Pieces of demon eggs were hatching, and among them, a demon insect of different shapes appeared and began to slowly crawl out of it.

These demon insects have different appearances. Most of them have tentacles on their bodies, and some carapaces on their backs. There are individual demon insects, and they also have some physical characteristics before they become soul fragments.

For example, the demon worm transformed from ordinary humans may have a face on its body, which is what it looked like when it was alive. At first glance, it is extremely terrifying, making people feel a burst of horror.

Some demon worms transformed from ordinary animals may have other physical characteristics on their bodies.

Overall, each one looked as weird as it wanted, and some even looked disgusting.

After these demon insects were born, they first crawled out of their own eggs, and then instinctively found other demon insects.

Then driven by instinct, they began to fight each other.

A small demon insect began to fight on the ground, facing each other two by two, staged a unique killing scene on this black sand beach.

This fierce battle came to the end, and the strong endured to the end, swallowing the rest of the losers one by one.

Adil's face was calm, observing all this.

He observed the fighting of the demon insects in front of him.

The demon worm that has just hatched at this moment has a very special body.

Ordinary life, even if it is a demon, its body is made of pure flesh and blood, and it is real flesh and blood.

But these newly hatched demon insects are different.

Rather than saying that they are flesh and blood at this moment, it is better to say that they are now composed of a pure soul body.

Their entire body structure is supported by a little bit of pure soul power, and the external form is only the form condensed by their soul power, not the real flesh and blood form.

Because of this, they can devour each other at this moment. As long as they swallow the corpses of other demon insects, they can nourish their own soul power.

Because at this moment, all demon worms are essentially soul bodies, and their bodies are full of pure soul power. As long as they are swallowed, they can plunder the soul power contained in other demon worms. , to further develop and nurture the essence of one's own soul.

"I see……"

I don't know how long it took to observe in the same place, and it was only when Adier was a little surprised that he understood something.

He understood the origin of the birth in the sea of ​​demons.

The essence of breeding in the sea of ​​demons is not to nurture the soul fragments into the appearance of the devil's worm, but to process those soul fragments, transform the power of their bodies, and convert them into a kind of insect that exists in the abyss. form.

Only after this transformation can these demonic worms fight each other, consuming the power of the soul from each other's body.

Otherwise, it is just a pure soul and does not have the power to devour other soul fragments.

After all, the essence of the soul is pure, even if it is a fragment, it also contains impurities and imprints of the soul itself, and it cannot be easily accepted by other souls.

Because of this, it needs the sea of ​​demons to nurture it.

The birth of the Devil's Sea is essentially a purification process, washing away the impurities and imprints contained in those soul fragments, turning them into pure soul essence, completely divorced from their previous life.

To a certain extent, this is somewhat similar to a legend in Adil's previous life.

After a person dies, the soul can continue to be reincarnated in some way, but after the reincarnation, the person's own soul and memory will disappear completely, and everything will be forgotten directly.

And isn't that what's happening in front of you?

The souls of the dead are gathered in the sea of ​​demons, washed by the power that exists in the sea of ​​demons, and the memories and imprints in them are washed clean,

Only the pure soul essence was reborn and turned into a life called a demon.

In a way, does this count as an alternative soul reincarnation?

Of course, if the people in Adier's previous life knew that the reincarnation of the soul was such a ghost, I am afraid not many people would be willing.

After all, compared to the legends of the previous life, the scene in front of him was far more realistic and cruel.

One after another demon worms were fighting in this place, and every moment a huge number of demon worms fell in this place.

The fall of each demon worm means that a soul fragment is swallowed by other demon worms, and more powerful demons are gradually bred.

Don't know how long has passed.

Adil stood there for a long time.

The expression on his face has not changed, the posture and appearance of his body have not changed, he just stood there silently.

However, at the moment around him, the number of demon worms around him that was originally endless has been reduced a lot at this moment.

The original large number of demon insects continued to decrease sharply, replaced by little demons with more powerful breaths appearing in this place, showing their own figures one by one in front of them, announcing their existence to the world.

The aura on those little demons is strong, and if each of them is brought into the material world, it is comparable to a knight.

They also look very different.

