Standing alone in a courtyard, watching Adil's promotion in the distance, Marr had a worried expression on his face.

After following Adil for decades, she has absolute confidence in Adil, believing that he can do anything.

It is a strong trust, an emotion cultivated over a long period of time.

But at this moment, she felt the flames rising in the distance, and Adier's aura that was extremely powerful, but at the same time, extremely weak. She couldn't help but feel sad in her heart. At this moment, she felt an instinctive worry.

So, she opened her eyes and tried her best to look into the distance. In a pair of eyes, the faint force of fate was constantly emerging.

The power of fate shrouded this place, and at this moment, everything in the world changed in her eyes.

The sights of destiny are constantly intertwined, and they continue to spread out in front of them, forming a big net called destiny.

In Marr's eyes at this moment, the fate of each figure is constantly emerging, being peeped by her, and the next experience is completely controlled by her, and there is no secret at all.

This is the use of the power of fate, and it is also the highest power that Marr can master as the caller of the goddess of fate.

At this moment, she used this unique power of destiny, and her eyes gradually fixed on Adil.

However, there is no way to see through.

The lines of fate in front of him spread out one by one, as if shrouding the entire world.

But even if the thread of destiny that almost enveloped the entire world, when it spread to Adil, it still failed.

In that place, a flame is burning, burning almost everything. Even the power of fate will be swallowed up by that flame when it approaches that place, and there is no way to approach it.

The force of fate is twisted in this place, melted directly in it.

A hazy feeling overshadowed everything.

At this moment, any force of destiny is invalid here. No matter how hard Marr tries, he can't see the future destiny of the young man in front of him through his own strength.

The demigods have stepped into the realm of gods.

For such a great existence, Marr's strength at the moment is still too reluctant, and there is no way to see the fate of the other party.

Especially at this moment, it is still at the moment when the other party is about to ignite the divine fire and completely turn into a demigod.

The moment when the divine fire was ignited and turned into the body of a demigod, it was the moment when the power of the opponent's destiny was most concentrated and intense.

Even if it is a real god, it is not so easy to see through the future fate of the other party at this time.

Not to mention Marr, who is not even in the realm of mythology at this moment.

Feeling all this, she was stunned for a while, and then sighed deeply.

In fact, as the caller of the Goddess of Fate, she certainly knew that with her current ability, she could not see through Adil's future at all.

The attempt just now was just a temptation, and it was also a kind of comfort to my heart.

"Don't worry too much..."

On the side, a man's voice came over.

Marr turned around and saw that on the side, Angola and Blood Moon walked over together, looking at Marr in front of him and shook his head.

"Trust him..."

Angola looked at the silver moon that was gradually rising in the distance, nodded at this moment, and said, "We can't do anything other than trust him..."

Marr was silent for a while, then sighed deeply: "Yeah..."

"Nothing else can be done..."

She turned and looked into the distance, looking at Adil's rising, more and more terrifying aura at the moment, she said in her heart, and her mood seemed a little depressed at this moment.

The terrifying power is still rippling.

At this moment, along with Adiel trying to ignite the holy fire and attack the demigod realm, his breath was released in the whole world, affecting the Quartet.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching at the same time at this moment.

Those eyes are a little indifferent, some are calm, and their expressions are different, but at this moment, they are undoubtedly staring at the direction where Adil is, carefully sensing his breath there.

There seemed to be bursts of sighs coming from the corners of the world, and there seemed to be a mythical peak who saw this scene and began to sigh, feeling an inexplicable complex emotion.

But despite this, at the moment when Adil hit the demigod realm, no one wanted to interrupt the process.

The reason is very simple.

It is neither possible nor necessary.

At the moment of attacking the demigod, the world consciousness of the material world will be affected, covering up the existence that is trying to attack the demigod.

Any attack that is attempted at this moment is useless.

Under the protection of the power of the world, even a god cannot interrupt the promotion process of the other party at this moment.

And at this moment when the gods are still silent, not to mention.

