The Wizard’s Immortality (Wizarding Immortal)

Chapter 770 Promotion to a demigod

in the material world.

When the line of sight from the abyss world reached here, in the desert, in the Adil Empire, a pair of eyes suddenly opened.

A majestic aura swayed on his body. At this moment, Adil opened his eyes, and the breath all over his body rose to the peak at this moment.

More than a dozen divine brilliance flickered on his body, and at this moment, with the movement of Adiel, he began to recover, exuding a little divine power, which began to rippling at this moment.

If you look closely, you can see that the flesh and blood on his body is burning.

Whether it is divinity, soul, or the origin of a deeper level, it all started to burn like crazy at this moment.

At this moment, the strength of his whole body was raised to the peak, the breath of his whole body was raised to the extreme, and he continued to charge towards the highest level.

A faint flame rose from his body, burning from the most basic flesh and blood, gradually filling the entire body.

At this moment, Adil burned all his own power, and everything was lifted to the peak in an instant, and then ignited directly.

This is burning oneself, igniting everything in oneself, just to gain a moment of peak power, use this power to break the final isolation, break through the limit, and try to enter the realm of the gods.

More than a dozen divine brilliance flickered on his body, and at this moment a faint divine power flowed in his body.

The original most ordinary life energy began to transform, and it was gradually transformed into another form by the power of the dozen or so gods, transforming into an inexplicable power.

divine power.

A faint divine power began to flicker, and at this moment, it was born within Adiel's body.

The originally majestic life energy began to sublimate gradually after being calcined by the fire of life, and gradually began to change under the transformation of the dozen or so divinities, gradually transforming into pure divine power.

With all this happening, Adier's body gradually became blurred, and the flesh and blood of his body began to melt, leaving only a little white bone that emerged in place.

If you look closely, you can find that with the burning of the flame at this moment, a touch of gold is emerging on the pale white bones, making the originally solid white bones stained with a little gold, and it looks extremely bright, like gold. cast.

The power belonging to mortals is fading, replaced by another kind of terrifying power that breaks the limit and surpasses the limit.

In a way, this breakthrough is extremely rare.

No matter how powerful the power of mortals is, it is the power of mortals in the end. Compared with the divine power of gods, the innate is more than a step behind.

If Adier wants to be promoted to a higher level, to be promoted to the sixth level according to the rules of this world, he needs to smelt all the power in his body and convert all the power in his body into divine power, so it is possible to do it.

At this moment, through the entrance of the demon avatar in the abyss to advance to the sixth-order, a force emerged from this avatar of Adil at the same time, bringing an opportunity.

Adil's clones seem to be independent, but they are actually connected. Although they are independent, they are also connected, and the relationship is very close.

At this moment, the avatar who is beside him is promoted to the sixth rank, which also drives the avatar of Adiel to change, and the essence begins to change vaguely.

This clone of Adiel had already reached the peak of the fifth-order, and was only one step away from the high-ranking sixth-order field.

This time, the transformation of the demon avatar brought the best opportunity, allowing Adil to seize the opportunity decisively and start promotion at this moment.

Impact the sixth-order field.

A field that belonged to Adil's own began to slowly expand. It was the majestic power of a mythical peak knight. At this moment, it was revealed unabashedly, continuously covering and sweeping outwards.

In just a moment, Adil's domain enveloped the entire city, covering everything in the entire city.

shrouded in the palm of their own hands.

It's far from the end.

With the continuous rise of Adil's breath, his domain is also expanding outwards. At this moment, it gradually expands outwards, and soon it reaches a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The entire Adair Empire was enveloped by Adair's own domain, and then continued to spread outward, almost as if the entire desert was to be enveloped in and completely transformed into its own domain.

If such a thing is known to others, even the legendary powerhouse will be shocked and feel a shock.

The power of the field can profoundly represent the power of its existence.

To a certain extent, even the pinnacle of mythology cannot achieve such a powerful field that is stretched out enough to cover the entire desert like Adil, at least not as easy as Adil did.

He has truly reached the limit of the mythic realm at this moment, and is only one step away from the aloof demigod realm.

And this one step away will soon be crossed by him.

boom! !

A crisp sound came from mid-air, and a faint sound of shattering continued to sound, like the shattering sound of glass falling on the ground.

