
Standing in the same place, looking at Adil who suddenly appeared in front of him, the purple-haired man froze in place.

Although he has fallen for many years, and now only the last imprint and origin are still supported, he was once a holy man, how could it be possible for people to touch him and not notice it?

To be able to have such a performance can only show one fact.

The strength of Adil in front of him is at least comparable to that of him back then, or even surpassed. It is impossible to have such a performance.

A divine being of at least rank seven.

The purple-haired man couldn't help being a little shocked.

He is not the mother of Emerald, and has no close connection with Adil on the bloodline, so he is not clear about Adil's dynamics.

At this moment, his impression of Adil is still tens of thousands of years ago, when he was worthy of promotion to the fourth-order wizard.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, has the weak wizard of the past grown to a sacred level now?

He couldn't help being a little dazed and a little shocked.

The promotion of divine existence is not so easy.

In the entire wizarding world, since the ancient war, I don't know how long years have passed, but until now, there has not been a new seventh-order holy, which shows its difficulty.

If Adil really is promoted to the sacred level, he must be the first wizard who has been promoted to the holy level in the wizarding world for countless years, right?

There is still some gap between his thoughts and the truth, but the gap is not big.

To a certain extent, as a world star born in the era of the wizarding world, Adil is indeed the first holy person to be promoted in the wizarding world since the ancient wars.

Standing in the same place, looking at the calm face in front of him, his appearance seems to be the same as in the past, and it seems that Adiel has changed a lot, the purple-haired man is a little dazed, but he still reacts quickly.

"Are you here to rescue the Emerald Mother, or for something else?"

Looking at Adil, he said softly.

The holiness of the wizarding world is here, so there is only one possibility to rescue them.

In front of him, looking at the purple-haired man, Adil's face was calm, and he nodded lightly.

"You're one step late."

The purple-haired man sighed softly and said, "The Emerald Mother and several other Your Excellencies have exhausted their strength and fell into eternal sleep."

"If you came here in the morning for tens of thousands of years, you might still be able to see her, but now, you can only see me."

"Even if you spend thousands of years at night, even I can't see it."

"Although it's a step late, it's better than never."

Standing still, Adil shook his head and said softly.

He could feel that around him, the existence of the Emerald Mother had disappeared.

When Adier was still weak, the power of the Emerald Mother has not disappeared, so she still has some power, and she can even cross the world to assist Adier, who was still very weak at that time, and give him jadeite The power of imprints.

But until now, after a long period of time, the power of the Emerald Mother has withered away, and at this moment, she can no longer maintain her own existence and continue to keep her will awake.

However, even though the will has fallen into an eternal sleep, her traces still exist, and that unique trajectory still exists in this place, which is tightly suppressed by this sealed land.

For Adair, this is enough.

Because for such divine beings, the fall of oneself and falling into eternal sleep does not mean that it disappears forever.

As long as some traces of oneself still exist and spread outward through these traces, as time continues to pass, there will eventually be a day when they will continue to recover.

In the world of gods, those gods who fell in the past were resurrected in this way.

Since the gods in the world of gods can do it, then the mother of emeralds, and even other holy ones, can naturally.

Standing on the spot, Adier sensed it carefully.

There are waves of breath that are constantly entangled around, and various unique trajectories are formed here, which is very special.

In the surroundings, in addition to the trace of the Emerald Mother still exists, the other sacred traces still exist, and they have not completely disappeared at this moment.

This is the result of countless years of suppression by the world of natural disasters.

From the ancient battle to the present era, at least hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

But until now, the traces of these sacred existences that were suppressed at the beginning still exist.

This shows how tenacious the vitality of the divine existence is.

Of course, the reason for this is also because it is not a single holy person who is suppressed here, but a large area of ​​holy beings.

At least in front of him, at least in Adiel's induction at this moment, there are at least ten sacred beings suppressed in this place, and there are two eighth-order sacreds among them.

It was such a large number that were suppressed together that allowed them to persist for so long.

Otherwise, if a single holy person had been suppressed for such a long time, the world would have disappeared at this moment, and even the last trace would be completely disappeared.

At this point, standing on the spot, Adil couldn't help shaking his head.

"How are you going to get us out?"

