As far as the current situation is concerned, the entire plan of Luo Ji is undoubtedly an extremely smooth implementation.

Qinglan not only succeeded in replacing Hussein Ibn, but even with the help of other spies, he succeeded in catching the line of military veteran General Gaddafi with various ‘accidents’ and ‘coincidence’.

After that, it became clear that Luo Ji, while meeting the big eater, was directly on the small oasis and deployed an elite force of the elf Druid.

At the same time, an orc army was dispatched in advance, and it took a lot of time to return to the other side and attack the troops of the big eater.

As for the military talent of ‘Hussein Ibn’, it is of course a fake. To put it bluntly, the orc troops accompanied him to play a big show.

Qinglan is an excellent actor, but there is absolutely no military talent.

However, the big play was very successful, the big eater was directly killed in the attack of the orc troops, and 'Hussein Ibn' relied on excellent military talent to repel the attacking orc troops. Success has accumulated a reputation among the soldiers.

After that, some people will inevitably question his identity, but it does not matter, General Gaddafi, who has already done a good relationship, will come out to prove his identity at the right time.

Then tell everyone that this person is the 72nd prince of their big food, Hussein Ibn!

Simply perfect...

Under this premise, how could a small accident (Kapashi Ibn) that was killed halfway through the road be successful?

Don't say that the guy looks stupid, even if he said that the sky is not useful.

Because Luo Ji from the beginning, what he wanted was not an ally, nor a territory for big food, because the territory of the big food had all fallen into the hands of Raymond Sossi.

So what exactly is he wanting? Or what is the purpose of his big expense?

Yes! He wants a cockroach called ‘big food emperor’!

He is a Tianchao player, in the Tianchao camp, so he needs to worry about a lot of things in order to avoid accidentally throwing a whole heaven camp into the war of the foreign alliance and the Europa League.

But now the situation is different!

As long as he has the knack of the ‘big food emperor’, he can let his army wear a military uniform with a big food, and fire at any time in the name of the big food player! Yes, at that moment, we are all big eaters~

The only restriction, I am afraid, is that only the Terran troops can be dispatched. After all, the big game player is just an ordinary human civilization. There is no special race, but even this is enough for Luo.

With this opportunity, Luo Ji quickly learned the latest information from the Qingshaokou side of the food camp. At the same time, he also made a fuss about the next action.

When Qing Yi turned and left the command room, he had already returned to Hussein Ibn.

When I walked, I took away the food of dozens of cars.

Luo Ji did not clearly indicate that he wants to become an ally of the big food, or else, once other players notice it, he will eventually involve him and the heaven camp.

However, he is very suitable now. At the same time, he has given the support of the big food force, and even if someone looks back, he is confident that...

"I just gave them some food and sent them out. Otherwise they have been relying on me, and I have a headache."

The Luo series that solved this problem did not stay in the Huangsha Fortress for a long time, and soon took a group of guards and embarked on the road of return.

On the other hand, the dozens of car food brought back by Hussein Ibnen can be said to temporarily solve the urgent need of their big eater, and his reputation has been further improved.

Immediately after a week, under the witness of all the big eater in the camp, he officially succeeded in a simple ceremony and became the new emperor of their big food!

The smooth implementation of the plan did not make Hussein Ibn’s half-hearted relaxation. He knew very well that this was just beginning. Then, there are still many things that he needs to do.

As I said before, he is a good actor, but there is absolutely no military talent.

It was okay to have the orc troops on his own side to play with him.

However, once he encounters a real knife fight, his chances of exposure will be greatly enhanced.

In this regard, Luo Ji naturally also has some considerations.

He prepared a staff officer for Hussein Ibn, and now he has successfully merged into the camp of the big eater.

Next, Hussein Ibn only needs to follow the written script to find him, and then find an opportunity to promote it as a guard.

At that time, the staff member will naturally help him to make suggestions, and at the same time help him slowly control the entire army of large cannibals.

After Hussein Ibn’s absolute control of the great cannibal army, the follow-up plan of Luo will soon be unfolded.

Now let's turn our perspective to the side of Luo.

After leaving the Huangsha Fortress with a group of guards, with a kind of mentality that 'have come to the West, then do something by the way', Luo Zhi directly put on a casual dress, long time broke out his Micro-service private visit.

At the same time, in order to make himself look low-key even the guards around him, he also only took Wang Kai and Luo Yunqi.

Compared with the earlier years, the lives of the people in the West should be much better.

However, as one of the two regions with the worst living conditions within the Wanxiang civilization, compared with the cities in the Central Plains, it is still quite a lot worse.

This kind of living environment makes it impossible to see a few elves in this area.

The largest number of people here is undoubtedly the Terran and the dwarves who are native residents of the West.

As for the orc and the goblin, they only occupy a relatively small part.

Of course, not to mention the environmental problems, the development and construction of the Western Environment over the past few years has been carried out quite well. At least in terms of progress, it is completely no longer behind the prosperous cities of the Central Plains.

All the way, all the way to see, maintaining his unhurried efficiency, Luo Ji did not forget to run a trip to the central city of the dwarf province, which is the city of Karaz in the Governor's Office.

Over the years, John Saar has been a very good governor of the entire dwarf province. When he saw him, he also visited the largest mining site of their vast civilization!

That is the black rock mine that is backed by the five-star natural wonders of the Black Rock Mountains.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all of the ore can be dug out in this large black rock mountain range. At the same time, according to the latest statistics, the annual ore output of the Black Rock Mine accounts for 3% of the annual output of the entire ore of his Wanfang civilization. twelve! This is already a very amazing proportion for the Wanxiang civilization with mine veins everywhere!

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

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