The enemy’s air force can be said to be the first evacuation.

Due to the hurricane sweeping, Ysera and Pterosaur riders did not pursue.

For them, this wave of long-term counterattacks has been successful.

The casualties of a large number of troops and the damage of the giant beasts were enough to make the Europa joint army suffocate, let alone a large orc army. Now they are trapped in the canyon, and they can't escape even!

Under the command of Hill, the stationed troops of the Beishan Fortress Mountain Camp have been re-killed.

At that time, I was trying to return to the original road. The part of the orc soldiers who climbed down from the canyon cliffs could be said to have been attacked on the spot. After falling down, it is estimated that it was impossible to escape the fall of a meat.

The orc soldiers who were clearly aware of the retreat were beginning to fight with blushing eyes.

However, the Europa coalition forces below have already collapsed. In other words, after losing the enemy’s main force, their reinforcements for the Beishan Fortress will soon be able to support them, so Hill is not in a hurry. In this situation, this group of orc soldiers has become a shackle, and there is no way to escape!

Robert Smith, who originally made this offensive plan, came with a mentality of 'no swearing to stop.' Even if the offense was frustrated, he would continue to attack, even if he paid the price of casualties, use those cannons to kill people. He also has to break the enemy's danger!

In his heart, he almost firmly believes that as long as the security of the Beishan Fortress is broken, the battle will be able to fight a lot when the situation is opened. Therefore, from the beginning, he did not consider the matter of retreating the orc troops in the canyon. .

However, even Robert Smith himself did not think that this wave of morale collapse would be so complete.

At the same time, the continuous opening of the other side's cards has caused the situation of this battle to change again and again. The ever-changing battle situation has finally entered a state of runaway.

At this point, the two sides of the game have long been able to enter a state of mutual dismissal, and the one that Zhao Wei hits, the Robert Smith can not solve, so his army collapsed because of morale collapse. This is a simple matter.

Waving the breath of the storm in his hand, overlooking the war in the hands of Zhang William in the lower battle, directly signaled to Isa Lachi to help the battlefield.

On the other side, the pterosaur riders of the lizard family rushed to support.

In the face of these ordinary levels of orc units, Ishera, who has blessed the intensified spells, smashed the huge body directly.

Subsequently, the violent dragon scorpion spread out with a circle of sound waves, spreading rapidly within the battlefield above the canyon.

This is a deterrent from the top of the ecological chain!

The horrible Longwei directly enveloped a whole area, and the strong oppressive feeling scared many orc soldiers to be hard-won. The madness, even with their own combat power, showed a significant decline.

The Beishan Army, which has seen the opportunity, is naturally experiencing a burst of firepower output.

During this period, the Griffin knights, led by Teller and directly rushing into the orc army, were quite a bit of explosive force, and they slammed the horn of the counterattack.

The enemy orc army did not intend to suffer from the neck, and under the threat of death, they fought hard to resist.

The Tauren infantry, which is equipped with that kind of special armor, is also the backbone of their squadron, slamming through the bullets and raining all the way, playing an amazing battle!

At this moment, the battle of the canyon can be said to be extremely fierce.

Until the reinforcements of the Beishan Army, they quickly rushed up the canyon along the stone ladder at the rear.

The arrival of a large number of reinforcements can be said to have caused the balance of this victory to quickly tilt toward the North Mountain Fortress.

Let the defeat of the orc army become a problem of time.

And the fact is true. It is no exaggeration to say that from the moment the main force of the army defeated below, the raids fighting alone above the canyon have no chance of winning.

Under the muzzle of a black hole, a large number of enemy orc soldiers who had no way to retreat were captured by the Beishan Army.

Since the beginning of this all-out war, the Beishan Army, who has been observing the fortress of Beishan, can be said to have been consuming resources unilaterally for a few years, but has not obtained any substantial benefits from that long-lasting battle.

This time, it is the first time to achieve results!

This news report was quickly sent to the capital city of Der Spiegel. For this reason, Luo’s first reaction was not ecstasy, but the whole person leaned directly on the chair and took a sigh of relief.

Giving the long-awaited Northern European Europa United Army a head-on attack and successfully hitting each other, this can be said to greatly ease the pressure on Luo Ji, and is also a key part of his and Guo Jia plans.

At the end of the day, he did not have to pay so many cards in the north!

At the same time, captured a total of 9,772 orcs, and even a white-headed eagle that was seriously injured, this harvest can be said to make Luo Ji overjoyed.

In order not to let these orphaned orcs make any troubles ~ ~ Luo Ji naturally is directly ordered, let them transfer from the front line as fast as possible.

Of course, it also includes the bald eagle that was seriously injured.

Moreover, according to the description of the war report, this seems to be the credit of the glimpse, which naturally makes the mood of Luo Ji better.

However, considering the particularity of the bald eagle, the task of watching it is currently estimated to be handed over to the glimpse.

This is also true. Anyway, after the battle is over, the power of the elements consumes a serious glimpse, and it takes time to cultivate, just to let the bald eagle be sent back.

At the same time, Iverson, who is also overdrawn by the same mana, of course, has also retreated.

These two cards can not be used again in a short time.

At the Fortress of Beishan, I want to set off a counterattack and regain lost ground. At present, there are risks.

In the report, Zhao Wei can be said to be plain and clear. This wave, although the other side has a morale collapse, but the Europa’s Terran force is still nearly 100,000, and the time is not yet.

In addition, the war report also mentions the other Tauren infantry, equipped with a special armor with excellent bulletproof ability, and even to some extent, the bulletproof ability seems to be better than their bulletproof alloy.

This is to make Luo Jiqi strange, according to the technical power of the orc civilization, it should be forged to this level of armor.

However, don't worry, those armor have already been used as trophies. On the way back from the transportation, according to the efficiency of the train transportation, it will take a long time to send it to Der Spiegel. When the time comes, the answer will naturally be revealed!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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