In front of him, looking at Adil, the purple-haired man spoke softly, and couldn't help asking at this time.

"This place is guarded by the guardians of the world of natural disasters all the year round. Among them, there are even several masters of natural disasters stationed here all year round. They are very powerful and it is not easy to get out."

"What way do you have to avoid these people and take us out of this place?"

Looking at Adil, the purple-haired man couldn't help asking.

This is indeed a problem.

The structure of this sealed place in front of me is special, and it is a prison created by the masters of natural disasters in the world of natural disasters.

No matter what method is used, if you want to break out of this place, you will inevitably alarm the guards of this place, and there can be no accidents.

Adil in front of him may have a way to come in from the periphery, but it may not be easy to get out.

At least during the long period of being suppressed, the purple-haired man did not think about the means to escape, but no matter what the method was, he was ultimately rejected by him.

no way.

Being in the world of natural disasters, wanting to escape from the prison with the characteristics of the masters of natural disasters, and wanting not to disturb the world of natural disasters, is an incredible thing in itself.

However, since Adil in front of him dares to come in person, and can even enter this place without the masters of many natural disasters unknowingly, then he must have a grasp of it.

Therefore, at this moment, the purple-haired man couldn't help but be a little curious about Adier's way of getting out.

What surprised him was that in front of him, listening to his words, Adil shook his head.

"There is no special way."

Standing in the same place, Adil's face was calm, he silently turned around to look at the outside world, and said softly: "Just hit it out."

The faint words fell, and suddenly, the purple-haired man in front of him was stunned.

Then the next moment, he saw that in front of him, the brilliance of Adier gradually brightened, and it continued to spread outward at this moment.

A huge power is brewing, and a deep emerald power is roaring, with a very familiar aura of authority, rippling at this moment.

Startled the Quartet.

With the exposure of Adil's own breath, the entire sealed land began to turmoil.

A wave of changes began, and in the mid-air, ripples continued to pass, spreading in all directions.

The terrifying power roared and spread toward the entire sealed land in mid-air, almost shaking the entire world.

Boom! !

The earth began to vibrate, the vast power swept across the sky, and countless rivers and mountains changed color.


Looking at Adil's actions in front of him, the purple-haired man was stunned for a moment. His expression changed at this moment, and he suddenly looked up into the air.

Sure enough, along with his gaze, in the mid-air, a burst of invisible ripples swept across, and the vast power was gradually rising.

In it, with a little bit of natural disaster power emerging, a pair of huge eyes slowly emerged, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, like the world consciousness that dominates a world, high above, without the slightest humanity.

With the appearance of these eyes, the entire sealed land was shaking slightly, and the terrifying power was shaking, exuding a unique wave at this moment, sweeping towards this place.

The imprints of the laws began to form spontaneously, turning into chains at this moment, pressing down towards the place where Adil was.

The terrifying pressure is hitting, as if the whole world is beginning to recover, and at this moment, it is aimed at the existence of Adil, and it must be suppressed instantly.

"It was..."

Looking at this scene, the purple-haired man's face was ashen.

The pair of eyes in the air is the means left by the lords of natural disasters in the past. It gathers the power imprints of all the lords of natural disasters. A unique existence formed by gathering here, its power is not inferior to the higher sacred.

If you are in this sealed land, coupled with the power possessed by this characteristic sealed land, the two combine with each other, and the burst of power is enough to suppress a seventh-order in an instant, even if a seventh-order The sacredness of the peak will be suppressed to a certain extent even here, and it is absolutely impossible to break out in a short period of time.

And once you can't break out immediately and are blocked by this world, then the masters of natural disasters who are responsible for guarding this place will react immediately and come quickly.

Even more terrifying, it is very likely that the Lords of Natural Disasters in the entire natural disaster world will be alarmed and rush towards this place together.

At that time, I am afraid that no one can save him.

In the air, waves of terrifying ripples continued to pass, and the chains condensed by one after another kept rising and falling, just like this pressing down.

But then, looking at the scene in front of him, the purple-haired man couldn't help but be stunned.

When the terrifying force was pressing down, he stood on the spot with a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't care about everything in front of him.

And on him, an unprecedented, incomparably powerful power of authority slowly unfolded.

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