The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1368: Level of Wanjie civilization

Looking at this situation, the influx of a large number of players, I am afraid that this battlefield is hard to grow a few more continents.

On the south side, it may threaten his enemies. They should all be on other continents. Considering the efficiency of opening a field of vision at sea, how can he still have a year and a half of time?

Before that, he absolutely had to kill Charlie Crombelt in the south. At that time, he would resist the foreign enemies by the other side of the empire. As long as the enemy was kept overseas, the mainland could be safe.

Between the thoughts flying, Luo series of this series of orders is also issued quickly.

However, after a day's glory, the system prompts that just stopped, actually rang again.

It can be said that all the players in this battlefield, the nerves are tight.

Then, let Luo's series slightly unexpected things happen...

"Hey? Tianchao players?"

At this moment, the group that came in is the Tianchao player, and even two of them, he is still familiar, it is Ke Xiuwen and Song Hui!

Ke Xiuwen does not need to say, in the previous Brotherhood, one of the administrators of the Black Iron Division, its strength in the black iron segment has already been in the upper reaches, seeing this situation, I am afraid that is officially promoted to the silver segment.

And Song Hui, he is also a fraternity, but it is a relatively old silver player in the fraternity. Before the introduction of Wang Shuhan, Luo Ji also went to give him a support battle, earned a three-piece suit, and by the way, let the high Wen took an Akas fortress back and is still on his eastern border.

Later, not waiting for Luo Ji to think more, Ke Xiuwen's news has been sent one step at a time.

For Luo, this is naturally better, just let him know what it is.

Under one question, this only knows that it was the drowning that was accidentally stirred up by himself. It was smashed by other players. Now the gang is united, looking for a head, taking the eyes of God, thinking It is necessary to force the old tyrant of the Europa League to step down.

According to this situation, he will never be better off in this battlefield.

Even the group of foreign players, after killing the eyes of God and the Europa players, will immediately turn the spear and kill him.

Under this premise, the Tianchao Alliance actually rushed to save him, which made him a feeling of being flattered by this lone ranger.

However, what Luo is not clear at this time is that the big men value his strength and feel that this is a potential stock. It is naturally one of the reasons to save him.

But the bigger reason is to save the high!

Compared with Luo Ji, Gao Su of the golden section is obviously more important. One is the potential stock that may become the top strength, and the other is the top-level combat power. Is there any gap in the gap?

But as I said before, because of Gao Su's things, it is the 'private grudges' of both sides, and these third-party players are not convenient to intervene.

The situation here is different, and his identity is very special.

As long as the Luo series is saved first, and then let him be a descendant, to save his superiors, the younger generation and the older generation belong to their own family, not a third party, the name can also be justified.

Nowadays, considering this issue, the three Tianchao players who have received priority support are all members of the Brotherhood.

Luo was a fraternal person before, and even if he pulled his lips, they could harden.

Ke Xiuwen, who has just risen to the silver position, is not good at developing strength. Why is it supported?

The root cause is still because of Luo.

Because Luo Ji this person, basically no friends.

When he was a member of the Brotherhood, he was naturally able to get in touch through the Alliance Channel.

Now, he has withdrawn from the fraternity. After entering the battlefield, he can get in touch with him. Only the friends who have already existed in the buddy list before, can't add friends now.

Under this premise, it is in line with the requirements of the silver segment, and at the same time it is his good friend, but is there only Ke Xiuwen?

No time to chat, the two quickly turned the topic to the right thing.

Ke Xiuwen offered to share the map. After all, they can only support after confirming the position of Luo.

In the face of the application that was sent, Luo Jihe hesitated and finally decided.

He has been playing in this battlefield for several years. The map of the original battlefield has already been opened by him.

Ke Xiuwen, who obtained the map information, transferred the map to Liang Hui and another fraternity player Liang Cheng of the silver segment, and then shared the map to Luo.

In this way, the vision between the four of them is completely synchronized.

Luo Ji subconsciously pulled the system map, looking for the location of the three people of Ke Xiuwen.

It is too simple to find them in a black fog. However, because the three of them are behind a step, the positions randomly picked up by the system are more biased towards the outer area, and his side. Separated quite far, this can not help but let Luo series a little bit smashed.

For his position, Ke Xiuwen was obviously mentally prepared. However, after waiting to see the map, the look on the faces of the three people was still uncontrollable and revealed a shock.

Not because of location problems, but because of the territory of Luo Ji!

"Day, is this visual inspection almost as big as the real world?"

Ke Xiuwen, who quickly made a stroke on the map, couldn’t help but take a breath on the spot.

Don't think that the expansion of the territory is a simple matter. It is useless to knock down a piece of land. You have to develop, build a city, build a fortress or something, so that the system will judge.

However, according to the era of the silver segment, how long does it take for you to build a city that conforms to the times on an empty land?

It is no exaggeration to say How can I start in ten years...

The area of ​​Luo Jiwan’s civilization, even if it is based on the standard of silver ranks, has reached the level of a giant.

In contrast to Luo Ji, Ke Xiuwen’s territory is almost one-third of his area.

And Song Hui and another brotherhood player, the old qualifications in the silver segment, their territory, they barely reached half of the Wanxiang civilization.

At this moment, the complexity of the three people can be imagined.

At the same time, from the territorial area, we can also feel the strength of each other most intuitively.

This time, they finally figured out why this kid is in the face of the siege of the eyes of God, why can he hit this level, and the national strength is strong!

This feeling is like a superpower playing with three second-rate countries. Even if the opposite person beats more, he is not so easy to plant.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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