The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 764 Perfection of the Abyss

The will of the abyss is roaring, and it begins to boil at this moment, and a little bit of power begins to vibrate, and it is continuously introduced into the body of Adil in front of him.

With the blessing of this abyss force, the breath of Adil began to expand, and climbed further from the original fifth-order peak, and soon reached a limit.

"Have you felt it?"

Adil smiled, then waved his hand lightly.

A force came out of his body, and then rippled in all directions.

At this moment, the whole world is resonating with him. In the surrounding world, the will of the abyss is gently echoing, wrapping around him at this moment, integrating with his body and even the true spirit.

On Adil's body, the power of the abyss's authority was changing, and it began to vibrate at this moment, turning into a bridge that communicated between him and the will of the abyss.

Adil felt the fluctuation of the will of the abyss, and felt the joy and boiling that came from the will of the abyss.

The will of the abyss began to recover, and at this moment, I felt a kind of joy spontaneously.

It was the joy that came from the origin of the world. At this moment, through the authority of Adier, the emotion that could not be concealed was accurately conveyed to Adier's body.

Feeling this emotion, Adil showed a smile on his face, affirming the thoughts in his heart.

Long, long ago, he noticed a major flaw in the abyss world.

The abyss world is not a complete world, or in other words, its operating mechanism is not complete.

When it comes to power alone, the abyss world is indeed incomparably terrifying and powerful. It can even be compared with the material world. Even if it is placed in the sea alone, it definitely belongs to the top world.

But purely by the standards of the world, the abyss world has many flaws.

The inability to complete the cycle of the ego is one of the biggest flaws.

In a normal world, everything in the world will have a cycle, whether it is the creatures in it, or the various forces that exist in it, will spontaneously cycle back and forth, and will not fall into a state of cessation or disconnection.

The abyss world is different.

In the deep source world, there is no such kind of circular mechanism, and all it has is endless chaos.

The power of the abyss is indeed powerful, but the main demon in it does not come from itself.

The essence of the devil does not originate from the abyss, but from the soul fragments of the outside world. It is born by collecting soul fragments of living beings from other places and sending them to the sea of ​​the abyss to be reborn.

To a certain extent, such demons are not inherently contained in the abyss world.

In essence, they are creatures of other worlds, not born out of the will of the abyss itself.

The will of the abyss does not have the ability to conceive a soul by itself, so it can only continue to expand outwards, plundering souls from other places, to breed demons.

It is precisely because of this that, to a certain extent, the aggression of the abyss world is so strong.

But no matter how powerful the power of the abyss world is, without its necessary cycles and nurturing, it will sooner or later lead to an endless cycle.

In a way, this is the most fatal flaw in the abyss world.

Adil saw this, so he deliberately descended into the abyss.

He is now carrying out experiments in the abyss, and gradually begins to create a creature that can survive in the abyss and even reproduce itself. In essence, it is to help the abyss world make up for this missing link.

The will of the abyss felt all this, and naturally boiled spontaneously, and began to have some reactions.

At this moment, along with the fluctuation of the will of the abyss, a power of authority that is far more powerful than before, constantly pouring in through the will of the abyss, blessing on Adil's body.

Under the impact of this power, the breath on Adier's body began to slowly rise, and quickly continued to climb from the original fifth-order peak, and soon reached a limit.

Fifth-order limit!

At this level, the power of Adier can actually continue to improve, but it was forcibly suppressed by Adier himself and did not continue to move forward.

At this moment, the power fed back by the will of the abyss is enough to push Adil's power to a higher level in an instant, and it is not impossible to directly advance to the sixth level.

It's just that Adil forcibly resisted that impulse, restrained the part of the power given by the abyss this time, did not make it continue to function, and was temporarily sealed.

not the right time yet.

At this moment, Adil's plan is only just beginning. Although the will of the abyss has reacted, it has not reached the time when it is really violent.

Although the power given was powerful, it was not enough to push Adil to the level he wanted.