It is precisely because of this that Adiel can safely try for promotion, and decisively seizes the opportunity in front of him and jumps up.

The flame of life is burning.

At this moment, the eyes of most of the world are watching, but everyone who can sense all this has a very complicated mood at the moment, watching Adil's promotion there, and observing this process with different attitudes.

The presence of a demigod is enough to affect everything.

In this era when the gods are silent and have not fully recovered, if a demigod is truly promoted successfully, he is undoubtedly the strongest in the world.

It can be said that there is simply no one who can match him.

He is the only invincible in this era, and he is enough to do many things in this era when the gods have not yet returned.

Undoubtedly, there are many beings who don't want to see this happening, but they can't stop it. They can only watch the process of Adiel's promotion with nervous eyes.

But no matter what thoughts they have, the process of promotion does not depend on others, but on Adil himself.

At this moment, on Adil's body, a mutation has begun to occur.

There was a little gold on the originally white bones. At this moment, along with the raging fire of life, the aura on Adier's body suddenly changed, and a unique aura gradually appeared on the originally ordinary body.

Noble and sacred, with an essence far beyond the previous ones, began to emerge at this moment.

In the process of promotion, along with the transmission of a little bit of power, a little bit of flesh and blood began to regenerate, attached to Adil's body, and re-grown at this moment.

However, compared to before, the flesh and blood that regrowns on Adier's body at this moment looks very special.

If Adil extracts his own bloodline and compares it with the previous bloodline imprint, it can be clearly found that his flesh and blood at this moment has become different from before, completely changed into another appearance.

This is the transition of the essence of life.

To a certain extent, the essence of Adil's life at this moment has surpassed the previous one and reached a level above the realm of mythology.

The most dangerous first step in promotion to a demigod has been completed at this moment.

Condensing the body of a demigod, the most critical step has been completed at this moment.

For ordinary people, this actually means that more than half of the promotion to demigod has been completed.

But for Adil, the most dangerous moment has just arrived.

With the raging fire of the fire of life, in Adil's body, all the blood and even the power of the soul were burned out.

Some good things that were hidden inside the body began to emerge, and they began to be exposed under the light of the fire of life.

A faint blood energy began to emerge, and a killing force emerged spontaneously.

Above Adil's body, as everything was burned to the ground, a drop of golden blood of slaughter began to emerge.

That drop of golden blood of slaughter is sacred and brilliant, and there are scenes of endless slaughter, even if it's just a drop of blood, it feels extremely terrifying.

At the moment when the fire of life was burning, the mysterious power contained in the blood of slaughter broke out completely, making the demigod body that Adier condensed at the moment felt a burst of instinctive tremors, and some couldn't bear it. majesty.

Feeling this strong sense of threat, Adil observed the drop of golden blood of slaughter in front of him.

A little fire of life continued to burn, completely containing that drop of killing blood.

The faint slaughtering power began to emerge continuously. At this moment, the drop of golden slaughtering blood seemed to feel the crisis. There was a huge slaughtering power spurting out, turning it into a barrier to resist the calcination of the fire of life.

Feeling the occurrence of this scene, Adil showed a sneer on his face.

That drop of blood of slaughter is nothing else, it is the drop that the sacrifice of the god of slaughter penetrated into Adil's body.

For so many years, this drop of blood of slaughter has always been hidden in Adair's body, relying on Adair's power to grow himself.

It can be seen from the power that a drop of Yalu's blood spews out, every time Adil has killed over the years, every time the killing power he has acquired, is probably secretly intercepted by this drop of killing blood.

To a certain extent, this actually means that Adil's own power has been stolen by him.

If it wasn't for the moment when he was promoted to a demigod, under the calcination of the divine fire, this drop of golden blood of slaughter appeared spontaneously, and Adil didn't know when he would be able to force this drop of blood of slaughter out.

The raging flame was burning, and in front of him, that drop of golden blood of slaughter released a majestic slaughtering power, its structure began to melt gradually, and it gradually lost its shape under the calcination of the flame of life, and it seemed that it could not be resisted.


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