At this moment, at the moment when the Adair Domain rose, the people of the entire Adair Empire instinctively raised their heads and looked up at the sky in the sky.

In their sight, a silver moon is rising from the earth and gradually drifting towards the sky.

Above the sky, a golden sun and a silver moon stood side by side on the sky. At this moment, they illuminated the entire earth together, turning the whole earth into a golden color.

At a glance, it looks extremely bright and extremely brilliant.

Just like the reappearance of scenes in myths and legends, the scene in front of me is full of a sense of fantasy, which makes everyone who sees this scene feel a shock. At this moment, they don't know how to express their feelings and feelings.

A great majesty rose in everyone's heart.

At this moment, there is some kind of feeling between the hazy, they seem to see a young knight standing up slowly in a distant palace, a silver sword suddenly pulled out by him, towards the sky in the sky go.

A thud sounded softly on the ground.

Adil's body is transforming, and his bloodline and body are burning at this moment.

The whole body and even the origin of the blood vessels are beginning to transform, moving towards a deeper level.

The vast divine power response came from Adier's body. At this moment, Adier's body completely changed, and his breath began to change, becoming more profound and terrifying.

Above his body, along with the burning of the fire of life, the dozen or so divinities began to gradually melt, and the rule fragments contained in them were gradually calcined by the fire of life, slowly moving towards Adil's body. melted away.

These divinities precipitated in Adier's body, absorbed Adier's power to grow, and at this moment, under the calcination of the fire of life, returned to Adier's body and became the best fuel for Adier's promotion.

One after another divinity burned in Adier's body, and the power of the rules was deprived one by one, and gradually merged into Adier's body.

Then, with the integration of these divinities, a little bit of golden light began to light up and gradually began to flicker.

The flame was burning, and the faint fluctuations of divine power continued to flicker.

At this moment, Adiel looked up at the sky, looking at the silver moon above the sky, with a smile on his face.

Then, the flames on his body began to burn again, this time even more vigorously.

At this moment, Adil has already pressed everything on himself, whether it is his own soul or his origin, and has integrated into the flaming fire of life.

It can be said that at this point, Adair will either be promoted successfully, or he will be burned to death by the raging fire of life on the spot, and there will be no accidents.

In this regard, Adil had already anticipated it.

In the past few decades, Adil has been exploring the ruins of the gods, groping around the world, and has long been familiar with the steps to promote a demigod.

The most dangerous thing about being promoted to a demigod is to completely burn one's own body and mind.

The difference from the promotion in the past is that even if the promotion in the past fails, it may be damaged, but it will not necessarily fall, and most likely there will be no real danger to life.

But being promoted to a demigod is different.

In the process of being promoted to a demigod, you need to put everything on yourself and burn them all, in exchange for the most prosperous fire of life.

In that exuberant fire of life, to promote the existence of a demigod, everything in itself will be burned in exchange for the sublimation of its own power, and finally sublime into divine power, and build a demigod body that belongs to itself.

If this kind of promotion is successful, it is better to say that it will naturally become a demigod.

But once it fails, its own vitality and even the soul itself will be completely burned out, and if it is thrown into that little fire of life, it can be said that it will fall on the spot, and it is the kind that has no vitality at all.

Fifth-order existence, even if it is a little blood, a little cell, as long as the right opportunity is found, it can still be regenerated and revived.

But in the immediate promotion, once the promotion fails, the final result must be doomed.

There will be no trace of vitality left.

This is the most dangerous point of promotion to a demigod.

In the past, there was no shortage of mythical peaks who dared not take this step because of hesitation in their hearts.

Because the danger is too great and too dangerous, as long as there is a little hesitation in the heart, the will cannot withstand the burning of the fire of life, or the body cannot provide enough strength to build the body of a demigod, promotion will immediately fail.

For the existence of ordinary fifth-order, the risk of this promotion is too great.

It's too big to try.

"It must be successful..."

In the distance, feeling the madly unfolding field and the brand-new reaction of divine power, Marr stood alone in a courtyard, looking at the silver moon rising slowly in the air, with a faint expression on his face at this moment. With some sadness.

She stood there, looking at the flames rising in the distance, feeling the state of Adil's body at the moment, and uttering the most sincere prayers in her heart.

At this moment, she prayed from her heart, praying that Adil could be promoted successfully and come to this land in the form of a demigod.


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