The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1030 Conspiracy and Agitation

Keslin Castle.

In a heavily guarded secret hall at the bottom.

A huge light ball with a diameter of 100 meters floats in the center of the hall, maintaining close contact with hundreds of thousands of magical magic arrays around it through countless beautiful silver-white light bands.

The light band is not a pure energy flow. If someone is lucky enough to capture a section and magnify it ten thousand times for observation, they will find that the so-called light band is actually an energy jet formed by densely packed tiny runes entangled and linked together.

Each tiny light spot is a miniature rune light array.

There are hundreds of light bands, and the light spots on them are densely packed. They are entangled and linked with each other, and then outlined to form a more complex and grander rune light array system at the upper level.

In the light ball, a pair of cold and strange eyes are silently watching the operation of the entire rune light array system. And behind the light ball, there is a thin and dry old wizard body with almost no hair floating.

Just as the entire Fu Guang array system was operating perfectly, an extremely brilliant light band penetrated countless layers of stone walls, passed through hundreds of defensive wizard arrays, and pierced straight into the skinny brain of the sleeping old man in the light group.

"Yuri, wake up, wake up quickly"

The voice was extremely loud, shaking the surrounding light bands to begin to distort and vibrate slightly. However, all this quickly returned to normal under the gaze of that pair of cold and strange eyes, and did not interfere with the operation of the Fu Guang array.

Finally, under the urging of the grand voice, the thin and dry old wizard slowly opened his eyes.

"Damn, which bastard came to disturb my sleep again? Don't you know, uh, Lord Fried, why is it you?"

The old wizard had just woken up, his head was still a little drowsy, and he complained while connecting to the spiritual consciousness stream. His weak spirit touched the other party for a moment, and then he recognized the latter's unique spiritual fluctuations, and quickly closed his mouth and showed a flattering smile.

"Yuri, you promised me that after the activation, Keslin is completely under our control. Then what about the illegal empowerment two days ago? Why did it suddenly get out of control?"

"So that's what happened!" Yuri is a level 3 wizard, and he is a tough guy who can shake the world with his stomping feet. But in front of a level 4 wizard who came to ask for punishment, he could only nod and explain hurriedly: "This is a small mistake I made when setting the empowerment rules."

"What mistake?" The grand voice asked dissatisfiedly.

"When I confirm the operating rules for Keslin, all the level 3 wizards in the association will have level 2 authority."

"This is the unanimous opinion of all level 4 wizards in the association. Is there any problem? That kid was not a member of the association at that time!"

"The problem is that Keslin sensed the same kind of breath in him, so he classified him as one of his own, and triggered the empowerment mechanism at the same time!"

"Same kind? Do you mean that the kid also has some kind of animated life?"

"Yes." However, the old wizard added casually: "Of course, it could also be something similar to animated life!"

The huge voice was silent for a moment, and then said: "This is somewhat possible. According to the information obtained by the association, Grimm is bound to a soul weapon. It is said that he has cultivated it into a spirit-like existence with independent consciousness. Could it be that what Ke Silin sensed was that thing? "

"It is possible, but I am afraid that we can only really determine what it is by catching that kid and carefully investigating it. President, what do you think?"

"Forget it! That kid can't be touched for the time being." After a long time, the grand voice sighed leisurely: "The association is going to hold a competition recently. That kid is the protagonist we have carefully prepared. We can't touch him casually. So, you should keep a close eye on Ke Silin, and don't let it cause similar defense loopholes again!"

"Yes, President, everything is as you wish!"

"Well, that's it!"

As the grand voice dissipated, the colorful and strange light band disappeared instantly.

"Same kind? Hehe, will it be as simple as a contract spirit? I heard that the boy can control a huge war puppet of 100 meters in size by himself, and also hides a monster that can assimilate magic metal in another world. If the secrets of him can be dug out, it will be of great benefit to me to control Keslin."

When the old wizard was the only one left in the secret hall, he finally couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"However, that boy is currently the darling of the association, and he is still counting on him to be a scapegoat! If you want to move him at this time, I'm afraid..."

After thinking for a long time, Yuri, a 3rd-level wizard, did not dare to go against the will of the great 4th-level wizard. He could only grit his teeth and write it down, and then he fell asleep again, and his spiritual consciousness merged with the huge light ball.

Keslin Castle.

In a strange room.

Sanaza turned off the remote communication crystal on the wooden table in front of him, and the whole person fell into a long silence.

Just as her anger was burning, someone knocked on the wooden door of the room.