Instead, it is better to suppress this power temporarily, and wait until the experiment in front of you continues, and when the fruit truly matures, it will explode together.

At the top in an instant.

This is also to avoid certain troubles.

The fifth-order demons are called demon lords in the abyss. Each of them is an existence that inherits the authority of the abyss, has the favor and care of the will of the abyss, and dominates a region.

And above the demon lord, is the demon king, corresponding to the level of strength in the material world, that is, the demigod, which is the sixth order of the wizarding world.

It doesn't matter if you are promoted to level six in the material world, but in the abyss world, everything is linked to the authority of the abyss world.

Once Adil is promoted to the sixth level at this moment, once the power aura on his body spreads out, he will immediately be noticed by other demon kings.

At that time, what Adil is doing at the moment will probably be exposed to the eyes of other demon kings.

There is bound to be trouble afterwards.

After all, what he is doing at the moment is subversive to a certain extent, and it will have extremely serious consequences, enough to change the pattern of the entire abyss world.

How the existing demon kings will take this is still unknown.

In order to avoid extracurricular branches, Adier decided to temporarily suppress his power and wait for the fruit of the experiment to fully ripen before being promoted in one fell swoop.

At that time, with the care and blessing of the will of the abyss, in the abyss world, he will no longer be afraid of any existence.

"Looks like it's time to start the next experiment..."

Feeling the constant boiling of the surrounding abyss and the power of the abyss that is closer to him, Adiel said with a smile on his face.

Planting in the abyss world is just the beginning.

Adil's real goal is to create a race that can reproduce itself in the abyss world.

In Adil's expectation, this race will have its own way of reproduction and the existence of its own soul, just like normal intelligent creatures, and can rely on its own reproduction to continuously generate new individuals without having to Like demons, it needs to plunder souls from other worlds to be transformed.

Those plants that were cultivated before were prepared for this moment.

After all, whether a race can survive for a long time depends on everything.

In addition to the necessary strength and environment, food and various living materials are also essential.

Adil's figure disappeared in place, left this area in an instant, and came to another place.

In front of you is a vast black ocean.

Above the black ocean, auras drifted in it, and it was full of all kinds of violent emotional fluctuations.

All kinds of pure emotions are floating in this place, brewing in it, turning this area into a sea of ​​emotions, rendering it extremely chaotic.

Any existence, as long as they dare to take a dip, even if they touch a little bit of the sea water, they will be immediately polluted by the violent emotions, and eventually they will become a lunatic.

It's called terrifying.

However, even in such a terrifying ocean, there is still the spirituality of life in it.

In place, Adil looked up and looked forward.

In the little ocean ahead, a little radiance flickered in it, exuding the pure fragrance of the soul.

Fragments of the soul flickered in it, with a brilliance that belonged to the soul, and vaguely, one could see pure souls of different shapes struggling in it, polluted by various emotions around them. , dyes itself a unique color.

Adil observed this process.

In his sight, the soul fragments in the distance are beginning to transform.

Extremely strong emotional power attaches to the soul fragments, gradually polluting their essence, assimilating them completely, and turning them into another kind of existence.

Then the power of the abyss began to boil in this place, condensing on the contaminated soul fragments, forming a thin film on it, which looked like blood-colored eggs, floating on the black ocean.

These are the original forms of the Devil's Worm, the Devil's Egg bred in the Devil's Sea.

These demon eggs are bred in the sea of ​​demons, and they absorb the turbid power in the sea of ​​demons and begin to grow. After they mature, they will be washed up on the beach and hatched one by one devil insects.

Adil stood on a sandy beach, watching the waves crashing in the distance.

A huge wave rushed from a distance, slapped on the beach, and came before Adil.

Adil turned slightly and looked around.

I saw that all around, black devil eggs were densely distributed around, almost endless at first glance, and the number looked extremely terrifying.

In this regard, Adil's face was calm, and there was no fluctuation in his heart, just watching.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how many days passed, and the devil eggs on the beach in front of me began to change.

One by one, the devil's insects began to crawl out of the devil's eggs and began to breed and mature.

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