Adil quietly walked in the core area of ​​the world of natural disasters.

He was very unfamiliar with this area in the past, but at this moment, after sharing the information of the incarnation of natural disasters, he seems very familiar.

As early as that year, the reason why he sent the incarnation of natural disasters to the world of natural disasters was not only to complete his plan, but also to find the place where the ancient wizards were sealed, so as to rescue them.

For ordinary people, this is very difficult.

In ancient times, the ancient wizards were defeated and suppressed by the lords of natural disasters in the world of natural disasters.

Not to mention the Lord of Natural Disasters in charge of guarding it, it is also a secret just where those ancient wizards were suppressed.

If you are not a member of the world of natural disasters, or the master of natural disasters who control the world of natural disasters, you are not qualified to know at all.

And now, this problem has been solved.

Adil does not know where the seal is located, but as a member of the Lord of Natural Disasters, the incarnation of natural disasters has already been integrated into the world of natural disasters in these tens of thousands of years. It is not difficult to find out about the sealed land. , it's just a matter of casual inquiries.

To the wizards of the wizarding world, the place where the ancient wizarding expedition was suppressed is a secret, but to the masters of natural disasters in the world of natural disasters, this matter is nothing at all.

The incarnation of the natural disaster didn't take much effort at all, and it was easy to find out.

As for the masters of natural disasters who are stationed in the sealed land and responsible for suppressing the ancient wizards, it is also not a problem.

Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure that the suppressed ancient wizards do not break free from the seal and escape from the suppression of the world of natural disasters, there are several natural disaster masters in the sealed land all year round, responsible for suppressing those ancient wizards who have long since fallen.

This is simply unavoidable, even if the natural disaster is incarnated as a member of the master of natural disasters, it is impossible to rescue the mother of jade and others under the guard of several masters of natural disasters.

Even if he was willing to risk exposure, he simply couldn't.

Because as long as he makes a little noise, in the world of natural disasters, the rest of the masters of natural disasters will quickly come to the sealed land to help.

At that time, even if the incarnation of natural disasters is powerful, facing all the masters of natural disasters in the world of natural disasters with one's own strength, there will never be a good end.

But now, this problem has been solved.

The gods from the world of gods fought against the masters of natural disasters. For today's world of natural disasters, this is the most important thing.

Compared with this, although the ancient wizards in the wizarding world are important, they are no longer caring now.

Originally suppressed in the Sealed Land, several natural disaster masters who were responsible for guarding the ancient wizards were transferred away, and the interior seemed much empty.

This is also the reason why Adil is here at this moment.

Walking on this piece of land, in the outside world, waves of ripples rippling from time to time, causing the earth to move indistinctly, as if it was slowly oscillating.

Standing on the spot, Adil's face was calm, and he slowly turned to look at the outside world.

Under his gaze, he saw that in the outside world, a piece of light rain continued to fall and then rose again. The power of the law was constantly intertwined in the nothingness, and together they set off dozens of shining stars, which flickered slightly in that place. on.

The mighty brilliance flickered and intertwined in that place.

Under the gaze of Adil, waves of ripples continued to rise in the distance, and the gods and the Lord of Natural Disasters were intertwined, and battles were launched in it.

They are fighting in nothingness. Although they are only in nothingness and are not really in the world, the invisible fluctuation still shakes the whole world of natural disasters, making the whole world of natural disasters tremble, and there is no way to restrain them.

Standing in the same place, affected by the war between the gods and the lords of natural disasters, in Adil's induction, the consciousness of the world of natural disasters has reached a peak, and it is active to an extreme.

Think about it too.

The world of the gods has already hit the door,

Can you be active?

Under the current circumstances, if the consciousness of the world of natural disasters is not active enough, I am afraid that it will be swallowed up by the world of gods at some point.

At this point, Adil silently shook his head.

Around him, wisps of purple world energy continued to emerge, turning into layers of invisible barriers, completely isolating Adil from the outside world and preventing him from being discovered by the consciousness of the world of natural disasters.

Afterwards, Adil turned around, continued to move forward, and slowly walked to a mighty area.

Slowly, Adil gradually walked into a void.

In front of him, this place is deep, and at first glance, only deep darkness emerges, and nothing else can be seen at all.