Opening the door, Sanaza was surprised to find two powerful wizards in strange costumes standing outside, smiling at her.

"Ga Luo, Dante, what are you two doing here?" Sanaza, who was hidden in the purple mist, said in a sharp voice.

"Why don't you welcome us? You won't even let us in the room?" The strange appearance of the broken-faced wizard Jia Luo standing in the front was too scary. When he smiled at people, there were many cracks and cracks on his face. The densely packed needles began to squirm together, and the strong visual impact was definitely not something ordinary people could bear.

After hesitating for a moment, Sananza finally let the door open and watched the two competitors walk in one after another.

After closing the door and reopening the witch formation protection, Sanazha said in a low voice: "Tell me, why are you two coming to me?"

The broken-faced wizard Jialuo glanced around the room, then turned around. The 2-meter-tall tall figure and the terrifying face were full of a sense of oppression.

"Sanaza, how much do you know about this competition?"

The somewhat hazy and illusive wizard Dante also stared at the purple mist outside Sanazha's body with great interest.

Sanazha did not answer hastily, but stared at Jialuo coldly and asked: "How much do you know?"

Jialuo grinned: "I don't know much, but it's enough."

Sananza smiled coldly: "You are Lady Clara's most promising wizard to advance to level 4. Will she not take care of you in advance?"

The smile on Jialuo's face became even brighter.

"My lord has indeed taken care of me, but"

"Is it possible that Lady Clara's care is not what you want?"


Sananza turned around and looked at Dante, who waved his hands hurriedly and said, "Don't look at me, I've also been severely warned."

Sanazha nodded understandingly and said sadly: "It seems that the news we have received is the same. The default winner of this competitive competition must be that Greem!"

"Yeah!" A wry smile appeared on Wizard Dante's hazy face: "I have also been warned that I can fight you two any way I want, but when I meet that Greem, I must lose!"

"The care I received is almost the same as yours!" That Jialuo said angrily with a look of displeasure on his face.

"That boy has just offended Lord Declan, and it is impossible for the association to support him. Therefore, I suspect that the association intends to make Greem become the association's fourth-level wizard as soon as possible! Do you two have any inside information about this? ?" Sanazha stared at the two companions.

Dante shrugged and made an expression as if he didn't know anything.

Only Jia Luo lowered his head and remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a long time, he raised his head and whispered with the terrifying broken face that was cut off and then sewn back together: "The association currently has a problem. The great wizards outside the territory require that all major forces must select a 4 I’m going to go on a mission, I heard it’s quite dangerous.”

"The meaning is obvious. This competitive competition is a trap. What the association wants to give away is not the sefirah, but the identity of the association wizard. The four of us have reached the peak of level 3. No matter who gets the sefirah, They all have the highest probability of advancing to level 4, and they may also understand some of the power of the rules in advance." At this point, even Isanaza's calmness and calmness couldn't help but become a little irritable and anxious.

"Perhaps we can fight. After all, although the missions sent from outside the territory are a bit more dangerous, they don't necessarily lead to death! Moreover," Wizard Dante's voice suddenly deepened: "When it comes to talent and potential, both of you are better than me. It’s much better, and the hope of advancing to level 4 is greater than mine.”

"What does talent and potential mean?" Shattered Face Jialuo said coldly: "Which time to cross a level is not a life and death experience! Are the current group of level 4 in the association all the most powerful level 3 at that time? Well, there is always a limit to all personal efforts, and what really determines our destiny is that damn luck!”

Having said this, the three wizards present couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Even if they step out of the house, any one of the three of them is a proud man who is envied in the eyes of outsiders. But they knew their own affairs, and the illusory halo of glory in the past was of no help in advancing to level 4. No one among the three of them had more than a half chance.

This means that advancing to the next level is a huge gamble!

If you win the bet, you will naturally reach a higher level and become the top wizard that no one can restrain in the wizarding world. But there are countless things that happen if you lose too much in gambling and the loser retires, never recovers, and becomes a marginal figure.

Looking through the historical records of Tallinn in Sandi, where are so many of the proud and talented people now? After all, only these fourteen successful people can be remembered!

This may be the deep darkness hidden behind the brilliant halo of glory of the wizarding community.

"No matter what you think, I am going to fight for those source materials anyway!" Broken Face Jialuo smiled ferociously, dropped these words and turned around to leave.

Wizard Dante sighed again, and could only say goodbye with a heavy heart.

When Sanazha was the only one left in the room, she also fell into a long silence.

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