There are changes with the nature of their souls, not exactly the same.

Some little demons are somewhat similar to Adil and are also humanoid.

And some little devils, crawling on the ground like bugs, looked very weird.

Little devils of various appearances appeared one after another in this place, and the whole looked like an exhibition hall of otherworldly monsters, which was very strange.

No matter what kind of little devil, you can see it in this place.

Of course, after experiencing a fierce fight at this moment, these little demons have completely turned from their original soul bodies into flesh and blood bodies.

At this moment, they have been transformed from the original nihilistic creatures into real life.

It can be said that at this moment, those soul fragments are truly reincarnated and truly come alive.

However, as they had flesh and blood and reincarnated successfully, they also lost the power to devour other souls at this moment.

The little demons in the surrounding world began to gradually become violent.

These little demons were bred in the sea of ​​demons, and they were influenced and infected by various emotional forces at the beginning of their gestation. Therefore, each character is full of tyrannical and chaotic factors, like the state of a madman. Stablize.

Once formed at this moment, these little demons immediately stared at each other, began to face each other, and began to fight again.

However, no matter how fierce their fight was, they were always very far away from Adil.

As if they couldn't see Adil, they directly ignored Adil's existence, and even instinctively moved away from this area, so that within a few hundred meters around Adil, they couldn't see any demons. figure.

This is the instinctive sense of the demon's body. I instinctively feel that there is an extremely terrifying existence standing in front of me. Even if I can't sense a specific existence, I subconsciously want to avoid it and dare not stand in front of Adil.

In this way, Adil stood in this place undisturbed, just so calmly observing the four directions, observing the behavior patterns of those little devils.

I don't know how long I stood in this place before Adil moved.

At this moment, time has passed for a long, long time. Around, those little demons are fighting each other, and most of them have already decided the winner at this moment.

The victorious demons dragged their tired bodies to other places, while the losers fell to the ground and could never stand up again.

The surrounding demons began to become scarce, and soon, there was no longer any living demons to be seen.

The whole place looks like a slaughterhouse.

Adil didn't care about this, just touched his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, above the sky of the abyss world, bursts of brilliance are flickering in it, falling towards the bottom, as if it is raining.

What rained was not ordinary water droplets, but soul fragments that shone with the brilliance of the soul.

One after another soul fragments fell in mid-air, and under the traction of the power of the abyss, they rushed into the sea of ​​demons below, and were then entangled by the powerful power contained in them. Devil's Egg.

Another round.

Adil's face was calm and he continued to stand in this place, but this time he started to take action.

He thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

Immediately before his eyes, a little power spread out from his body, affecting all life within thousands of kilometers around him.

A nihilistic force began to gather in the devil's egg. It was the power of Adil. It emerged in the devil's egg at this moment, blocking the power of terror contained in the surrounding sea of ​​devils, making it demonic. The egg itself is not polluted by the power of that terrifying emotion.

After doing all this, Adil stopped doing other things and just observed quietly.

Time flies fast.

In the sea of ​​devils, as time passed, those devil eggs were bred out again, and then washed up on the beach, giving birth to brand new devil worms.

This time, however, things were a little different.

Not far away, a demon worm emerged from the demon's egg.

Drilling out of the devil's egg, this devil's worm did not follow its instinct to devour other devil's worms, but looked around at a loss.

It can be seen that the previous life of this demon worm should be an ordinary human being. At this moment, behind it, a vague face can be faintly seen, which looks very scary.

He stood a little dazedly on the ground, looking at the other demon insects around him. He stayed where he was at this moment, not knowing what to do.

Because it was isolated from the pollution of emotional power by Adil's power, this demon worm seemed very calm, and was not driven by the instinctive desire in his heart to kill other demons.

But this is also unavoidable.

Around him, other demon bugs that were not affected by Adil's power and were still polluted by the sea of ​​demons found him and bit him.

A fight followed.

Some of the demon worms that were affected by the power of Adil but not polluted by the power of the abyss died just like that, but some still survived tenaciously, and even devoured the corpses of other demon worms along the way, successfully bred into The form of the little devil.

And at this point, the special features of these demons are really revealed.


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