The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1373: , 6 sets, cattle | forced! ! !

Pulling open the black cloth on the top, the true face of Yang Ding suddenly reflected the eyes of Luo Ji...

Name: Yangding

Type: Bronze, artificial wonders

Level: four stars

Introduction: Yang Ding, one of the Kyushu Ding, the supremacy of the kingship, the symbol of national unity and prosperity!

Effect: The holder of the spectacle can get 400 points of fixed civilization points every day. Within the range of effects, all the developments of the holders will increase by 20%.

There is nothing to say about the effect, just like the other Kyushu Ding, so the focus is on it!

At the moment when the spectacle introduction panel was unfolded, the system prompts sounds in the mind...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' to get a four-star artificial spectacle ‘Yangding’

A system prompts that while letting Luo's face look good, it makes him feel a big heart.

The opening of the system means that your six-piece set has become!

Sure enough, after a system prompt, the second sound system prompt rang!

System Tip: Detected the player 'Luo Ji' while holding ‘Xu Ding’ in the 'Kyushu Ding’, ‘雍鼎’, ‘青鼎’, ‘Yuding’, ‘Liang Ding’, ‘Yangding’

System Tip: Congratulations to the player's "Luo Ji" successfully triggered the "Kyushu Ding" six-piece effect!

At this moment, the strong excitement made Luo Ji could not help but force his fist.

Subsequently, the independent panel of ‘Kyushu Ding’ decisively jumped out again!

Name: Kyushu Ding

Type: Bronze, artificial wonders

level:? ? ? ?

Introduction: Jiuding symbolizes Kyushu, which is the symbol of the supremacy of the kingship and the prosperity of the country!

Three effects: Grain Harvest: Within the territory of the holder, all food production increased by Six effects: Guotai Min'an: Within the territory of the holder, all cities are livable +3, the chance of being negatively affected is reduced by 50%!

? ? ? ? :? ? ? ?

At this moment, the information of Kyushu Ding is undoubtedly completed.

In addition to the level and the effect of the nine-piece set is still displayed as a question mark garbled, the effect of the six-piece set has already appeared.

At the same time, this effect is to make Luo Jixin happy.

Let’s start with the effect of ‘failed negatively by 50%.’

Generally speaking, during the war, some rumors spread by the enemy deliberately, or because of some special or sudden situations, caused the public to be shaken and the social situation to be turbulent. This is a negative impact.

This effect is undoubtedly able to reduce this influence, and the development of his Wanxiang civilization has become more stable in most of the time!

This livability is one of the important criteria for measuring the quality of a city.

To put it simply, it is the uncomfortable value of the people living in the city, and the visual value of the development of a city.

Once it becomes a negative number, it means that the living environment is bad. People don't like to live in this city. Under this situation, the people's work efficiency is reduced, productivity is reduced, and the loyalty is even reduced. A series of things that caused internal rebellion.

In contrast, when the livability is positive, the higher the better, the more it will produce a gain buff covering the entire city, which will greatly improve the efficiency and productivity of the people.

However, it is not easy to improve this livability. Even, he may be one of the most difficult values ​​to upgrade in this game.

Nowadays, within the Wanjie civilization, the lowest livability is basically the two areas of the West and the North. One side is the desert, the other side is the frozen soil, and the living environment is generally poor. This need not be said at all.

Luo Ji's various developments and construction, it is barely to maintain the city's livability in those two areas to the extent of '1', which is considered to be on the qualifying line.

Under this premise, once the two frontiers broke out, the livability would become zero in minutes, or even fall directly to negative numbers.

This is the case in the north, but today the population of hundreds of thousands of northern tribes has been transferred to Beishan City and Baihe City.

Then the two cities were affected. Because of the crowded population, Beishan City caused the livability to drop. It was originally a two-point livability. Now there is only one point left, and Baihe City is the same.

In comparison, the Central Plains area of ​​Wanjie Civilization, due to the better environment, has a general livability of three points. Individual cities relying on natural wonders, such as Qingshui City, which relies on Samsung’s natural wonders, Qingshui Lake, is livable. It has reached four points. The fundamental reason lies in the spectacle effect of Qingshui Lake, which has a default livability of +1.

In addition, the elf province in the south is considered to be a beautiful natural environment. Therefore, the livability of the city is basically maintained at three to four points.

It is regrettable that the traffic is inconvenient and the cities in the provinces of the elves are reduced.

Otherwise, cities like Shenfeng City and Star City should have a livability of five points.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that, within the current Wanxiang civilization, the only city with a livability of six points There is no doubt that it is the main city of their Wanxiang civilization. Backed by natural wonders, the mirror lake, the most prosperous development, convenient transportation, the largest city of the city of Der Spiegel!

Now, the effect of the six-piece set of this Kyushu trip is triggered. Within the territorial scope, the livability of all cities is directly increased by three?

It is no exaggeration to say that these evenings, Luo Ji is estimated to be a dream to wake up.

The livability of Der Spiegel has reached 9 o'clock in an instant. Even if it is the main city of the gold segment player, it is estimated that there is no such high livability!

Not to mention this wave, the livability of his Wancheng civilized city is generally high.

Luo Ji can even be expected, his productivity of the entire Wanxiang civilization is rising!

If you don't think that there are people around, he even wants to hold the two of them. It's really a good idea to have a set of six four-star artificial wonders, which is triggered by the effect of the suit. !

All the way staring at myself, let several guards carefully move the Yang Ding into the mountain river hall.

After a week, the expression on his face was all laughter. This wave, the mood of Luo Ji is so good that it is imaginable.

Holding the Kyushu Ding, he suddenly has the feeling of a heavenly airlift.

Whether it is an illusion or not, Luo Luo immediately ran to the Shanhe Temple, surrounded by a group of Kyushu Ding, and took out all the silver treasure chests that he had hit in the daily battle.

Put it here now!

This wave, out of the gold level props! absolute!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)

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