In the morning, the sun illuminates the earth.

In a spacious room, a handsome young man sat quietly on a wooden chair, looking at a book in his hand.

His reading speed is very fast. Compared with the slow speed of others, he is reading at almost the speed of flipping the book. It is doubtful whether he can read the content clearly.

"Recording complete, start transmission!"

When a book was finished, the sound of the chip machine sounded again in his mind.

At the same time, a stream of information rushed from the mind quickly and transmitted into the memory.

Adil shook his head, expelling the momentary confusion caused by the transmission, and then picked up another book and quickly flipped through it.

He turned the books at a very fast speed, and before he knew it, he turned all the books on the wooden table once.

"Let's be here today."

Looking at the books on the wooden table, Adil shook his head and stood up. After relaxing a little, he walked to the side and put the books on the wooden table back on the original bookshelf one by one.

Looking at the books on the bookshelf that he had almost flipped through, Adil couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Before he knew it, more than a month had passed since he came here.

In this more than a month, he has not been completely idle.

Because it is located in a prosperous area in the south, the number of books collected by Duke Arieu here is much more than that of Count Boria. If all the rare books and precious materials are collected, several small libraries can be built.

These are the connotations of the nobility, and also mark the strength and history of a nobility.

During this period of time, Adil almost threw himself on these precious books, studying almost without eating or sleeping, enriching his knowledge.

Originating from the mentality of being a researcher in his previous life, compared to other people, Adil was more able to endure loneliness, and was more able to find his own fun from a pile of cold books and knowledge.

This attitude, coupled with the high learning ability derived from the chip, made him abruptly read the books in front of him in more than a month.

After gently arranging the books on the wooden table one by one, Adiel walked over and looked at his physical attributes.

"Name: Adil Fakus. Strength: 10.1. Agility: 9.9. Constitution: 10.2."

"The main body has reached the physical limit!" The cold voice of the chip in his mind sounded.

After more than a month, under the action of the remnant red crystal nucleus, his physical fitness finally reached the current peak, reaching the point where there is no progress.

As for the red crystal nucleus, it was consumed long ago.

Thinking of this, Adil was a little helpless.

He picked up his long sword from the wooden table, then walked out of the room and quickly walked to a flat ground.

This is the training ground specially prepared for him by the Duke of Arieu. Not only are all kinds of training equipment placed around the training ground, but also special servants are constantly serving him, which is an excellent treatment.

Even before, Duke Arieu mentioned that as long as Adil wanted, he could even send a great knight to spar with him, and it would be no problem to find someone to test his sword.

The former one is fine, but the latter one is a little frustrating.

The so-called sword test is to find some people to cut and practice directly with human flesh and blood. It can not only strengthen the knight's familiarity with the human body structure, but also practice some secret skills.

It is said that some ancient killing techniques must be tested with flesh and blood in the process of training, and there are some knights who kill people who like to kill people and test their swords for fun.

Although Adil considers himself not a good person, he will not be so mad if it is not necessary.

However, although these proposals were rejected,

But the support of the Duke of Arrieu to him can be seen from it, and he dare not say that he will spare no effort, but it should not be far from this.

Quietly walked to the center of the training ground, and stood there, Adil slowly pulled out the long sword on his waist.

The long sword made of Hei Ruigang was slowly drawn out, held in his hand, and then stabbed straight forward at an angle, starting his daily training.

Lifting, stabbing, stroking forward... A series of basic movements became smoother and smoother in Adil's hands, without the jerky feeling of other people's training.

After a while, Adil ended this training, stood there and felt the changes in his body, and nodded with satisfaction.

During the period when his physical strength reached the limit, in order to make his combat power further, Adil had to find a way from other aspects.

The set of swordsmanship in front of him, although it is the most basic swordsmanship, was re-derived through the powerful analytical power of the chip, and it is the most suitable standard swordsmanship for the human body.

Compared with the past, this new and concise swordsmanship is not only more labor-saving to use, but also minimizes all kinds of damage when using it.

Not only the basic swordsmanship, but during this period of time, through the chip, Adier also re-deduced several sets of swordsmanship, and even the original deduced Dier's breathing method was re-deduced again, which seemed much more advanced.

This is thanks to the unwavering support of the Duke of Arrieux.

