnecessary witchcraft disciplines. Therefore, the proportion of adult goblins who successfully promoted to mechanical wizards has reached almost 67%.

This also means that once the profession of goblin mechanical wizard appears, it makes it possible for the goblin clan to become professional!

However, it is only a weakened version of the combat profession after all, and it cannot improve the innate constitution of the goblins.

So even if there are more guys who are promoted to goblin mechanical wizards, their lifespan is still limited by the innate short lifespan of the goblins. At this point, it still cannot be compared with those orthodox professionals who have been promoted to goblin magic mechanics.

After all, the human wizard profession can rely on resource allocation and time accumulation to slowly accumulate a certain number of high-level wizards. However, this simplified version of the goblin mechanism warlock has always been only level 1, and it is impossible to produce level 2.

Because the short life of the goblins is not enough to support them to live to level 2!

After these years of screening and training, there are as many as thirteen goblin magic mechanics in the Crimson Family. Among them, the wizard Locke, who has made the fastest progress in strength, has already achieved advanced combat power of level 1. According to its current rate of progress, it is very likely that the first level 2 professional of the goblin family will be born in thirty to fifty years.

In this wizard war, both the scarce goblin magic mechanics and the huge number of goblin mechanism warlocks have already set foot on the battlefield. Judging from their performance in battle, they may be a little weak in insidiousness and strangeness, but in the open battlefield of flesh and blood, their combat power is not weaker than that of genuine human wizards.

This means that if you throw a goblin magician or goblin artificer and a human wizard into a jungle, the one who can walk out alive must be a human wizard. But if you let ten goblin artificers go to the battlefield hand in hand, the same number of human wizards will definitely not be their opponents!

In particular, those goblin artificers transformed from demonized goblins have stronger mental power and physical fitness, and can control and carry more and more ferocious magic weapons at the same time. Facing human wizards who cherish their lives, their brutality and ferocity can simply dominate the battlefield.

Attack against attack, life for life, such a stupid thing no human wizard is willing to do, but they don't care!

Therefore, when the Crimson Family was seriously weaker than its opponent in top-level combat power, it was this group of fearless goblin artificers who held up a solid barrier.

Under the protection of the magic puppet dragons, magic army, goblin chariots and giant floating ships, the newly formed Bloodthirst Group by the goblin mechanical warlocks has become the opponent that the wizards of the Fabres family are most reluctant to face.

To be honest, when the hostile wizards saw the hideous goblins hiding in the bodies of the magic machines, stepping onto the battlefield while snorting huge steam, and laughing wildly while using magic cannons, goblin missiles, and throws to turn the battlefield into a scorched earth, the resentment was simply indescribable!

The magic machines they controlled had simple defenses and extremely low magic resistance. As long as they were hit by one or two rounds of attacks from the wizards, they would definitely explode into a ball of fireworks. But they really didn't care!

It seemed that every goblin mechanical warlock who stepped onto the battlefield knew that his life was coming to an end, so they never planned to go back to replenish the magic machine ammunition. They were attacking, attacking every second, trying to pour out all the ammunition before the war magic machines they were hiding in were blown up.

This may be the only reason why they are so violent and so cruel!

They don't care about their lives, but the wizards of the Fabres family do.

Therefore, as the battle line got closer and closer to the origin of the Crimson Family, the space left for both sides to intersperse and wander around, and to sneak attack and ambush became smaller and smaller. In many cases, both sides could only helplessly play positional warfare.

After experiencing the horror of the Crimson Family's Bloodthirster Group for the first time, the Fabres Family, which suffered huge losses, could only withdraw its own wizards and replace them with an astonishing number of modified wizard beasts and metal puppets.

Therefore, with the Regas Valley, 120 kilometers south of Songta Town, as the center, the two sides went back and forth, constantly shifting the battlefield there, turning one area after another into a scorched earth and dead land with extinct life.

On the whole, if the number and quality of grassroots wizards and combat arms are compared, the Crimson Family is not only not inferior, but also stronger than the Fabres Family in many places.

However, once the high-level wizards of the Fabres Family set foot on the battlefield, the only high-level wizards of the Crimson Family who could slightly contain them were Mary and Aoli. Although the 3rd-level Emerald Dragon Aritina also responded to the call and brought part of the dragon group to the family battlefield, when Grimm was not there, this cunning guy was also working without effort, and would never let himself be trapped in the siege of many wizards of the same level.

What's more, there is a 4th-level body-refining wizard hidden in the opposing wizard camp.

That is a powerful existence that can kill it in seconds, so Aretina is more cautious and never leaves the protection range of the magic puppet dragon.

Anyway, with the existence of it and the dragon group, the opponent cannot ignore the horror of the dragon group attack if they want to launch a large-scale battle. Therefore, after forcing the Crimson Family back to the origin, the number of large-scale ground offensives launched by the Fabres Family is very few, and small-scale ground infiltration operations are still the main ones.

However, as time goes by, the 4th-level old monster behind the Fabres Family seems to have gradually lost patience and began to pay attention to and intervene in this war frequently.

Under the almost suffocating shadow of the terrifying 4th-level strongman, the little advantages that the Crimson Family had accumulated before disappeared in an instant. Every day, when the family wizards receive the mission and step onto the battlefield, they are uneasy in their hearts.

One of the most fundamental reasons why the Crimson Family has not collapsed until now is that the 4th-level wizard has been sitting in their family headquarters and has never appeared on the battlefield. So far, the main force of the Fabres Family responsible for promoting the war is only a group of 3rd-level wizards.

But once the 4th-level wizard loses his patience and steps onto the battlefield himself, the war defense line currently supported by the Crimson Family will collapse in an instant. At that time, even with the magic mechanical puppet dragon in the front, it is unknown whether the last Songta Town can be saved.

Songta Town must not be lost!

The Crimson Family has grown and developed for so many years, and has initially accumulated certain resources and manpower advantages. If the Songta Town is lost, it is unrealistic to transfer them, who number up to 10,000 or 20,000, to the small Flame Throne Wizard Tower for protection.

But if they are abandoned casually, even if the attack of the Fabres Family is repelled in the future, the Crimson Family will lose the family elites and backbones who have risen again.

The secular territory needs shrewd and capable nobles to rule, and a large number of resource points need capable wizards and apprentices to manage. Those who can still stick with the family in such a cruel situation are the cornerstones of the family's future growth and expansion.

To be honest, unless they are at the end of their rope, the top leaders of the Crimson Family will not make up their minds to abandon them!

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