But in Adil's eyes, in this place in front of him, a vast world is emerging.

"It's not really in the world of natural disasters, but separated?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adiel nodded slightly, and then took a step forward.

In an instant, he crossed many distances, crossed the infinite void, his figure disappeared in place, and instantly appeared in another world.

A mighty altar appeared in front of him, accompanied by an inexplicable aura.

Standing in place, Adil turned around and looked around.

In all directions, tombstones were placed everywhere, scattered in various places, scattered all over the place.

There are mottled marks on the tombstones, which are very unique at first glance. Each tombstone seems to have a long history, and it has a unique texture that has accumulated over the years.

If you look carefully, you can see the names displayed on the tombstones.

In the long years, the names and handwriting on some tombstones have slowly disappeared, decayed by the traces of the years, and slowly invisible.

But there are also a few who can still see clearly, allowing people to read the handwriting clearly and understand the stories that happened to the wizards in the past years.

Walking on the road, Adiel looked around at will, and his eyes gradually fixed on a golden tombstone.

"The king of Oman elves, the fifth-order great wizard, Hedo..."

Lines of writing appeared in front of my eyes.

With Adil's gaze, on the golden tombstone, strands of the remaining golden sun power slowly condensed, reflecting on the handwriting, making the handwriting look shiny.

There is no doubt that the owner of this tombstone should have been a pure-blooded elf king during his lifetime. His strength has already reached the peak of the fifth rank, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the sixth rank.

It is a pity that the endless years have passed, when the dust of history has blown away, and all the creatures of the past have passed away, leaving only a little mottled, and some textures and traces of the years.

As for the people in the past, if there is no accident, it is impossible to reproduce.

Reaching out his hand at will, he converged the corpses and tombstones belonging to the elves in the area in front of him, and Adil continued to move forward.

He walked towards the center of this area, without using any power along the way, just walked at an ordinary speed.

However, as he approached, his arrival still shocked some existences.

"A new breath of life!"

A stalwart will revived and began to gradually emerge.

In the central area of ​​the cemetery, on the highest tombstones, the will in one of the tombstones slowly recovered, and was awakened by the movement outside at this moment.

Then, the phantom of a purple-haired man appeared here, looking at the figure appearing outside, he was stunned for a moment.

This place belongs to the dusty and sealed land, and no one can enter it in the past years.

And this time, the breath of the living appeared in this place, which alarmed them.

However, the purple-haired man thought that this time, it was the creatures of the world of natural disasters who entered this world.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't.

"A elf of the elf family...and, this look..."

Looking at the appearance of Adil outside, the purple-haired man was stunned, and seemed to remember something at this time.

All the way from the outside world, Adil did not hide his appearance, and maintained his own body form from beginning to end.

And his body, although he has undergone many transformations, he can still see the appearance that belongs to the elves at a glance.

Therefore, the purple-haired man recognized it at a glance.

No doubt, this is shocking.

In the sealed land of the world of natural disasters, an elf with the breath of the living appeared, and it seemed that it was not imprisoned, and there was no feeling of weakness.

What does this mean? What does it say again?

What shocked the purple-haired man even more was the appearance of Adil in front of him, which made him feel extremely familiar.

In the past, the Emerald Mother had sensed the existence of Adil, and revelation to Adil many times, and even donated a little of her own power, turned it into an emerald imprint, and left it in Adil's place. on the body.

Therefore, beside the Emerald Mother, the purple-haired man had more or less seen Adil's appearance.

Although time has passed for a long time now, tens of thousands of years have passed, and many things have been changed.

But this period of time is not enough for a divine being to forget what a person looks like.

Even in these long years, Adil has undergone several transformations, and his appearance has changed more or less, the same is true.

After all, although Adil's appearance and appearance have changed, they are still optimized based on the original appearance, so they can be recognized naturally.

It was precisely because he recognized Adil's appearance and remembered Adil's origin that the purple-haired man in front of him felt so shocked.

"Could it be!"

Suddenly, his heart moved, and a thought subconsciously raised in his heart.


A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The purple-haired man's body froze, and he slowly turned to look back.

I saw behind him, beside him, I don't know when, Adil was already standing there, standing in the corner beside him, looking at him silently.

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