The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1327: Out of control armored beast

This completely out of control state will not last long.

The reason why the armored beast is out of control is because the angry emotions in the body have reached a peak under the birth of the madness effect, thus losing the rationality.

If the fluctuation of emotions is divided into numbers and divided into ten numbers, and ‘5’ is the intermediate value indicating the normal state, then at that moment, the out-of-control armored beast should have reached ‘10’.

However, this extreme mood swing is unlikely to remain at its peak, or it will only cause a mental breakdown.

They will soon drop from ‘10’ to ‘9’ and even from ‘9’ to ‘8’.

In the whole process, they are still angry, but the reason is gradually recovering.

Generally, as long as the emotions are controlled between ‘7’ and ‘8’, there will be no circumstances in which the enemy plays and even plays against the enemy and attacks.

Therefore, at this time, Raymond Sossi, only hope that before that, let his iron beasts do not do anything stupid as much as possible.

This thought has just flashed in his mind, and Raymond Sossi’s facial muscles have been unable to control.

Ok, I am already doing...

The scented stinky bird was extremely provocative, lowered his flying height, and then flew all the way to the Europa army that was rushing.

During this period, the iron beast that was pulled by hatred naturally snarled and chased after no doubt.


The bad mood made Raymond Sossi cursing on the spot.

At the time, Robert Smith, who was next to him, was undoubtedly more out of control.

"Raymond, what is this special situation?!"

The few armored beasts were directly led by the black eagle and rushed toward his regular army. This situation made Robert Smith unable to resist the violent swearing on the spot.

At this time, Ramon Sossi, who is also in a bad mood, obviously does not have any good looks.

"Out of control, the armored beast is out of control in the mad state!"

While snarling this sentence, Raymond Sossi’s eyes glared at the black eagle flying in the sky.

At this time, he simply couldn't wait to fly up and unload the black eagle.

However, this idea is limited to thinking about it.

According to his current preliminary judgment, according to the strength of the Black Hawk, it is not that he can deal with it. When he flies up, it is only him who is estimated to be unloaded.

At the same time, it seems that a certain abnormal shape of Raymond Sossi, the look on his face soon revealed a slight fault.

"Hey, Robert, have you found that the wind in this canyon is getting bigger?"

At the same time that Raymond Souci said this, within the long canyon, the strong wind blew and the sound of ‘呜呜呜’ sounded like a ghost crying.

The special terrain of the canyon has always been windy and generally changed. It is difficult for ordinary people to detect it. However, Raymond Sossi is an eagle-family with flying ability, so it is particularly sensitive to airflow and wind direction, and this is aware of the changes inside. .

But Robert Smith obviously does not have this ability, and at the same time, his attention at this time is not in any wind.

"Ah? Wind? Who cares about this now?!"

The screams from the distance continually stimulated every nerve of Robert Smith. At this moment, the armored beasts had ruthlessly collided with his regular army.

He has been doing everything he can to avoid the casualties of his own troops. Now, these iron beasts have collided in a round, making him feel that everything before him seems to be all white.

This time, what is the mood of his mood can be imagined.

However, the opposite of the Beishan Army clearly does not care about this.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the iron beast to scatter the enemy's regular army, the intensive firepower quickly pressed against the indiscriminate cannon fodder.

The purpose of the other party, Zhao Wei has basically been clear, but the enemy force is too strong, but also prepared for a long time, even if it is to see through the enemy strategy, want to block this wave of offensive, It is by no means an easy task.

The violent firepower of the Beishan Fortress is constantly pouring out. At this moment, all the defensive cannons have been replaced with high-explosive bombs with a larger range of damage, and only seek to reduce enemy forces as much as possible.

During this period, the glimpse of the glimpse is not idle, while flying, while constantly shooting a ball of lightning, squatting down to the Oruba regular army.

These spherical lightning, the power of each and every one, is equivalent to a thunderstorm.

Iron beasts are special behemoth-level units that are known for their defensive power. They are not painful, and there is no way to do it. However, like the ordinary unit of the Euro bus, the ball lightning has a deadly level of lethality!

The death of the regular army soldiers of their own side is undoubtedly a terrible thing for Robert Smith, not to mention that many of them are still in the charge and trampling of the friendly armored beast, which allows A whole thing has become more troublesome.

However, for the current situation, in addition to calling Raymond Sossi to quickly let those ridiculous iron beasts restore their senses simply can't do anything else.

Time is precious, and this is the same for everyone on the battlefield.

Maintaining low-altitude flight, the glimpses of several armored beasts behind him ran rampant on the battlefield, harvesting the lives of enemy soldiers.

In the meantime, it will never stop by itself, and every spherical lightning flying out can kill an enemy.

However, it is clear to the heart that such an attack cannot be used all the time.

Whether it is a special state of charge or a ballistic lightning attack, it is necessary to consume the elements of its magic core.

In the long-term struggle with the Bald Eagle, its elemental power has already consumed a lot. Now, after another round of fighting, the strength of the elements in the body is about to bottom out.

At the same time, physical strength is also a problem.

Others may not be aware that its flight speed is already slower than it was at the beginning.

After that, I am afraid it will take a long time to recover.

Here, I have to mention that, as a variant of the Ray attribute of Warcraft, the power of the elements of the glimpse is consumed, but the recovery speed is slower than the general Ray attribute Warcraft.

Because it is different from the general Ray attribute Warcraft, it absorbs the power of the elements in the body, and there is still a transformation process, which is to transform the ordinary Ray element into its unique dark mine.

And this is a conversion process that greatly reduces its recovery efficiency.

This conclusion is one of Mia's original research results.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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