The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1372: After-sense

Leave a few players and signal them to 'care' the opposite.

The captain of the patrol rode on a camel and quickly returned to the Yellow Sand Fortress. At the first time, he handed the wooden barrel with the letter in his hand to the current person in charge of the fortress.

In fact, sending the contents back through the telegraph machine should be the fastest, but obviously, the contents of the letter are not convenient for them to see.

Therefore, you can only use this more time-consuming and stupid way.

Fortunately, from the West to the city of Der Spiegel, there is a train, it is not too slow.

At the same time that the person sent the letter, he sent a telegram back and reported the situation on the west side.

At that time, I received a report from Luo, and my brow couldn’t help but pick it up.

Obviously, it must have been Ke Xiuwen that they have already expressed their attitude.

Therefore, these foreign players will have such a faction, which is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

However, the specific content, he had to wait until the opposite letter was sent.

During this period, as the fortress of Akas on his eastern border, something similar happened.

This time can be lively, there is a big eater in the west, a Raksha people in the east, and the two Europa people in the north, this can be a table of mahjong, and can stand next to the theater. Of course, Luo Ji hopes that the person watching the show is himself.

The letters of the two players have been sent to him. What makes him a little surprised is that they are all written in Tianchao. The goal of the other party is obviously very clear, and the individual language and typos are removed. The whole content is also Can be easily understood.

In fact, this is really not a rare thing.

Tianchao and Europa, as the two largest players in this game, it is necessary for other players to learn the languages ​​of the two countries.

After reading the content quickly, there is nothing to say.

Simply speaking, I want to live in peace. I even have a little bit of desire to pull Luo and play Europa players together.

According to Luo's personal thoughts, it is natural to want to live in peace, but I want to take him to play Europa players...

Although he has been playing before, but now the situation is different, he really does not want to blend.

Between the thoughts and the flight, Luo Ji sent a message to Ke Xiuwen.

Before this matter was put in, he naturally was able to arbitrarily arbitrarily, but now in this battlefield, after all, there are friendly allies, it is better to say hello to them.

After telling the situation here and Ke Xiuwen, they quickly reached a consensus on both sides.

Luo Ji, also wrote a letter to the big eater and the Raksha player.

The content of this reply is also very similar. First, they accepted the proposal of peaceful coexistence. They then said that they need to rest and refuse their invitation to attack. However, as proof of their friendship between the two countries, Luo Ji is quite 'enthusiasm'. They marked the civilized position of Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith.

The letter came and went directly, and it took months to go straight. When the reconnaissance team sent the letter to the hands of two players, the season of the battlefield was already into the cold winter.

In the meantime, what happened is definitely indispensable.

Robert Smith was too busy during this time.

The influx of a large number of foreign players has led Luo to directly order the emergency evacuation of the East Army.

And when the army of the East was withdrawn, the fortresses of several cities that Robert Smith had fallen in before, naturally returned to his own hands.

However, he did not feel happy about it.

Nowadays, the situation within his empire has already made him busy and exhausted. Now that the fallen city is recovered, the things to be busy must be at least two or three times.

Moreover, during this period, the reclaimed population, how to solve their food problems, has to draw a big question mark.

Because the opposite army was withdrawing, and the resources that he could take away from the fortresses of several cities, the whole special mother’s transport truck was taken away!

It can be said that he was struggling on the edge of the crash, which made Robert Smith mad at this time.

On the other hand, although Ramon Sossi did not have as much trouble as Robert Smith, his own government handling ability was not as good as that of Robert Smith, and the orc civilization's government implementation efficiency was not as good as human civilization.

Therefore, this wave faced the intervention of a large number of foreign players. While he was busy confirming the food, he sent a reconnaissance team to investigate the situation, and he had to mobilize troops everywhere. Various things were still turning his head.

They were busy with their own affairs, and they were busy for two or three months, which made him unable to discover the death of Charlie Crombel in the first place.

And when they realized that their name on their friends, Charlie Crombel’s name had turned grey, everything was already late...

At that moment, let alone Robert Smith, even Raymond Sossi was stunned.

No one thought that Charlie Crombelt was actually killed by the players in that day.

How easy is it for players who want to kill a silver segment?

They always thought that Charlie, although the guy called it is very bad, but also top is more than the door can not be out of the door.

The big deal is that the resources can’t be kept, and the days are a little sad, but they don’t hang.

But at this moment, the result of an incomparable reality is so in front of them, Charlie Crombel is dead...

For a time, the mood of the two people did not know how to describe it.

At the same time, the sense of crisis in my heart has suddenly become stronger.

At this moment, they clearly realized that they could not do this anymore.

In a simple conversation, Raymond Sossi and Robert Smith quickly established a support project.

To put it simply, Raymond Sossi supports a group of powerful orc arms for Robert Smith's human civilization, and in exchange, Robert Smith also has to support a group of advanced ordnance weapons and transport vehicles to Raymond Sousse's orc civilization.

Now and the situation before it is different, the current situation, borrowing each other and improving each other's strength, is already the point that must be done.

At the same time, the Western Army and the Eastern Army of the Wanjie Civilization, after receiving the order of emergency evacuation, also rushed all the way, finally returning to the border fortress before the winter season and going to the city of Der Spiegel. A report was sent.

During this period, Luo Ji, located in the Imperial Palace of Der Spiegel, was excited to take over the gift that was sent back by the South Army, which is one of the Jiuzhou Ding!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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