With the support of the other party, the original precious materials, whether it is the knight's breathing technique or the precious advanced swordsmanship, are all open to Adil.

With the accumulation of a duchy for hundreds of years, Adil can collect enough basic data for analysis and deduction.

According to the deduction simulation of the chip, the new Dier breathing method is not only effective for the knight stage, but also can play a certain role in the exercise of the big knight, but also reduces the risk and stability a lot, and can completely remove all the other knights. Breathe to the side.

However, for Adil, this is still useless, but it is suitable for training some knights in the future.

Adil stood on the spot and shook his head, thinking so in his heart.

Standing there, after a while, he seemed to remember something, walked to a corner, raised the long sword with his right hand, and slowly cut it towards his left arm.

This sword, he did not use too much force, the long sword fell gently, and slowly slashed to one side under the action of gravity, making a slight noise.

Adil only felt a slight pain in his left arm, and then disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

He took the sword away and looked at his left arm. There was a slight sword mark on it, but it disappeared quickly as the long sword was taken away.

"Has it reached this point?"

He opened his mouth and muttered to himself.

Although the sword just didn't use too much force, the sharpness of Hei Rui's long sword would be enough to cut off other people's arms directly if it slashed on other people's body. A red streak appeared.

This is the result of the overall physical fitness reaching ten.

This is not just the increase in strength and speed, but also the increase in the defense and resilience of the body. Taken together, it is already a superhuman.

"Chip, simulate the result of my head-to-head battle with a hundred troops. The opponent's physical fitness and equipment are mainly the Black Knights." Standing on the spot, Adil ordered to the chip in his mind.

"The mission has been established!" In an instant, the chip in his mind responded to him.

A scene began to emerge, and with the support of the huge computing power of the chip, it began to evolve.

On the empty plain, Adil's figure was first simulated. Opposite him, a centurion was rushing towards him.

Looking at the army on the opposite side, Adil's face was blank, without the slightest expression, he directly charged forward with his long sword.

He raised the sword and fell, and every time he swung the long sword, it would drive the life energy in the body, condensing it into a fighting spirit on the sword, and slashing the warrior in front of him into two pieces.

The swords of the soldiers in front of him slashed at him. Except for the offensive of a few people, they basically only broke a layer of skin and could not cause serious injury to him, which was quickly solved by him.

His speed is very fast, and the efficiency of killing is also very high. Almost every few seconds, a soldier falls to the ground. Even if the soldiers around him want to go forward and surround him, they are easily broken through by him. solve.

Soon, a battle came to an end, and it ended with Adil's victory, and he was not even seriously injured.

Feeling the end, Adil continued to simulate and directly increased the number of opponents by one hundred.

This time, Adil still won, but it was obviously a lot harder, not as smart and calm as the previous time.

At three hundred people, Adil was still victorious, but he would pay a certain price.


As the number of people increased, Adil's victory became more and more difficult, and when he finally reached more than 500 people, his victory finally began to be unstable.

Adil simulated several times, and the final result was either a tragic victory for him, or he was surrounded and killed after beheading most of the fighters on the opposite side.

The number of people has reached this point, in the frontal battle, even if Adil's speed is fast, it is impossible to avoid all the soldiers' attacks, even if his strength is strong, each sword can kill several people, but the same There will be more weapons slashed at him.

Although his defense and resilience are strong, once faced with this kind of siege, he will also be consumed to death, and it will be extremely difficult to win.

"The limit of the great knight seems to be here."

Feeling the result of the simulation in his mind, standing on the spot, Adil shook his head and said.

Strictly speaking, this is only a rough simulation, which can only be used for reference and estimation.

The real situation is far more complex than the simulated situation.

Weapons and armor, terrain, the elite level of warriors... all these factors will affect the actual result.

Not all warriors are the Black Knights under Arcadilla, with such elite warriors and good weapons and armor.

Not to mention anything else, if the five hundred black knights fought against ordinary troops, even if the number of opponents was several times their own, they could easily win.

Under normal circumstances, if it really collided with the Black Knights, facing a big knight like Adil, the opponent would definitely use long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows. .

Under normal circumstances, Adil would also not foolishly collide with the army head-on. With the mobility and concealment of the individual, there is a way to grind the opponent off.

Thinking of this, Adil shook his head, put away the sword in his hand, and walked towards the distance.

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