The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1369: Long drive straight into

After a brief understanding of the situation and the exchange of intelligence, the dialogue quickly ended.

At present, Luo Ji can confirm that those foreign players, besides Europa and their celestial beings, may have all joined forces.


Under this premise, if they share the view of the map, they will be able to obtain a field of view of 67% or 70% on this battlefield in an instant.

In other words, they will soon be able to screen out the location of the enemy player and roughly confirm an offensive line.

The time left for Luo Ji may be even shorter than he expected.

This is really a laugh.

However, according to Ke Xiuwen, in the case that they have already come in, this shows that they have already expressed their position in the alliance, and those foreign players should not be able to directly contact their players.

After all, the opponent's primary goal is to be the old-fashioned Europa League, and once they move their celestial people, it is equivalent to confronting the two largest players in the game. Are they really looking for death? Even if it is dead, it has not done so.

But even so, it can't be careless.

These guys, after killing the old hegemony of Europa, the next goal, I am afraid they are in the sky.

At the same time, in addition to these circumstances, Ke Xiuwen also brought another piece of information to Luo.

That is the upper generation of Takeda Yoshihiro, Yamamoto Yoshito came in, and named him to avenge his future generations.

Although in their view, the other party simply found a head, but Luo Ji used a silver-level declaration to kill the "Pingcheng Jianbaishu" is also a fact, no one can guarantee that Yamamoto and the Luo There is no hate, so it is better to be careful.

Between the thoughts and the flight, Luo Ji once again ordered the strange forces that might appear after the attention of the border patrol troops.

After discovering, don't rush to get started, first figure out the identity of the other party.

At this moment, if you can take a chance to play with these foreign players and Europa players, it will be a good thing to let him rest for a few years.

At the same time, on the other side, above the southern seas of the Charlie Crombel Empire.

Under the leadership of an elf Druid, a steel fleet quickly broke into a hidden tributary and rushed toward the interior of the empire.

The sea lighthouse that found the enemy’s invasion immediately sent an alarm message, and the chaos was on the nearest coastal port.

At that time, the imperial naval forces, which were still in a state of rest, had no time to think about it after receiving the enemy attack. They rushed to the warships docked at the port and tried to meet them.

However, the Changjiang Fleet, which has been rushing all the way, is undoubtedly superior in efficiency.

Across the distance, the main guns of the three battleships have locked their seats.

"Open fire!!"

Among the temporary flagships, Tong Lei issued a fire command.

Yuan Xi is still on his way back to the battlefield of the South China Sea. This time, his actions are his arbitrariness!

Although there have always been people who say that their tactical command is very rigid, but don't forget, the opponent who has been tactically deducting him on weekdays is Yuan Xi!

The opponents of this level of Yuan Xi use a variety of tactics to smash more, and Tong Lei's coping experience naturally becomes richer.

After the previous battle, he already understood that the other side's killer was a suicide ship that was simply modified.

In that battle, the other party should have the suspicion of killing, and the suicide ship in the hand was all taken out, but it still failed to win.

Under this premise, according to the situation of the enemy navy, it is absolutely no longer necessary to rebuild the big ship. If you want to fight again, you can only continue to modify the suicide ship.

As a premise, the easiest and straightforward way to break this tactical play is to not give the opposite time!

After indicating that the elf Druid locked the enemy position, Tong Lei could say that he had made a simple repair to his warship at the fastest speed, and then directly killed it, just to be able to hit the opposite side by surprise.

Due to the frequent entry and exit of the other warships, no hidden mines were placed on this hidden tributary route, which allowed the Yangtze River fleet to easily enter.

In the roar of the roar, the main guns of the three battleships directly launched a powerful shelling.

In the face of such a fire attack, the port area is in chaos, and every warship wants to evade, but the space is limited, and under the influence of each other, it drags each other's hind legs.

As the largest and most tough battleship, at this moment, the Imperial Navy's counter-attack battleship is simply the best target.

After a round of shelling, the roaring shells hit on the spot, and the counterattacks of the battleships were unhealed and new injuries were added. For a while, the scene became more chaotic.

In this regard, the Yangtze River Fleet is naturally chasing after victory, and a destroyer is quickly pressed under the cover of the battleship.

Subsequently, as a standard configuration of torpedo launchers have adjusted the angle of attack, a torpedo quickly launched, a violent explosion roar, on the spot let the port into a ruin!

The surviving warships of the Imperial Fleet, even if they had no time to launch a counterattack, had already sunk under this brutal fire attack!

Then, Tong Lei directly directed the fleet to launch a fire attack on the coastal city.

A steel warship, docked in the roar of artillery fire, followed by the landing of the Marine Corps, proclaiming the complete fall of the city.

At the same time, on the other hand, after a short break, the South Army, who was entrenched in Kunkburg, quickly launched an offensive and drove straight into the road.

Under the blessing of Gaowen siege buff This road is so smooth that it is no longer possible for troops to block their progress.

But at the same time, Zhou Yi and Gao Wen also clearly felt that the country is finished.

In order to replenish his strength, Charlie Crombel has begun to force the civilians to fill the army.

However, this kind of temporaryly assembled troops, in front of the army in the south, could not be defeated. It was easy to push them all the way to the city of Kronberg, the capital of the Empire.

At this time, the city was already in chaos. The news that their Charlie the Great had already run ahead of time had already spread throughout the entire city, and even many citizens ran along.

Now staying in the city of Kronberg is basically a fate.

Even they felt that the environment in the city had become better after the army of the southern border of Wannian civilization entered the city of Krumbel. At least the soldiers armed with guns patrolled, and the thugs did not dare to do whatever they wanted.

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