The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1451: Green barley

Without honing, Hussein Ibn took a few guards and officially set off early the next morning.

This incident also caused a momentary topic in the big food camp. After all, the former Kapsi Prince had just failed.

At this time, the topic of the Kapasi emperor, who did not want to come out in his own camp, continued to whip the body, and countless soldiers also placed high hopes on their Hussein emperor.

During this period, similar remarks were naturally inevitable in the ears of Kappasi Ibn.

At that moment, for Hussein Ibn’s practice, he was more and more naturally full of malice.

If Hussein Ibn also failed like him, it would at least make him look so unbearable, even with the inheritance of the throne, he still has the opportunity to fight again!

At the same time, Hussein Ibn, who did not know that Capasi Ibn also had this idea, was carrying his own several guards, riding a camel, and arrived at Huang without delay. Outside the sand fortress.

After entering the Huangsha Fortress, Hussein Ibn, who saw the camel, suddenly turned to the few guards behind him and said...

"You are waiting for me here. I went to see the Emperor of Heaven."

The few guards who heard this said that their faces were obviously anxious.

"His Royal Highness, how is this done? In the event of Your Highness..."

"All right."

Waiting for the guards to finish the words, Hussein Ibn directly lifted his hand and interrupted the other's words.

"Don't worry, we are now in the fortress of the Heavenly Kingdom. If the other party really wants to do something to us, you can't stop it. I go alone, so it is more sincere."

It seems that this is also true. For a time, it was actually that several guards could not refute.

Later, before they thought about it, Hussein Ibn had already walked into the center building of the Huangsha Fortress under the leadership of a Tianshi soldier.

As an important western fortress in the Wannian civilization, the Yellow Sand Fortress that connects the Great Wall is still quite large. When Capasi Ibn came in, he was shocked by the size of the fortress.

At this moment, the Hussein emperor is calm.

Such a calm reaction made the fortress soldier responsible for carrying him in his heart could not help but have some accidents.

Entering the command room, Luo Ji, who had been sitting there for a long time, did not speak slowly...

"Clouds, Cyril."

Needless to say, Luo Yunqi and Serenia, who are standing in the commander's room, have already reached the door with a tacit agreement.

With the closure of the commander's door, the former Hussein, who was standing there, was kneeling down directly on one knee...

"Spiegels, see you!"

In this regard, the Luo Ji sitting there, the corner of the mouth should be slightly warped.

"Well, you have worked hard, talk about the situation of the big eater."


That's right, at this moment, the one below is not the 72nd emperor Hussein Ibn, but the spy of their mirror division, codenamed!

As for what is going on here? I am afraid I have to start from the fact that Luo has just received a letter of help from the big eater.

Now let's take the time back...

After letting Ye Qing break the supply of Raymond Sossi and support the big eater, Luo Ji almost summoned his other confidant at the fastest speed, that is, the leader of the Mirror Division, Luo Jin!

"Wei Chen Luo Jin, see your majesty!"

After arranging Luo Jin’s exemption, Luo Ji directly opened the door and said...

"Luo Jin, I have a plan now, but I need a suitable candidate..."

During the speech, Luo Ji said his own whole plan and simply talked with Luo Jin. After listening to it, Luo Jin said that he was shocked and secretly said that he was quick...

"Your Majesty, there is just a suitable candidate in the heart of Wei Chen."

During the speech, Luo Jin quickly got a confidential document from their mirror department.


"Yes, Your Majesty, he is now lurking in the Big Food Empire."

Don't doubt that the first thing that Luo Ji's first moments is when the foreign players get together, is to send spies to the players' territory while confirming the intelligence.

Players like them, because of the early years of frequent levying and plundering the population, so there are basically all kinds of people in this territory.

The vast world of civilization is no exception.

It is too easy to find someone who has a big bloodline, and the Mirror Division, as an intelligence organization that needs to have the ability to penetrate into countries, will naturally train spies of different races.

At the same time, they will be asked to learn the language of each country, even if they are the most popular food, they are on top of their study courses.

Qingyan, as a spy with a code name, is obviously one of them!

He has a part of the big eater's lineage and obvious features of the five senses. Although he is a native citizen of the world from the file point of view, he still succeeds in mastering a big food language that makes people feel no sense of oysters.

Therefore, when Luo Jin confirmed the candidate, Qinglan became his first choice.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that over the years, the Mirror Division has also caught a lot of spies from other countries. Without exception, they were all thrown into the darkroom of the dark.

Now let's get back to the topic...

"Luo Jin, what are you going to do?"

Although an entire plan was formulated by Luo Ji, but the specific implementation, it is still necessary to combine the actual situation, this has to be handed over to Luo Jin and Qing Yu.

In this regard, Luo Jin should be just getting the latest intelligence feedback from Qinglan, so in the face of this problem There are already a few Luojin in my heart, almost open mouth...

"Back, the idea of ​​Wei Chen is..."

During the speech, Luo Jin said his thoughts again.

After listening to the Luo, the brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Replace a big food prince? Is this risk too high, it is impossible not to be discovered?"

"This, please rest assured."

"How to say?"

"According to the report from the latest feedback from Qinglan, he and the big food prince have at least seven or eight points in appearance, and with a little tolerance, the similarity can almost reach an amazing level."

Having said that, Luo Jin took a slight relief and then spoke again...

"And, the prince is very unsociable. After several months of observation, the other party has not been with whom, basically staying at home, and at the same time, the most important thing is that the emperor of the big food has one. More than a hundred children, there are countless illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters, even he himself does not recognize his children, and they do not pay much attention, let alone others, so basically do not have to worry about the problem of exposure."


Well, he was really a bit shocked by this situation, but Luo Ji soon returned to God, and then said...

"Well, let Qinglan replace this prince called Hussein Ibn, and then let other spies lurking in the big foods cooperate with him, and give him more opportunities to let him have more contacts with the opposite ministers. Especially those who hold the actual military power!"

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