The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1328: Swaying the world

The heavy giant hoof is stepping on the ground of the battlefield, and the corpse accumulated under the foot has been turned into a thick meat slurry. The pungent smell is estimated to cause nausea and vomiting on the spot.

As the chief culprit of all this, the armored beasts gradually stopped after chasing after the rush.

The huge heads are constantly swaying with force, and with the passing of time, the red color in their eyes is fading away little by little.

The gradual recovery of the armored beast made Robert Smith greatly relieved, at least his regular army soldiers no longer have to continue to die.

The first reaction that followed was to ask Raymond Sossi to quickly send someone to toss and then reorganize the offense.

However, at this moment, Raymond Sosie’s attention is completely absent from this.

"No, no, Robert, there's something wrong with this canyon!"

When I heard this, Robert Smith, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, had a heart that immediately hung to the eyes of the blind man.

"What is wrong? What is going on?"

Think carefully, before Raymond Sossi seems to have said something similar, saying that the wind in the canyon has become bigger, but his attention was completely concentrated on the battlefield, and he also thought of Raymond Sossi’s words. It's a bit confusing, so I don't have to be a thing at all.

Now, when I think about it carefully, there is a feeling of intimidation. After all, what they are facing at this time is not an opponent that can be measured by common sense!

At this moment, in the face of Robert Smith's questioning, Raymond Sossi quickly opened...

"In the natural world, the flow of the wind is always with a specific law. Now, in this canyon, the flowing wind is completely disordered. This situation is absolutely impossible to form naturally!"

Almost at the same time as this sentence is said, within the canyon, the air above the army, the grit and gravel rolled up by the strong wind, formed a looming cyclone.

At this moment, if the two are still unaware of anything, then it is too slow.

"Retreat! The whole army is evacuated!!!"

With his wings flapping, Raymond Sossi flew into the air almost at the first time.

Robert Smith was also escorted by a group of guards, stepping on the stables and quickly turning over the horse.

On such a chaotic battlefield, it takes time to communicate and implement the commands.

However, the already formed cyclones will not wait for them for too long.

Within the Beishan Fortress, a warning bullet was quickly exploded.

At that time, Hill, which was blocking the invasion of the orc army above the canyon, immediately issued a retreat command after seeing the signal bomb!

At the same time, the wind in the canyon became stronger and stronger, and in a blink of an eye, it was a burst of flying sand.

At this moment, even the thick clouds in the air have already presented a shape of a vortex.

Then, without a few breaths, the hurricane that ravaged the world has already taken shape!

At that moment, for the Europa bus soldiers on the battlefield, it is just like the end of the day!

It was impossible for those Euro bus soldiers to struggle, and the horrible winds involved them in the hurricane on the spot, and then only one or two times of stirring, a big living person was instantly twisted into a blood fog.

Even the soldiers of the Beishan Army, located in the fortress of Beishan and within the battlefield, can feel the power of the wind at this moment.

One by one, when they saw the signal bomb blasting, they all fell down in the first time, hiding behind a strong trench, and did not dare to stand up.

The raging hurricane is like a killing machine assembled by countless sharp blades. Every time it is stirred, it will relentlessly harvest the lives of a large number of enemy soldiers.

The screams, screams, filled a whole battlefield, and even the orc army above the canyon was not spared.

After seeing several comrades in the wind being smashed into haze, other orc soldiers screamed and fled in the opposite direction.

At the same time, within the Fortress of Beishan, above the high staff, the azure-colored third-order magic nucleus flashed with dazzling light, and Iverson, whose face was slightly white, was doing his best to control the hurricane.

These years of painstaking cultivation have deepened his spells. Although he still can't break through the level of high-level wizards, he can also perform some simple functions when he applies the fifth-order upper-level wind spells and hurricane techniques. Controlled.

Rather than as before, the spells are displayed, and the light is maintained. It has already tried its best. In addition to confirming the location of the hurricane, where is the hurricane, where it is, it can't be controlled at all. This is obviously not acceptable.

Gritted his teeth, Iverson drives his mental power and controls the movement of the hurricane.

The raging hurricane began to move along the canyon passage.

The armored beast that fell behind at the time was arguably spread on the spot.

At that moment, just like the hurricane of the life pulverizer, at the moment of sweeping onto the armored beast, a sound of screaming to the extreme broke out on the spot.

The sound is just like the sound that the chainsaw will make when you saw a piece of steel.

Numerous blades that were woven from the wind were smashing the armor of the armored beast.

In the face of the hurricane that swept the world, even the armored beast with amazing defensive power is hard to escape.

The rest of the armored beasts that have not yet been affected, in the face of death threats, are even more crazy to escape.

During this period, the Euro bus soldiers who stopped on their way to escape could be said to have been mercilessly crushed by giant hooves.

Although there are only a few seconds, this hurricane is still on the battlefield, and it has caused a lot of Europa bus soldiers to feel what is called the second!

Within the fortress of Beishan, Iverson, who was overdrafted by mana, directly fell on one knee and almost fell to the ground.

Losing the support of mana, the hurricane that swept the world quickly disintegrated, and a whole Beishan fortress had a grand **** rain at this moment.

The joint army of Europa has been completely defeated. It is almost a joint army that has suffered a strategic attack and suffered a large number of casualties. The morale has already fallen to the bottom, and it is difficult to raise the courage to continue to fight.

In comparison, the orc army above the canyon was probably due to the location problem at the time, and the avoidance was timely enough, except for some of the affected orc soldiers, most of them survived.

However, their situation is still not optimistic. After the hurricane, they will not wait for them to breathe a sigh of relief. The garrison troops that were temporarily retired have already been killed again!

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